Married At First Sight: Spoiler Alert-It’s Not Happily Ever After for Some


Married At First Sight: Spoiler Alert-It’s Not Happily Ever After for Some

Decision Day is here!! Exactly 7 weeks ago these 8 strangers were on a quest for love and they were ready to risk it all and marry a complete stranger! Ok, now that I gave you an ample spoiler alert and the opportunity to stop reading if you haven’t watched Married At First Sight yet…let me continue! 🙂

We are going to find out which couples will stay together and which will get divorced. Now lemme tell ya, there is definitely more at stake today than on wedding day. I remember going into it still 50/50 and so nervous, it wasn’t until I was sitting in that chair on decision day that I knew 100% I wanted to stay married… and man am I glad I did!

Steph and AJ

AJ and Steph seem to be on the same page and although it’s been mostly good they’ve definitely had their challenges!! I feel like these two compliment each other so well but AJs temper can sometimes be a bit much. Ahh, AJ is choosing to say “I do” to the marriage meanwhile, Steph has me on the edge of my seat!!!! The suspense is killing me….but I’m so happy they’re staying together woohoo! The first couple in the still married club for this season!

My heart just about melted when Steph said that she can’t imagine life without him and she LOVES him! Yep, that’s right she said the “L” word!! Pastor Cal said it best, Steph and AJ really do love each other the way they need to be loved and I’m so excited to see their journey together!

Jasmine and Will

Okay I don’t know about you guys, but I am on the edge of my seat for this decision day.. I feel like it could really go either way!

I definitely feel like these two are best friends but Jasmine feels like they have emotional connection issues and I can totally see where she’s coming from. But besides that Jasmine wants to stay married! Will on the other hand…. does want a divorce because he feels like communication is their biggest issue. I was kinda shocked when Pastor Cal shared that was disappointed, but I could totally see where he’s coming from because they had SO much potential! I just wanted to reach into the TV and give Jasmine a hug when she said that she feels like she failed, I think she really put her heart on the line and tried to make it work.

Kate and Luke

Luke and Kate have definitely had their fair share of struggles from being repulsed to keeping secrets to working it out these two have been on a rollercoaster of a ride. I feel like Luke complimenting Kate is like pulling teeth, you can totally tell that there’s still no attraction between them. Kate is unsure if it could get to a point where they’re both happy and she wants a divorce. Luke does too. I never ever have wanted a couple to end in divorce, but I truly think it’s for the better. And as Pastor Cal said he “doesn’t wanna fight for this marriage and believes they’re healthier apart”, couldn’t agree more! I’m so happy they gave it their all and found themselves at the end of the day 🙂

Kristine and Keith

Kristine and Keith seem better, happier and stronger together! These past seven weeks after being married at first sight have been the most exciting challenging and worth wild weeks of their lives! But they worked through it together as a couple. And I’m so so happy that Keith wants to stay married! On the other hand Kristine…. does NOT want a divorce either! They’re staying married!!!! Plus he said he loved her ahh!! I am so happy for them and I can’t wait to see their future together!

Welp, that’s all she wrote…

All these couples have started something amazing together! From being complete strangers to happily married I am so happy to welcome two new couples to the still married club!! And I hope you guys are ready for one of the most explosive reunions EVER next week!!! Stay tuned!!

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