Married At First Sight: “I Only Wanted to Be on Reality TV”


Married At First Sight: “I Only Wanted to Be on Reality TV”

WE ARE IN THE HOME STRETCH!! Decision day is right around the corner and tensions are HIGH… who will stay together and who will choose to go their separate ways? This is hands down the second most important decision of their lives! I’m snuggling on the couch with Doug and I’m ready to dive right into this!

Back to reality…

Home sweet home!! There truly is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed. The couples retreat is over and it’s back to reality for these couples. They have t-7 days until decision day and these last couple days are CRUCIAL.

These couples have been together for the LONGEST in MAFS history… 4 months!! Hey at least COVID did one good thing and allowed them to spend more time together! Seems like it may be an easier decision for some more than others.

Walk the Dog..

Amelia girl, I don’t know if you should leave the rest of your life to fate. I mean I don’t know how reliable a flip of the coin is for deciding to stay married or not… but to each her own.

Bennett’s friends are totally NOT for him moving to Virginia. Ay yi yi, his friends are rough…. idk id Bennett will be Amelia’s pet dog, but they do bring up some valid points. They’re both making a compromise and I hope it works out for them, it’s such a huge step BUT an exciting one!

Woody and Amani are in loooooveeeee. If these two don’t say “yes” on decision day I’ll be SHOCKED! His mama is the SWEETEST too I absolutely love how supportive she is. Woody definitely has the marriage glow on 😉

Spell it out…

I think communicating your needs is SO important in a relationship and Miles has been so open with what he’s looking for. But he just seems sooooo unsure about his relationship. I think that Karen is everything he wants and I hope that Miles gives her some time to open up. Lemme tell ya, I think that sex is definitely holding them back, but it’s only been 4 months so I hope this isn’t a deal breaker. I mean Doug and I waited six months sooooooo…..

Karen is giving it her all… but is it all that Miles needs?! They have me on EDGE for decision day… what do y’all think?!

Divorce is in the Future?

I was kinda shocked that Olivia and Brett were back! I’m so saddened that they’re definitely splitting ways for good, I hope they find their happily ever afters wherever that may be!

Friends with(out) Benefits?

Henry and Christina are just never on the same page. I feel like there is sooooo much miscommunication between them. They speak two different languages lol!! I don’t think Christina has been 100% honest with him and I don’t know why, but hopefully, they can get on the same page before decision day.

Reality TV Star?

Amelia and Bennett are just so unapologetically themselves and I LOVE it. Ok, let’s cut Amelia some slack… she is definitely just saying what everyone else’s is thinking. I mean who DOESN’T want to be on tv. Just because she wanted that doesn’t automatically mean she didn’t want a hubby too! Honestly, it’s not as much as a red flag to me. She’s just SO honest and I love it and I think Amelia is in it for the right reasons! I don’t mean to pick favorites but I’m picking favorites… Amelia and Bennett have to be my favorite couple in all of MAFS history… sorry Douglas 😉

For Better or For Worse?!

D-day is HERE!! Ahh I am so nervous about next week’s episode! Who will stay married and who will get divorced?! There’s SO much to unpack next week and I’ll be here to chat alllllll about it!

What does it take to be a good wife?

God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran — you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!
It’s on sale for less than $10 bucks on Amazon, B&N, and everywhere books are sold.  Grab your copy NOW! *Online only. (If you’d like to read chapter one for FREE just click here.) 
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