Married At First Sight: What is One Couple Hiding?


Married At First Sight: What is One Couple Hiding?

Oh my goodness! The couples are less than a week away from the second biggest decision of their lives! I remember at this point of our marriage I was still so unsure; I knew I liked Doug, but I wasn’t in love yet! It took us months after to get to that point. Anyways, before decision day they’re headed on their second honeymoon, plus we learn that one couple has been keeping a secret from the experts… let’s see what happens!


Getting the Mood

Kate and Luke seem to be on the same page! After their talk last week they’re headed on the right track. Every marriage has ups and downs but if you’re committed to it and each other you can get through anything! These two have so much potential!

Jasmine and Will, on the other hand, aren’t seeing eye to eye. He wants to get deeper and is looking for Jasmine to find out what makes him tick. I loved that she set up a romantic dinner to set the mood for the rest of the night 😉 But…. that didn’t go as planned. It seems like Jasmine and Will have different love languages! After their kissing homework from the experts, things got a bit tense… I could see where Will is coming from, I mean kissing on command for a minute isn’t all romantic lol!

Dinner Date with Pastor Cal

The couples all got together for a dinner date with Pastor Cal 🙂 Anddd it’s a married at first sight first… the couples are going on their second honeymoons all together in the Poconos!!!

Steph and AJ are falling in love and they all can see it in their future. Love is more than a feeling and it’s hard to say the exact moment I fell in love with Doug… it took us months to be honest. But I fall more in love with him every day especially seeing him with Gracie! Ahh melt my heart!!

Kristine and Keith are also on the road to falling in love! These two are absolutely adorable together and I can’t wait to see their future together!

Okay, okay so Kate shared something with Dr. Pepper that I don’t think any of us were expecting. She and Luke have been having sex since the honeymoon. I had a feeling there was more going on that we didn’t know and I wonder if this sparked some of their fights? What do you guys think? Anyways, Luke didn’t want to share with the experts but she wanted help from Dr. Pepper. I think it was good that she reached out for help, but I have a feeling he’s going to be upset that she went behind his back.

A Romantic Getaway for 4… Couples

It’s a huge married at first sight slumber party in the Poconos! Woohoo! Playing cards, cooking, wine it seems like it’s off to a great start, I mean what’s there not to love! Now, AJ doesn’t seem too happy about the other couples tagging along and he’s making that known! Yikes, all the other couples seemed uncomfortable, I hope this doesn’t last throughout the whole vacay!

Let’s Getaway!

The couples went to spend a little one on one time together away on their honeymoons 😉 Luke and Kate headed on a romantic hike to see a waterfall, this was her DREAM date! I love that he’s flirting with her and being playful! I think we’re starting to see a different side of Luke….but Kate is still feeling anxious because she hasn’t shared that she talked to Dr. Pepper. I think it’s best that she waits until after the honeymoon to tell him!

Tears, Troubles and Torn Feelings…

To stay married or get a divorce? With decision day right around the future, these couples are contemplating their futures together on next week’s episode. They’re putting their hearts on the line and it’s a super emotional time for them! Plus Kate finally shares that she talked to the experts and it doesn’t seem to go well…. tune in next week to see how it all plays out!

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