Married at First Sight: Spoiler Alert- One Marriage Might be Over!?


Married at First Sight: Spoiler Alert- One Marriage Might be Over!?

Wowza! What an intense episode! I’m used to just one couple getting into an argument per episode but I feel like this week there were quite a lot of differences! Between the usual (Christina & Henry) & our faves (if ya know, ya know), tension was in the air! I know couples fight and it’s a *super* normal part of marriage, but it’s still so intense to see! Couldn’t take my eyes off the show tonight!

Stay at Home Hubby

Amelia and Bennett are forever going to be one of the best couples on Married at First Sight. If for some reason they don’t end up together (I don’t even want to put that out into the universe) then I will seriously cry myself to sleep! I do kinda see what Amelia is saying about work and how when she starts he will have to pick up the household chores more. I mean it’s only fair…one works at the hospital, another works in the house. If Doug didn’t work and I was still working as a nurse I would for sure expect him to do more housework than me!

Grounds for Divorce?

Yikes! I’m with Amani on this one. Spanking is a big no no for me and I get why she feels that way too. I think it’s good she is having this discussion about discipline BEFORE they have kiddos because that would cause a lot of arguments and like she said, would result in divorce.

On the other hand, we have Karen & Miles who talked through what happened last week. I definitely think that Miles needs to show his patience in order to win Karen over. She has gone through a lot in her past and it’s a lot to overcome! Respect her boundaries!

Pranks & Drama?!

I loooove when the couples get together and when I was watching the couples get together I was SO happy to hear that the relationships are on the up & up- including Henry & Christina. I was like wow! I think 5/5 couples look to be in good spirits and that is ah-mazing. Can you imagine if all 5 stay together?! 

I mean Henry calling Christina sexy and Christina & Henry planning to prank everyone with a joke!? Not gonna lie, I don’t love the pregnancy jokes like that because it hurt people who having trouble TTC, but I was so glad that Henry and Christina are being more fun with each other.

Butttt I shouldn’t have held my breath because alas, Henry was kinda being fake! Not sure why he talked to Amani and made it seem like the entirety of their relationship not working is Christina’s fault. 

The Final Straw

I can completely see why Christina is confused and why Amani is so uncomfortable! I don’t think it’s cool to put someone in the middle of your relationship like that and act as a kinda messenger! Poor Amani!😫 Like why doesn’t he tell her that her impatience is a deal breaker!? I mean they have already talked about it and she seems to be a lot more patient so I don’t get why he brought it up again. It took a lot of courage for her to open up about her ADD and her medications and it always seems like a betrayal on Henry’s end…

I 100% see where she is coming from…he does seem like he already made his decision and just doesn’t want to look like a Zach. Take it from someone who wasn’t attracted to her hubby at first. You *gotta* put in the effort or else you won’t get anywhere!

Forever in the Honeymoon


Lol if only it worked this way. If only you felt completely and totally in love 24/7! Of course I adore my hubby but sometimes we get annoyed with each other! I get what Bennett means when he says he is worried she is putting him on a pedestal. It’s dangerous to do because you can fall in love with the idea of a person instead of actually falling in love with them. But honestly, maybe she is truly that easy going and tolerant! Bennett & Amelia go so well together that their only problem seems to be cleaning the dishes 🤪

I hope these two stay like this forever! The surprise dinners and performances is a *great* way to keep the love alive! Maybe I should plan a special night for Doug🤔

Miserable Night Out

Ay, yi, yi, Brett! Can you at least *pretend* to be enjoying yourself! It’s super awkward and makes him come across as uptight & kinda rude! She didn’t complain at all when he asked her to go rock climbing, so not sure why he is complaining so much about a fun trivia night!! He’s kinda being stubborn in my opinion and he doesn’t know how to loosen up & have fun. At least fake it! Oh man, I feel bad for Olivia. It’s such a small ask on her end and she was just thinking of the best way possible to have fun with him. First him making fun of the gator swamp tour and now this. He might be a hard egg to crack…

Next time….

 Things get *steamy* for some of the couples…for others, not so much 🤣 Any guesses who?! I’ll be back to chat next week but I’d love to hear all of your thoughts on this weeks episode! Chat with me in the comments below or on my comment section on Instagram!

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