Married at First Sight: Let’s Talk About Sex, Money and Kids!


Married at First Sight: Let’s Talk About Sex, Money and Kids!

Decision day is *officially* two weeks away and these married at first sight couples are looking towards the future- babies, jobs and…. divorce…yep, one couple is leaning towards getting a divorce, but can Dr. Jessica help them get back on the right track? I’m snuggled all cozy with Gracie and we’re ready for tonight’s episode so let’s get right into it!

The Proof is in the Pudding

Dr. Jessica paid a visit to Steph and AJ and even brought some *evidence* for them to look at! AJ didn’t see any issue with how he talked to Steph and blamed his frustration on production and not the marriage. I know it’s a lot of pressure when there are cameras around, but I just hope he isn’t using it as an excuse for his behavior. Steph shared that she feels like he crosses a line when he gets frustrated sometimes. Girllll I think if you share with him your boundaries he will know that it upsets you.

Doug and I are super open and honest with each other and I think that’s what makes our marriage so strong! We tell each other everything, the good, the bad, the ugly- I even told him when I pooed my pants in the city—lol sexy, I know haha! But communication is KEY to a strong marriage!

Jasmine and Will! These two are so much fun together! I love that they’re always doing fun activities with each other. And sorry to say it Will, but Jasmine kicked your butt at bowling! Doug and I went bowling last month and I definitely kicked his butt, but he won’t admit it lol!

Anyways, they ended their night sharing their 5-year plans! Will wants a new property, 2-3 kids and to start coaching! They’re on the same page, but she’s a bit concerned that he wants to switch careers. To be honest, I’d be a little iffy about it too, but I’m a big believer in following your dreams and you CAN and WILL do anything you set your mind to!

A Doctor A Day Keeps Divorce Away?

Kate and Luke, these two seem so good for each other, but Luke seems to have his walls up! And I don’t think it’s helping that he leaves when times get tough, I mean hanging out with your buddies instead of your wife on your anniversary probably wasn’t the best choice.

I was still kind of shocked when Kate told Dr. Jessica that she was thinking of divorce! I just want to reach into the TV and give Kate a hug!! It breaks my heart! Do you guys think there’s hope for these two?!

She clearly has a lot of feelings for Luke and I think they need to have an open and honest conversation together. It’s confusing because he says he cares, but doesn’t show it, but Luke said he doesn’t want a divorce though. He’s blaming it on the initial rejection, but I don’t know about that one… I think there’s more to the story we don’t know!

Okay, so date nights are a must! And I love that Kristine and Keith always plan little getaways with each other,—whether it’s a home cooked meal or night out on the town these two make each other a priority! Even Doug and I still go on dates every Friday night, it’s super important to continue to date *even* though you’re married!

They also shared their 5-year plans and they both want kids—just not at the same time! Kristine wants him to be out of school first and she wants to focus on her career, but Keith wants kids pronto. I think that they’ll definitely be able to a comprise they’ll both be happy with 🙂

Secrets and Mini-Moons?

Next week’s episode is all about strengthening their bonds and it’s mini-moon time! All the couples are vacationing together and AJ seems *very* vocal about it! Plus we find out that Luke told Kate not to talk about something with the experts, but she just can’t keep it a secret anymore… we’ll have to see how it all goes down on next week’s episode!

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran — you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

It’s on sale for less than $10 bucks on Amazon, B&N, and everywhere books are sold.  Grab your copy NOW! *Online only. (If you’d like to read chapter one for FREE just click here.) 

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