Married At First Sight season 4 and MAFS: Unfiltered season 2 are coming to an end. š There is only one episode left after tonight’s episode – decision day, dun dun dun! There’s already been one divorce….yikes! Now we have Sonia Granados & Nick Pendergrast and Tom Wilson & Lillian Vilchez left. Will either of these couple’s make it past the 6 week experiment?
My Money is on Tom Wilson and Lilly Vilchez
There’s no doubt that season 4’s strongest couple award goes to Tom Wilson and Lillian Vilchez. These two hadĀ instant chemistry and what seems to be a lot of respect for each other right from the get-go. Despite all the things that could’ve set them back, Lilly and Tom have pushed through. … In case you’ve forgotten or are just beginning to tune in now, Tom gave Lilly a beautiful pearl necklace on their wedding day but she didn’t wear it because it was a bad omen in her Nicaraguan culture, it poured heaps of rain while she was walking down the aisle and they said ‘I Do’ (Well, this is actually a sign of good luck in our culture), Tom lives on a bus … need I say more? š
But all of that never stopped the spark from igniting a flame each time they are around one another. All of their cutesy ways has been adorable to watch, but last week’s episode really struck a chord in me and I think it showed all of us watching them that they are more serious and dedicated than their flirtatious ways let on.
Tom Wilson and Lillian Vilchez Have A Lot in Common
Lilly and Tom have both had practically a nonexistent relationship with their fathers. It was Lilly’s dad’s birthday and she was going back and forth about whether or not to call him. Tom gave her the most simple, yet most helpful words of wisdom: call him. He said at least you’d know you’re doing all you can on your end.
He was there for her when her father didn’t pick up. He just held her and loved on her while she was devastated.
I guess this really stands out to me because I have a somewhat similar situation myself. Not with my dad because I don’t know who he is, but with my mom. It’s actually a bit different, but close enough that it made me feel like I should reach out to my Ā mom and say hello. Even if she doesn’t answer at least I know I did everything on my end. š I love how random moments on Married At First Sight are personally inspiring.
Lilly’s Dad
I think it’s really important to kind of clarify what happened with Lilly’s dad because when I watched Married At First Sight it wasn’t entirely clear to me how much Lilly’s dad had been in her life and how recently he just abandoned her and her whole family. It was only during my interview with Lilly for Unfiltered did I realize that Lilly’s dad was the kind of father that was 100% involved. He was your typical father who played with you after school, helped you with your homework, loved you unconditionally, and was there for you no matter what. …Until two years ago when he randomly decided he didn’t want that role anymore and he just up and left completely abandoning the family he once adored. Lilly described her dad as the “perfect” dad. To say it was shocking to her when he left is an understatement. She thought he was so happy and truly loved his family.
Remember, all of this happened just two years before now. The wounds are open and fresh. I feel for Lilly. My heart ached watching this.
Sonia Granados and Nick Pendergrast Still Under Separate Roofs
If TomĀ andĀ Lillian win strongest couple award I think it’s fair to say that Sonia and Nick win most interesting to watch (and root for) couple. Sonia Granados did everything in her power to make this relationship work until Nick placed the straw that broke the camel’s back: he screamed he wasn’t attracted to her AFTER sleeping with her, several times might I add.
Sonia may have been doing everything in her power to adapt and change to her new married life, but she was not a desperate push over. Even after Nick pleading with her to move back home, Sonia stood her ground. She wasn’t moving back in until she felt ready. Not even Dr. Pepper could convince her otherwise. (I’ve gotta be honest, I have all sorts of respect for a woman who shows the world that she can be soft and loving, but she won’t allow anyone to just walk all over her!) I’m never a fan of sleeping Ā under separate roofs during the Married At FirstĀ Sight experiment, but I’d say this is probably the one occasion that would warrant it.

Sonia’s An Inspiration To Me
I really love how Sonia is able to stand her ground and do so in the most polite way possible. I’m the kind of person that is all or nothing, black or white. I’d either hate Nick or love him. I don’t know how to be in between. I really admire how Sonia can be cautious of Nick (after being wronged by him), but yet still respect him and be polite to him. She spent a lot of time with him talking about their future. It really seemed like they were both letting their guards down again. However, Nick wasn’t happy that Sonia still wasn’t living with him:Ā “Not living here is not really wholeheartedly” pursuing their relationship, he complained. ButĀ Sonia continues to stand her ground saying, “I kind of want to just collect my thoughts and come back when I feel comfortable.”
Sonia’s Dad Visits
Sonia brought her dad by to chat with Nick. I was almost scared for Nick but my guess is Daddy Granados didn’t know much about what went down recently. He had a big smile on his face and was all too happy to chat with his new son in law. Although, he did grill Nick with questions about what his expectations for his marriage were. At the end of the visit, Nick seemed to get Daddy Granados’ stamp of approval. He told the couple they looked like a good couple and that their marriage/divorce was their decision.Ā My guess is that as soon as Daddy G leaves Nick wipes a sweaty forehead and takes a big, deep sigh. *Phew!*
Tom Asks For Lillian’s Hand In Marriage
Well, this is gonna be difficult. Tom doesn’t speak spanish and Lilly’s mom doesn’t speak english. There was a lot of Ā “Como se dice ______ en espanol?” [This translates to: “How do you say ____ in spanish?”] Lilly’s mom eventually figures out what Tom’s trying to ask and she gives him her blessing saying ” I am happy. You are a good man.”
Of all the cute moments in Married At First Sight, this one is probably my favorite. I mean, c’mon! How saaaweeet! [Insert a ton of heart-eyed emojis here!!!]
Do you think Lillian and Tom are going to stay married? Do you think Nick and Sonia will stay married?
Did you catch the behind-the-scenes secrets the couples shared with me on last week’s Married At First Sight: Unfiltered? If not, check it out:
If you like my blog, you’ll probably like my book, too!
Married At First Sight and Married At First Sight:Unfiltered air every Tuesday on A&E and FYI. (Married At First Sight:Unfiltered, hosted by yours truly, is ONLY on FYI!) Grab your glass of wine and watch and tweet LIVE along with me at 8:45pm EST! I cannot wait! And don’t forget to join my mailing list so you never miss out! (Join at the very bottom of this blog if you’re on your smart phone. Join at the right of this blog if you’re on your laptop/desktop computer.)
P.S. Sam Role From Married At First Sight Season 3 has a pretty big smile and a nice glow these days. Catch up with her and what’s going on in her life here.
What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world ā or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran, you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine inĀ my new book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting Ā Mr. Right!
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I’m anxious to see decision day! Really rooting for these 2 couples!
YES! Me too!!!
Well, I would like to see both couples succeed. I never like to see any marriage end. It’s heartbreaking. I’ll be a broken record though and say that I REALLY want to see Nick and Sonia make it. They remain my favorite. They are super sweet and much more real life. They’re working out their struggles now and forming a foundation they can build on. I think someone on your IG said Tom and Lilly are too sexual and I do wonder if their relationship might be built a little too much on the physical side of things, which isn’t really the best foundation. Either way though, I do hope they both make it and can have successful marriages for many years to come. Really enjoy your blogs and can’t wait to watch.
YAY… I agree Annie! I hope they both succeed! xoxo