The couples are officially moved in and they’re already hosting their first get together after being married at first sight!! For some couples, this transition has been easier for others but let’s dive into it!

Getting in the Groove of Things
Kristine and Keith
It was the first night in their new place and they made their marriage
Kate and Luke
Alrighty, seems like things have smoothed over since the kissing debacle last week. Kate feels like they have respect and commitment
Jasmine and Will
Chef Will is in the house! I love how these two seems like they’ve been married for years, their relationship just feels so natural! Jasmine describes him “as a friend with potential” which I don’t know if that’s exactly how you should describe your hubby but I think they’re on the right path!
Stephanie and AJ

I’m big on owning up to your mistakes and I thought it was very mature of AJ to admit that he was a bit short tempered when they were moving. I love how playful they are though and they’re always having a good time! I love it!
Girls Night!
I think it’s so important that all the girls got together for a night out! They all shared about their marriages and let it all out. Kate was a bit quiet and I feel for her! She’s just trying to be patient and find their groove together! It’s only been two weeks and it’s not going to be all rainbows and butterflies all the time! It’s okay that sparks weren’t flying instantly! Before Doug and I were married I expected some chemistry to be there when I first saw him but that did NOT happen! But look where we are now! I think with a good foundation anything is possible!
Hubby’s Day Out

Luke shared about his experience with Pastor Cal. And AJ shared he would’ve gotten a divorce if his wife said that, I don’t know what I would have done?! Would you have ended it there or kept on trying?
Hostess with the Mostess
Okay, so friends definitely play a big part in the relationship! I remember I was kinda nervous meeting Doug’s friends for the first time but they were all so welcoming and made me feel like I was a part of the group almost instantly!

Kate is cautiously optimistic which I think is smart. Keith’s friends and family are treating Kristine like she’s been a part of the group for forever!!
Meanwhile, Jasmine and Will’s friends want them to spill
AJ and Steph went to their favorite restaurants and they all shared *embarrassing* stories about each other lol! Plus, AJ said he feels like he’s on the path to loving her!
Luke had so many friends over it was like a mini-reunion lol! I could definitely see why Kate was a bit overwhelmed but, he wants to make sure that she feels comfortable; this is a lot to handle especially since they were just married at first sight. Oh my goodness and we can’t not mention the fact that Luke kissed her too!!! Ahhh looks like they’re on the right path!
Phone swap… Gone Wrong
Alrighty so the couples have officially hosted their first get together as a married couple and it went amazing!! Next week is the phone swap exercise and it seems like some couples find out some information they didn’t want to know! Tune in next week to see how it all plays out!
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