Married At First Sight: One Month Down…Forever to Go??!
Better grab your popcorn this week because we are about to see things go down!!! The couples are halfway through their “experiment” – is that even the right word?! Lol, it’s so out of the norm that I don’t even know what to call it! I remember when Doug & I were at our 1 month anniversary…and I have to be SUPER honest, I had NO clue what my decision would be
Budgeting, budgeting is NO FUN!
Wowza! $150 a week on dates?! That’s a lot of money! Woody is definitely a spender. I know he wants to buy a house and I just kept thinking, if ya wanna buy a house, budgeting is KEY!!! I mean he’s right, you can’t die with your money but I am surprised at how much he spends! Amani, girlfriendddd, I think setting a monthly budget and sticking to it is super smart! I gotta say though, I think there are some perks to marrying a spender…. I mean look at the diamond earrings he bought Amani But NEWSFLASH Woody…I know you want kids and lemme tell ya, they are PRICEY! Hahah! Love them more than anything but budgeting is necessary. Just make sure you always keep a date night budget because that can make or break a marriage!
But in all seriousness, this reminded me SO much of Brett and Olivia! The only difference is that Olivia is the spender and Brett was the saver. Imagine if Woody & Olivia were together?!?!?! I am cracking up!!
All For the Cameras?!
Yikes- going from Amani & Woody’s morning to Brett and Olivia’s is just a change in mood. The tension between them is *undeniable*. I understand Olivia’s concerns because let’s face it, MOST people are different when cameras are on them. There is definitely a pressure there to be 100% careful about your actions and more filtered. Off-camera Brett seems more shy & genuine and it’s sweet! I’m just SO scared that he acts like the good guy on camera to have a good image just like Zach?!?! I’m sorry but we don’t need another one of those! On a side note, I saw Mindy is dating someone and she looks happy as ever!!! We love that for her!
Honestly, seeing the tear swells in Olivia’s eyes made my heart sink. I can feel her pain through the screen. Brett is a bit stubborn and when she admits her faults and tells him he needs to admit his too, I feel like he doesn’t want to? I think these two just need to realize their communication methods are different. It’s SO difficult to trust a stranger. It takes time & effort!
The Clock is Ticking….
Ay, yi, yi…if Christina doesn’t think there is hope for her marriage then I feel like it’s over?! Henry has been checked out from day 1, let’s be real. But Christina was always putting in the effort and now I feel like the whole thing is laughable to her. It’s like each episode they get deeper into the friend zone and I just don’t see them coming out of it. I always want to be positive and have hope for all of the couples but it’s hard to do that when I don’t even think they have KISSED since the wedding day!
Also, let’s talk about how Henry’s friend is kinda fueling the fire! I get the feeling that his friends didn’t like Christina from day 1 and maybe that is part of the reason he is so closed off?! I dunno… but you can really tell they don’t even want to give her a chance!!!
Love at first hike
BENNETT AND AMELIA LOVE EACH OTHER! I repeat! Bennett and Amelia *love* each other! I am so in love with their love that it hurts! I am so happy that Amelia wasn’t matched with someone more…normal (?) because I don’t think her creative side would have come out as much! I love their quirkiness and fun-loving attitudes! I had ~goosebumps~ listening to the song she wrote for him.
Blast From the Past
Ok, I *love* when the couples rewatch their wedding day & look through the wedding pictures together! This is such a great way to remember WHY you were married at first sight and it definitely brings you closer. Brett and Olivia watching their weddings back was so romantic and I think they both realize the reasons why they were matched. Their cats are still the glue that keeps them together! Hahahah!!!
& then we have Woody and Amani who were such naturals that first day that they met! It feels like they’ve been together forever!
Let’s chat about how Christina and Henry are still so awkward…even while they look through the photos together. It should be the ONE thing they can relate to and it still isn’t a smooth conversation that they are having. No duh, there’s truth behind her comments, Henry! I mean, is she wrong?!?
& Oh my gosh!! I totally FORGOT that Karen found out who Miles was before they got married!!! She almost walked away from this all and thank goodness she didn’t! I think this is definitely a situation where slow and steady wins the race!!
& Next week….
COVID-19 really starts to hit hard for these couples. Honestly props to them all for marrying a complete stranger and then having to quarantine with them! I couldn’t even imagine! It looks like most of the couples are hitting a ROUGH patch and one hubby even MOVED OUT?! Stay tuned for next week where I will blog all about the drama! In the meantime feel free to chat with me in the comments or hang with me on Twitter! XOXO
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