Married at First Sight: Once a Cheater Always a Cheater?!?


Married at First Sight: Once a Cheater Always a Cheater?!?

I feel like the few days after the wedding are always the most confusing. You are overwhelmed with SO many emotions and it takes a bit for things to start to feel at all ~normal? I would say things are going anywhere from OK to great for these couples!

Chemistry on the Wedding Night?!?!

Oh la la! You can sense the love in the air! Things seem to be aligning perfectly for the couples…well for most. I LOVE that Amelia & Bennett are already so comfy with each other! I think most spouses try to look EXTRA dolled up on the wedding night by wearing fancy PJs but not these two! He comes out wearing a dress, she comes out in a onesie, they have the SAME GLASSES… and I swear things couldn’t be more perfect! I think I’m fangirling a little bit too much about these two! Lol! But I mean c’mon, even Amelia’s mama thinks they are great together! 

Another couple that is clicking right into married life is Olivia & Brett! I mean if they even didn’t have to fight about who got what side of the bed – and trust me, that’s a legit fight to have with your hubby! 

All in all I just love seeing the couples wake up with big ol’ smiles on their faces. Woody and Amani seem to have this great energy and they are connected already, and Miles & Karen woke up happy and ready to connect! They even exchanged phone number 😉

Slightly Painful to Watch….

Oh gosh!!! I really hope Henry and Christina warm up to each other! I know things weren’t smooth at the beginning for Doug and I, and I am the first to admit that there were many awkward scenes, but I am glad I ended up giving him a chance! There are just *so* many awkward silences between these two and I can’t tell if they are just not attracted to one another or what! Even watching Henry with Christina’s family was awk…I mean was it just me or did he not say much?!

No Sex on the Wedding Night 

Poor Karen!!! I really hope she feels better by the Honeymoon. I feel like Miles’ response to how Karen was feeling was AMAZING, right?! Exactly what you want in a hubby! And you know what I was thinking while I was watching…Amani and Karen get to be besties now because I totally forgot that Miles and Woody are best friends! How cool is it to go through this experience with your bestie by your side?!

Meeting the in-laws for Lunch…SOLO

OK, meeting the in-laws is kinda terrifying! It’s like, are they going to be protective? Are they going to be accepting of the experiment? Are they going to interrogate you?! Ya never know! 

I truly don’t think any of them have any bad in-laws! I am not seeing any red flags! You have the mama bear mothers like Miles & Karen’s moms and you have the mom that is already in love with her in-law… aka Amelia & Bennett’s moms! Honestly, it is slightly terrifying having even a friend meet your family because you NEVER know what they could be saying about you. Like poor Henry! His dad was picking on him a lot and he wasn’t there to defend himself! 

Big Decisions Already!??

WOW! There were some hard topics brought up when meeting the in-laws. For Amelia and Bennett alone there is a lot to discuss! I mean Medical school in another city? Not wanting biological children?! I do see where Bennett is coming from when he says it’s unethical to have children because of how many kiddos there are in the world. Adoption is SO needed in the U.S. and anyone that knows me knows that I am SO down with adoption and I would love to do it one day. But seriously, Amelia and Bennett’s reaction to the hardships is so mature and relaxed which is why I think they will work! 

Yesss Karen! I see you want kids already! Gotta convince that hubby of yours 😉 & when it comes to religion that is always a tough subject. But I have faith that the experts looked into all of that before matching Olivia and Brett! Even though her family is super religious, maybe she isn’t?! 

Once a Cheater Always a Cheater?!

Woody woody woody!!! Uh oh! I don’t know if we should look at this as a red flag?! I mean, gotta say I *loved* how honest he was about cheating in the past and he wasn’t trying to hide it, but it makes me worry! I know his friends say he is kinda a player and not ready for marriage so this makes me think they are right! But hopefully, he learned from his past and said he has grown. I guess we will see!


And next week the Honeymoon starts for the 5 couples and things get spicy

Is Olivia wanting to be a parent? Is Miles a relationship hopper and did woody lose his ring?!? I’ll be back next week to chat more, but I’m dying to hear what you think in the meantime! Chat with me in the comments below!

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