Married At First Sight: DECISION DAY IS HERE
Last week’s Married At First Sight has left us on edge. I literally have bit my nails down to the skin while watching. (BTW, I wasn’t able to watch and tweet with you live last week because Doug and I were on a plane to Cali for the TD Jakes Show. We taped last week and it will air in November. I’ll keep you posted.) I want to believe that both couples remain together and found love, but the realist in me is like: “Fool, have you been watching what’s been happening with these two couples lately?!?!” Ugh, I feel like you can’t be too hopeful about either of the remaining couples. 🙁
Tom Wilson and Lillian Vilchez
Tom and Lilly were the one couple I was most confident about a couple weeks ago. It seemed no matter what was going on in their relationship their puppy love saved them. Seriously. Tom would give Lilly breaks on things like forgetting to write her personal vows and Lilly was just as lenient by totally accepted the third wheel in their relationship: The Bus. (This still shocks me. I don’t know why, I guess I thought she’d freak out about him LIVING on a bus because she’s such a girly-girl — not to mention, he did kind of hide it from her.) NOPE, everything was A-OK in their relationship. …Don’t you wish puppy love could last forever?!
Reality Sets In
Tom and Lilly went from the most solid couple to being a big black box filled with 5o shades of grey — and not the kinky kind you’re thinking of. (Although, I do think that’s the one department they’re solid in: the sex department!) 😉 Lilly admitted last week that they are learning “how to argue, but argue better.” Tom shared what he is having the most trouble with in their relationship: Lilly’s phone and Lilly not being able to leave work at work. Lilly admits that she is often working late in the night and that learning how to balance her personal life and work life is a “bit stressful.” Tom doesn’t have this stress at all. He doesn’t answer any work-related phone calls or emails after he’s done for the day. (Lucky him. I wish!)
Dr. Pepper came in with a solid piece of advice for Lilly: put the phone down and spend quality time with Tom. Sounds obvious, but has anyone ever been in a situation where the obvious thing to do is right in front of you but it never occurs to you until you’re hit upside the head with it (or hear from someone else). I give Lilly props for listening to Dr. Pepper and being willing to give it a try. Tom wasn’t quite as optimistic that Lilly would follow through though.
Tom’s Other Love
While Tom and Lilly were deciding where they’d go for their second honeymoon (Key Largo, FL) he suggests they take the bus somewhere. Lilly agreed but had a couple worries with the bus:
- It took forever to prepare to drive.
- There’s no air conditioning.
- The interior lights where hit or miss.
- The bed gave her terrible shoulder pain (and she obvs is already struggling in that category).
Ok, that’s a lot more than just a couple. Tom’s response to Lilly: “She’s prissy” and is complaining about “the little things” he told the camera. Ay yi yi! Needless to say, they took the bus.
Lilly begins to wonder if they’re compatible in the long term, but even after all of that she still confesses to “falling in love with Tom.” And Tom did notice that although Lilly could feel the red-hives developing the moment she had to lose her phone, she followed through on her promise and kept it tucked away during their mini-vacay. These two are making my head dizzy with all the twists and turns in their relationship!
My Personal Prediction: Tom and Lilly stay married. Maybe. Ugh, I don’t know!

Can Nick Pendergrast and Sonia Granados Rekindle Their Romance
Nick and Sonia had a little vacay of their own. They went to Eden Roc in South Beach. Nick flat-out admitted he missed having Sonia in the house, but Sonia wasn’t having it. She still doesn’t like the idea of moving back in with him. Needless to say, they both were genuinely excited for the little get-away they were taking.
Nick knew he had to gain Sonia’s trust back after losing it when he said he wasn’t attracted to her after sleeping with her. So, he rented a tandem bike for them to use together. He took control and rode in the front while Sonia rode in the back and felt “comfortable and at ease.” These two seem to be heading in the right direction!
Sonia Pulls Out Her “Freakum” Dress
Well, well, well. Clearly things are going A LOT better for Nick and Sonia because I’ve never heard of a girl wearing her “freakum” dress for nothin’. 😉 And Nick didn’t stand a chance. (About time he realized what a Hot-Tamale his wifey is!) Nick just said “WOW! You look beautiful!” as he looked her up and down. The girl’s got curves! He was “absolutely blown away.” This must’ve felt so good to Sonia because she even said things that night could “get romantic.” Wink Wink.
Side Note to you: Giiiirl, if you don’t have a freakum dress then you better get yourself one. Just like Beyonce says “Cause when he acts wrong (Oh) that’s when you put it on… put your freakum dress on. Oh Every woman got one!” Here are a few that I found on amazon that make your curves POP:
Sonia Moving Back In With Nick
It’s more than obvious Nick wants Sonia to move back in and give him another chance. Sonia isn’t so certain and she definitely isn’t so quick to make that move. She admitted that so far their marriage has been awesome (at times) but it’s also been very “taxing.” Nick continued to encourage her to move back in during dinner. He said “What’s the worst that’s going to happen? It kinda sucks to drive back and forth.” Sonia kept her ground: she wasn’t moving back in.
Before the episode ends we see Sonia break down with tears in her eyes. She admitted to the camera this: “He hurt me and I forgave him. Although it’s getting a lot better, I don’t want to fall back to where we were.” Can’t blame the girl for being scared after all that went down with them. As for Nick, he was confused and felt like “she should maybe be giving it a litter more forward effort because in a week we have to decide whether we’re going to stay married.” They did end up spending the night together but it never got sexually romantic.
One BIG positive sign
Sonia put her wedding ring back on. After ALL that we’ve seen with these two on this season of Married At First Sight I am going to make my prediction: I think they’ll stay married. Neither of them are willing to give up. I’m eager to see what the update with these two will be, too!
Do you agree with my predictions? Do you think Nick & Sonia AND Lilly and Tom will stay married? Hopefully!
Did you catch the behind-the-scenes secrets the couples shared with me on last week’s Married At First Sight: Unfiltered? If not, check it out:
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Married At First Sight and Married At First Sight:Unfiltered air every Tuesday on A&E and FYI. (Married At First Sight:Unfiltered, hosted by yours truly, is ONLY on FYI!) Grab your glass of wine and watch and tweet LIVE along with me at 8:45pm EST! I cannot wait! And don’t forget to join my mailing list so you never miss out! (Join at the very bottom of this blog if you’re on your smart phone. Join at the right of this blog if you’re on your laptop/desktop computer.)
P.S. Sam Role From Married At First Sight Season 3 has a pretty big smile and a nice glow these days. Catch up with her and what’s going on in her life here.
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What’s the update with Sam Role??
She is happy, happy, happy! 🙂
I’m so annoyed Waited all this time to see Sonia & Nicks decision reveal and the recording ended just as they were being asked ugh
OMG, that is the worst! Sorry!!! 🙁
Yay yay yay!!! It made me cry!!! I’m so happy! I wish them a lot of love and patients. AND….Yay again, “Married Life”!!!!! Yippeeeee!
YESS! Married Life is BACK! 🙂
Not sure if the reply link works but I wanted to say I agree with you, but so far the track record hasn’t been too great. Haha! Four seasons, 12 couples, only two still married. Is that about a 24% success rate (I’m bad at math)? If at least one of these couples tonight doesn’t stay together (Nick and Sonia, Nick and Sonia, Nick and Sonia…) then I really think they should have called it a day after your season. Fingers crossed…
I agree with you, Jamie. I’m torn. I want Tom & Lily to work out, but it seems like there might be some key differences that will ultimately end their relationship. I love how lovey dovey they’ve been too, but I just don’t know if it’s enough to get them through. Nick & Sonia, I just think it’s too far gone and that they probably can’t come back from what happened. That’s a pretty intense thing he did in such a new relationship. I think she’s a great girl and would be better suited for a different type of man.
They’re together! So, we shall see! Fingers crossed! 🙂
eeep! I’m not sure I can handle watching… as long as I don’t see it, it’s like they’re both still married, right? I think Nick has told everyone BUT Sonia that he misses her and wants her to come home. Bugging her to come back is very different than saying, “I miss you. I miss having you here.” When he asked what is the worst that could happen, I really wish she would have said, “I could get hurt again.” And I don’t know what to think about Tom and Lilly. I think she’s really trying with the work stuff, but I’m afraid he’s not quite as easy-going as he seems…
haha! It’s so true. Nick did tell everyone BUT sonia. lol I just wanna scream to him TELL SONIA! 😛
I’m going to jump in and hope against all hope that both couples stay together so I’m with you..keeping fingers and toes crossed. This is going to be a very stressful night.
YES! Maybe if there are enough toes and fingers crossed we will see our happy ending! 🙂
Love your reviews! Tom & Lillian No because Tom wants perfection & that doesn’t exist. Nick & Sonia Yes, Sonia gets men can be dumb & require patience.
haha …. “Men can be dumb and require patience” … #truth!!! 😛
AHHH I hope you are right!!
me too! me too!
I think they both have a GOOD chance to stay together and make things work. If they realize they have enough feelings to try to go forward in their marriage I believe they will start being less picky about each other and critical they just might find they have some deep feelings building for each other. I agree with you Jaimie…..they’ll BOTH make it work!! I adore both of them!!
SAME! xoxo
I hope both couples stay together. It does take time for love to grow, and they just need to give it a chance.
That’s exactly it! xoxo
I can’t even predict and I almost don’t even want to watch. It’s a nail-biter for sure. I REALLY want Nick and Sonia to make it. Beyond that, the only other thought I have is that no other MAFS couple will ever hold a candle to you and Doug (though Nick and Sonia could be a close second if they decide to stay married). You guys stole the show and for whatever reason have experienced something that doesn’t seem possible to replicate, at least not via MAFS.
aww thanks Annie! I appreciate that. I really hope these couples find love. Otherwise, what’s the point of MAFS. Ya know?!