“Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya! Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty momma! Ooh I wanna take you to Kokomo, we’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow…” -this song by The Beach Boys is the perfect Honeymoon song for the Married At First Sight couples in my humble opinion. 😉
Way back when I was 7-8 years old (Over 20 years ago! Gosh, I am getting old!) I would sit in the yard and listen to the “Kokomo song” on my cassette tape over and over again. I remember in order to listen to it “on repeat” you had to take the tape out, turn it around, and fast forward or something like that in order to rewind the other side so that you could take it back out, turn it over and listen to the song again. Phew, that’s a lot of work! Thank God for iPods! Kids today don’t even know half the struggle! 😉
Married At First Sight: Honeymoon Time
But back to my initial thought — when I think of Honeymoon time this song just pops into my head! These Married At First Sight couples certainly got to their honeymoon spot real fast; we found out one couple had “magical” sex and another just threw around addiction accusations. (If you want to learn some more about these couples just click here. If you are just beginning to watch Married At First Sight this week, this blog will catch ya up to speed!)
Lillian Vilchez and Tom Wilson
These two are AHHHDORABLY in love — at first sight. I mean, if you don’t know their story you are gonna have to click here real fast because it’s too cute to miss out on. I’d go out on a very weak limb to say that both Lillian and Tom had a great time on their honeymoon — these two consummated their marriage! I told you they would! Lillian described their first night doing the deed as “magical.” And Tom cannot keep his hands off Lillian. The next day of their honeymoon they spend at the beach. Tom politely massages sunscreen lotion on Lillian’s back … and his hands just happen to slide all the way down to her booty as he continues to massage the lotion in. Tom’s heard in a voiceover saying “I enjoy every inch, every little morsel of her back.” Yeah, Tom. We can see that.
If you’ve been watching you’ll know Lilly (as she goes by) is a real estate agent and Tom works on re-designing the interior of yachts. If not, I’ll share more because it’s kinda important to their story (and what goes down tonight).
Lilly drives a really nice car (we haven’t seen it but I’ve seen upcoming commercials where she admits that her car is quite fancy) and I assume she lives in a nice home since she is in luxury real estate day in and day out. Tom, on the other hand, lives in a bus. Yes, you read correctly…He lives in a bus. And needless to say, he is very clear that he doesn’t like materialistic girls. Well, their hot and heavy romance may fizzle into nothing because their honeymoon is about to end and it’s back to the real world … and Tom still hasn’t told Lilly he lives in a bus. Hmm, how is Lilly going to react when she finds out her new stranger hubby lives in the most mobile of mobile homes. I wonder if Tom will immediately categorize her as “materialistic” if she has a normal reaction? (And I think freaking out would be a normal reaction- ha!) I guess we will find out tonight. (And I’ll be praying that the stars align and Lilly has a very abnormally calm and cool reaction. I mean, his bus is pretty cool. He completely remodeled it. Maybe Lilly will like living small—it seems to be the new hip thing to do now-a-days!)

Sonia Granados and Nick Pendergrast
While Tom and Lilly are having magical sex, Nick and Sonia are just becoming “friends.” Last week I heard Nick put these two in the friend zone while they were chatting at their romantic honeymoon dinner. He literally said something just as blunt as “we are in the friend zone” while Sonia just smiled and kind of giggled it off. Eeek, I’m sure that was tough for Sonia to hear. She’s made it very clear she is attracted to him. She admitted to practically gawking at him when he took his shirt off.
But hey, don’t knock the “friend zone.” It could definitely blossom into something more. It did for my husband and me. They were married at first sight—they’ve only known each other a couple days. Give them time. 😉

Heather Seidel and Derek Schwartz
I told you I’d go out on a thin limb to say Lilly and Tom had a super happy honeymoon, but when it comes to Heather and Derek — not so much! These two are walking on very thin ice during their honeymoon, and it seems to be cracking more with each step. First it was Derek’s messy ways. Derek said he was clean and organized, but Heather wasn’t buying it. Then it was his smoking. Heather was really annoyed by this. You could see it during their bike ride when she was riding way ahead of Derek and wouldn’t slow down even after he asked. She finally told Derek what the problem was: his smoking. She said he was smoking 2-3 times a day. As early as when they’d wake up.
When I interviewed Derek for Married At First Sight: Unfiltered I found out that he had asked her permission to smoke and she said it was ok. However, apparently the amount he was smoking was not ok. When Heather told him she didn’t like it, Derek stopped smoking. But the damage was already done. After a couple hours apart Derek tried to make amends by finding Heather to chat with her, but he stepped too far on that thin ice and he fell right through to the icy cold water. The conversation ended with her crying and accusing him of being addicted and not what she expected in a husband (in more or less words). Derek shouted back “Oh yeah? Well you’re an alcoholic! You drink all day!” Just kidding. He didn’t say the “oh yeah” part, but the rest of this argument is real and it sounds like one of those fights you have in 5th grade. You know those “Your momma so fat she….” jokes? Yeah, you get it. And I don’t think these two are joking. Yikes!
My husband and I had a similar smoking problem during the first few weeks after we were married at first sight. But my problem with him wasn’t so much the smoking as it was the lying. My husband lied to me about it and tried hiding it from me. At least Derek isn’t doing that. It took me a while to cool off and realize in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t so bad…the smoking, I mean. But we also met in the middle and learned to compromise. Doug got himself an E-Cig that has no smell and no taste. HE also rolls the window down everything he takes a puff from his “puffer” as I call it. Hopefully this will happen for Heather and Derek as well!
Do you think Heather over reacted about the smoking?
Married At First Sight and Married At First Sight:Unfiltered air every Tuesday on A&E and FYI! (Married At First Sight:Unfiltered, hosted by yours truly, is ONLY on FYI!) Grab your glass of wine and watch and tweet LIVE along with me at 8:45pm EST! I cannot wait! And don’t forget to join my mailing list so you never miss out! (Join at the very bottom of this blog if you’re on your smart phone. Join at the right of this blog if you’re on your laptop/desktop computer.)
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I love this show. Jamie and Doug are the best. I’m so hooked I’ve watched the whole series twice, I have learnt a lot from Jamie on how I react to situations in my own marriage. I to am lucky enough to have my own Doug! But I adore Jamie’s Doug. Keep up the good work!
Girl, I adore him too. I got so, so lucky when I married a stranger. 🙂
I think Heather and Derek will turn it around. They are both very strong with emotion and I think when it happens, they will fall in love HARD. I hope they realize that the work they have to put into the relationship will make it stronger. They are both so strong-willed. And both seem very strong on the surface, but I sense, at least on Heather’s part, that it’s all a façade. I think she wants to be loved but does not want to appear weak. Nick and Sonia have a wonderful friendship, but I have a feeling that maybe that’s all it will be. Sometimes, it’s hard to move from friendship to being in love. Awkward, in some ways. I hope not, because they are obviously both nice people. Maybe things will just move slowly for them. My last prediction: Lillian and Tom. Both great people but I think it happened too fast for them. When you have it all in the beginning, where do you go from there?
You’re right – they could turn it around. We shall see soon! (waiting for the next episode kills me!) Haha!
Heather and Derek will be in trouble if they don’t work together as a couple. Heather has traveled the world and seems very independent. She wants to be married but doesn’t need a husband. Marriage means loving someone as they are and visa-versa….not molding them into who you want them to be.
I have high hopes for Lilly and Tom and Sonia and Nick. I agree she over thinks a lot and is very sensitive but I am rooting for them!
YAY! Me too!
I am watching the show from Italy on youtube each time someone posts it, because I don’t have access to another source. I like the show a lot( I am still single and waiting to meet my Mr perfect haha) and I really enjoy reading your reviews and personal opinions, so keep doing it please 😀 I absolutely adore Nick and Sonia, they have all it takes to build a strong durable bond. I hope Tom and Lilly will make it until the end although I do have my doubts on it. Heather and Derek seem to be on opposite poles, she seems rude and not caring for the other person enough
Hi Rocs in Italy! I am so glad you commented because I always get so excited when I hear from someone in another country! 🙂 I am hoping the best for them all, but I am beginning to doubt it after last week’s episode. :-/
I can’t get enough of Sonia and Nick! I absolutely love watching their segments and can’t wait to watch their friendship blossom to love! (at least I think it will!)
I am super bummed about Heather and Derek, I wanted them to work. I liked her right from the start but have been the least impressed with her out of everyone. Bummer!
I enjoy reading your blog Jamie, and your clips after the show. I look forward to both every week! Thank you!
I couldn’t agree more with all of the above. I am so happy to hear you like my blogs and Unfiltered! Sometimes I wonder if I am blogging for myself because I don’t get a lot of comments for my MAFS blogs .. so thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts with me! 🙂
These couples are the first ones I ever watched on MAFS. While I was waiting for the next week’s episode, I binge-watched season 1 (loved it, of course, which is how I wound up here) and the 6-month follow-ups for seasons 2 & 3 (don’t think I could make it through either of those two seasons; as someone who counsels marriages, it would be too frustrating).
I think Heather and Derek can turn it around, as long as each of them finds a way to meet the other where they’re at. I don’t think Heather overreacted, exactly–she found herself married to a stranger who smoked more than she expected, and it turned her off–but I think the way she communicated it hurt Derek at a time he was feeling insecure. His response was immature, but again, understandable in that situation. To me, “I’m sorry I hurt you” from each of them would go a long way toward bridging that gap. Unfortunately, we’re only hearing the positive things Heather feels through her interviews and not in her conversations with Derek. I think the “dog years” comment will come back to bite him in the butt. :-0
Nick & Sonia are my favorites to watch, but honestly, I like every one of this season’s participants and hope they give this their all, get the help they need, and end up happily married.
P.S. I left you a message through the “contact me” on the website about a small snag with the autographed book I received last week…did the message make it to you? While I’ve been waiting for your response, I read it (very carefully to keep it new! I couldn’t wait, sorry! :D). Really enjoyed reading it and can see the two of you making it for the long haul. 🙂 Please let me know what you’d like me to do. Thanks!
100% agree with you! I am loving all of the couples, but Derek and Heather don’t seem to have any respect for each other. It’s so sad to watch. And it all begins with miscommunication and how they’re communicating in general. I’m sure watching this back is tough for each of them. I’m sure they’re learning a lot about themselves. (I know when I watched my season back I learned SO much about myself.) …hmm, I didn’t get your email re: the book. I will have to look into this. Until then, please email me at Jamie@JamieOtis.com. Thank you so much Lisa.
I like all the couples. But I have to say, Derek & Heather are the most entertaining in my opinion. Derek’s comment about Heather being “No Spring Chicken”. Those two are gonna be the Edith and Archie Bunkers. He seems like he’s trying. And Jaime, it was great to see you hosting. You look amazing.
Haha! They are definitely entertaining to watch … but they fight so mean that it makes me sad. I’m so glad you like the after show Unfiltered! 🙂
I think Heather super overreacted about the smoking! I understand how it could annoy her, but I don’t see the reason to put him down about it. Smoking is something that is very difficult to just stop, especially if someone is trying to bully or force you to. Derek was being so sweet to her the whole time, and to blow up about smoking, which she said she was okay with, is completely not fair. What Derek said was also not okay, of course, but I think Derek was tired of fighting fair when she got so personal and judgemental. Getting personal in arguments is a huge “NO!” But I understand they were both stressed and had pent up emotions. I have faith that they can learn. If Heather can learn from that little fight, learn to pick her battles, and realize that in the grand scheme of things, smoking is no big deal, they should be fine. He can always quit. She just has to make him want to *wink wink* He’s a nice guy so far, and she has a stronger personality, which can be refreshing at times. If they can get their communication together, they could be a great couple.
Doug and I compromised with the E-cig. I should let them know there is another option with no smell or taste and he can just roll the windows down! 😉 Haha
Heather is totally overreacting. I think that Tom and Lilly will fizzle out just like all the other couples who had initial physical chemistry- I hope I’m wrong!!!! Rooting for Nick & Sonia – they need to meet a little more in the middle emotionally I think!!!
I hear ya girl! Rooting for all three couples, but I am a realist and it doesn’t look so good for the one. 🙁
Yikes, it seams like every season there is at least one couple that looks like it’s not going to get to a part where everyone can get off their high horse and truly dive into a comparable couple that they are and work for something that is so beautiful: marriage. This couple is Heather and Derek. I think Heather is over reacting a little, but Derek shouldn’t have played “the blame game”. They really have a lot of talking to do and I think when these two “fight” some time apart is best for them to recollect their thoughts.
I really am rooting for Lilly and Tom. They are really acting like they are super in love and ready to take on what ever challenges come in on their adventure. I don’t think Lilly will mind at all that Tom lives on a bus. I think she will see the reality of it and take it as an advantage they he can move in with her so they have more romantic to lI’ve together. Will she play a realtor roll when they go house hunting? 😉
Sonia and Nick look like they have a chance… if Nick starts to open up a bit more and Sonia stops over analyzing things and stating some drama… which is what it looked like last week. She seems like a very sweet girl… woman … but that looks like she can hide her other side really well.
Best of luck to all couples I am excited to see what tonight brings!!! Love you Jamie!
Yeah, the blame game definitely wasn’t cool. I think Heather just needed those drinks to relax a bit … it really is so stressful marrying a stranger! Maybe there is a light at the end of their tunnel! xoxo
I just love Lilly & Tom, they are just too cute! Sonia & Nick have a good start, but I’m worried about Heather & Derek. I’m totally a Doug & Jamie fan right from the beginning, because of you 2 and Cortrae & Jason I have became a huge fan of the show! I am in the middle of reading your book right now and can relate to some of it, Thank you for being so honest! I wish i would have had the opportunity to order it from you but my husband got it from Amazon, now I don’t have the autograph 🙁
Thanks for reading my book. If you send to me with a paid return postage I’d be glad to sign and send back to you! 🙂 It’s PO Box 1714 Perth Amboy NJ 08859. xoxo
Heather always has that “yuck” look on her face! Yes, she way over reacted, Derek seems like a really nice guy, if she can’t stand the smoking, she shouldn’t have said when interviewed that it was ok. She could do a whole lot worse! I’m hoping that Nick will lighten up some, they make a cute couple. Tom and Lilly, I am really rooting for them, they are my favorite!
Tom and Lilly have been on cloud nine since day 1 (when the clouds poured rain all over them at the altar!) Ha! I love them!
Yesterday, I received my newly signed book. Thank you SO much for rushing to get a new one to me after the “Katie/Kelly” mess. You were correct about my hubby, Chris. He really loves me, and treats me like a princess. I treasure my new book signed by you, and wish you and Doug all the best now and always. I’m anxiously (but patiently) awaiting news of a new baby on the way soon. I simply adore you, sweet girl – and love being a fan of yours, Dougs & the entire MAFS family. Did you ever dream your life would change this much by “simply” marrying a stranger. WOW!! Thank you so much for all you do, sweetheart!
I’m so glad you like your new book! 🙂 Thank you for all the love and support! xoxo
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the couples this round…I’ve been disappointed with the missed connections in the past seasons. I was glad to see Heather try to communicate her thoughts, I just think she might have phrased it differently. However, I dont think she had an unfair expectation for Derek to not go overboard with the smoking. Being on vacation was a weak excuse to justify the amount of smoking he was doing. Hopefully, they can find a way out of this little derailment, but I think these 2 are going to be dealing with some grudges throughout the season.
I am rooting for all three couples and hoping they can find the happiness Courtney and Jason as well as you and Doug have found. It clearly takes a tremendous amount of work and I think two of the three couples this season are ready to put in that work. I have my doubts about Heather. She seems very rigid, inflexible ands judgmental. Derek seems more open to getting to know her than she does to getting to know him. It seems as if she has already made up her mind and has written him off. Sadly, think this will be a bumpy ride for this couple.
That said, I hope you and Doug are doing well …healing…and looking forward to moving onto and fixing up you new place. I think a mash up of MAFS and Fixer Upper ( another network , I know) would make for a fun 10 episode show.
Doug and I are doing very well. Thank you so much. I’m rooting for all the couples, too!
Poor Derek. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and Heather can’t stop nit picking about everything he does. She is going to miss out on so much if she can’t learn to accept fault in others!
I think that Heathers problem with the smoking is from one of their initial conversations. The word occasionally was used by Derek in relation to gambling and smoking. When asked what he considered to be occasionally I think he said once or twice a week. Two or three times a day is in contradiction with his definition of occasionally for one. Second was his statement justifying the increased amount of smoking with the age old “I’m on vacation” line. Words and actions don’t line up in her mind and I would say that she’s right to wonder what else doesn’t match up.
Lilly and Tom ARE SO ADORABLE!!! The best match so far into the season!!! They seem to be in sync in every way and I have HIGH hopes for those two!!
Sonia and Nick aren’t on the same page yet but, they are getting there. It’s baby steps for Nick and Sonia wants to RUN! I think once this getting to know you deal is over, they will do great. Just so neither looses patience with the other.
Now Heather and Derek…..wow she does remind me a little of you my sweet Jamie girl with the smoking and distancing your self that you did. I was praying for you and Doug and what da ya know….it worked in spades!! Once you two got into each others minds and ways and did some compromising and opening up you went “of the chain” in love! This is my wish for Heather and Derek but they need to talk, not debate everything and point fingers.
I will be with you tonight watching as always girlfriend! You know I love and adore you and Doug and am rockin’ your jewelry too!! I’m so ready for tonight I have our salads made and chicken ready to warm up plus some awesome smoked fish out nephew brought us last night that is SO good, it’s like a treat or snack. See you later you doll!!! Hugs!! <3
Agree! Heather and Derek fight “eye for eye” which is never going to amount to a healthy marriage. 🙁
I think Heather is over reacting cause she was looking for an out. She said earlier that he wasn’t the kind of guy she normally likes. I think that she was self sabotage dating, and she is subconsciously trying to gain the upper hand in the relationship. If he stopped out of respect, she needs to give him a chance. I don’t think she will do that tho. She seems to have dissolved into relationship positioning and will be on to find the next flaw.
Although Tom and Lily look so great together…I’m not sure how it’s going to end up..of course I have hope for them. Nick and Sonja seem to have the best odds. They’re both sweet and gentle as well as patient. It’d be so nice to see a sweet marriage come out of this such as yours with Dong and also Jason and Courtney. We need another successful couple! As far as Derek and Heather…she said she didn’t mind an occasional smoker when she signed up and…he’s only smoking 2-3 a day on vacation, that’s an occasional smoker in my books. Unfortunately, I think the experts got this one wrong. But..who knows, when you and Doug were at that moment of staying together or getting a divorce, I was surprised and I still am but..very happily!! See ya tonight! Thanks Jaime! Hugs to both you and Doug!!
That’s just it – you never know what will happen in the six weeks of the experiment.
Wait, was he smoking cigarettes or pot? I haven’t been able to watch it but from what you wrote she sounds kinda high drama. Smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day isn’t that bad. Girl needs to get a grip!
You gotta catch up, girl! It’s good this season! 🙂
I am so curious to see how Lilly reacts to Toms living situation. I see her taking it surprisingly well for some reason, she just seems so relaxed. I would not make it living is such a small space. Sonia and Nick are my favorite, I hope their relationship continues to blossom! Sadly, I don’t have much faith for Heather and Derek, but really hope things turn around. I always want them all to stay together!!
I think Lilly will take it well, too. She is just so cool and laid back. And she has hearts in her eyes.
I think the experts are to blame for the whole Heather/Derek mismatch. She said she wouldn’t mind someone who smokes occasionally, and by occasionally I would assume she meant special occassions. Yes, the wedding is special and so is the honeymoon, but it’s a little different when you’re strangers. It kind of sets the tone of the whole relationship. I can see Heather’s reason for being frustrated, and I can see Derek’s frustration as well. Overall, I just think they’re not a compatible match.
Derek smokes marijuana and that makes Heather’s reaction understandable.
I like the way Sonia and Nick are taking it slow. I hope they will all last but I have my doubts on all of them. It just seems like folks nowadays don’t take commitment as seriously as they should or could. It is a legal marriage but everyone (all four seasons) keep referring to it as an experiment. I think that is what bothers me the most. I have been married for 33 years and my husband and I were teenagers. We could have starred in that show if they had it back then. Marriage is work. You get out what you put in.
Sonia and Nick are my favorites!! As for Heather and Derek – you asked if we think Heather is overreacting about his smoking. I think she is totally overreacting! She said occasional smoking was ok with her. For how upset she seemed to get, she should have said smoking was not ok with her at all. I recently quit smoking (48 days smoke free! go me! haha) the times it’s the hardest is when stressed. I believe this is the most stressful time for these couples. So I think Heather should cut him some slack. She didn’t really go about it the best way when she confronted him about it but now that She got out her feelings on the smoking and now Derek knows how she feels hopefully she’ll relax a little bit! I hope everyone makes it in the end!! 🙂
I think there is a chance with 2 out of the 3 couples. I am a little worried about the ‘bus’ issue. Not coming clean on that ahead of time knowing what she does for a living raises a flag about other things Tom could be hiding that we don’t know about. The ‘bus’ isn’t really the issue for me. The hiding it is.
I am routing for Sonia and Nick. I think with a little time and taking it slow getting to know each other might just be a good thing for them.
As for Heather and Derek, she isn’t like you Jamie. She doesn’t really seem to have any interest at all in making the marriage work. I get that she is upset over the smoking thing, but her communication style when presenting it was not exactly ‘let’s talk about it’. So it doesn’t surprise me that they both acted like middle school kids.
That’s my take.. guess we will see!
I am routing for Sonia and Nick! I think by taking time to get to know one another they can fall deeply in love. They will be friends first then partners. I am wishing all couples the best but they are the couple I believe will make it to the end.
Yes! I am rooting for them, too! I really love all the couples this season and I think they all have such great potential! Excited for tonight! xoxo