Married At First Sight: Spoiler Alert, Here’s How It All Ends


Married At First Sight: Spoiler Alert, Here’s How It All End

HOLY COW. Decision day is HERE. And spoiler alert: STOP READING if you haven’t watched it yet.


Ok, now that I gave you an ample spoiler alert and the opportunity to stop reading if you haven’t watched Married At First Sight yet…let me continue! 🙂

What a whirlwind of a season – I mean, how else would you describe it? It seems like just yesterday I was sitting down on my couch, getting snuggly with Gracie, to watch these guys officially get MARRIED at first sight and now they’ve made another, ultimately life changing decision – stay together or get a divorce? Anyone else surprised by the results? Ok, whoops! I’m jumping the gun here. Let’s backtrack and take it from the beginning….

JEPHTE & SHAWNEE – From Separate Beds to Raising a Puppy/Child Together!

These TWO. They act more and more like a married couple every single day. After their more serious arguments in Vermont, I am again so happy they were able to smooth things over with the help of Dr. Pepper. We’ve really seen these two come together throughout the season and I am unbelievably amazed by Shawniece and her dedication to seeing the experiment through. Even when Jephte was hesitant or reluctant (which I also understand), Shawneice was never going to give up on her chance at love!

I know Jephte says he’s not sure if he is officially ‘falling in love’ – but guys!! Married at first sight doesn’t necessarily mean ‘LOVE’ at first sight. I mean, that would be great, but we’re not always that lucky haha 😉 I’ve seen major changes in Jephte throughout their time as husband and wife and I think it will only continue to get better and better. He’s right to take his time and not jump into something that he is still unsure about.

I’ve always said that Jepthe reminds me of me and Shawniece reminds me of Doug. Jephte needs to take it slow, but Shawniece is willing to give him time. 🙂

I have to give a shoutout to his socks gift – I mean come on, that was hilarious! I think one of my favorite things about these two is the way they laugh with each other. That’s something you definitely need in a marriage. Doug scored big on that one!! 😉

RYAN & JACKIE – Started Off Strong, Lost Some Traction

I think we’ve all seen the constant back and forth with Ryan and Jackie throughout their time together. But what’s crazy is unlike the other couples, Ryan and Jackie hit it off right away! The mental and physical connection was there from the beginning, so of course everyone was thinking nothing but sunshine and rainbows for these two! But, of course we’re all human and not everything is always happy go lucky. Especially in relationships as serious as marriage. These two certainly hit some road blocks along the way!

I appreciate that Ryan confides in his parents for advice. They seem so happily married and had great insight for Ryan and Jackie both throughout the season. Everyone needs that authority figure every now and then to help us see a different perspective. It helps us to take a step back and really evaluate what’s going on in our crazy lives! Jackie even takes some time to hang out with a close girlfriend to get her take on everything. It seems like both Ryan and Jackie are a little unsure at this point as to what they will ultimately decide come decision day. To most this would be a red flag, but as we know….ok well, we’ll get to that later!

What happened the day before decision day?

When Jackie and Ryan hash everything out at one last dinner date before decision day, things don’t go as well as they probably could have, but hey – at least the line of communication was open. I feel Jackie on this one – everyone needs a little reassurance in their relationship, ESPECIALLY a new relationship that you’re hoping will last a lifetime. There’s a lot of ups and downs with Jackie and Ryan, so to be honest – I really had no idea how their decision day was gonna go.

Did anyone think they had this couple figured out??

They seem to get back on the boat the next morning and have a more candid conversation about what’s going on. Things seem to be better, but as Jackie said, it changes so quickly with their relationship on the daily, there’s no way of knowing what the ultimate decision will be. YIKES!

JON & MOLLY – When Things Just Don’t Click

Well – Molly said it herself. Before Decision Day even arrives, their marriage is officially over. So, so sad to hear, but sometimes things just aren’t what they were meant to be. Molly has a lot to share with her mom and you can just feel the hurt in her voice. I so wish it had gone down differently. They are so crazy similar to one another and have so many shared interests, but unfortunately sometimes that just isn’t enough. I truly believe she did give it her all – but, you just can’t force intimate feelings if you aren’t experiencing those emotions naturally. Yes – my attraction for Doug grew, but it took time while other things were falling into place. I think Jon and Molly may have been on separate pages overall and the stress of not totally connecting may have been the cause of their relationship’s downfall. Let’s all be supportive as they each try to move forward on their own!

When Jon and Molly each take some time to do some diary cam confessions – you can really hear the emotional side to each of their perspectives. You can just tell they wanted so very badly for everything to work out between them, but ultimately they just couldn’t make it work. In the end, Jon was very hurt by Molly’s words and Molly was hurt by Jon’s actions and comments. I just wish there could have been a more positive way to end things. Even the experts pull out all the stops trying to get these two to really fight for their marriage! But, after all of that – sometimes it’s better for everyone if you each go your separate ways. More on their final decision in a second…


Buckle Up! It’s going to be a bumpy (and emotional) ride!

So here were are – finally to the big kahuna! As we flashback to the beginning of the experiment, the whole thing is kind of surreal! And of course – when I see those brides walking down the aisle and the couples meeting for the very first time at the alter, I get chills! It reminds me so, so much of my first time meeting my sweet hubby! And although it wasn’t all butterflies and rainbows, right now it’s pretty darn close – especially when he puts the baby to sleep for me so I can watch the Married At First Sight finale. Lol. 🙂

Ok, as we all reminisce about the couples on their way to meet the experts, you can definitely feel the nervousness and the tension.


So, I don’t know if Jon and Molly could have been sitting any further away from each other on the couch. But, surprisingly they seemed to have a good banter! I’m so happy neither were too cold to each other. I do just think Jon is really hurt, which is why it was so hard for him to share any positives from this experience. In the end, sometimes people are just meant to be friends and not lovers. That’s probably what happened here. You can’t force chemistry. What do you guys think about the Jon and Molly break up?


Throughout the season, Jackie and Ryan certainly had their ups and downs. But, they always seemed to pull it together for the betterment of their relationship. Way to go, guys! Not gonna lie – I was pretty nervous about this one, especially after their dinner and their body language in the car was not promising…. Don’t let them fool you! These two are taking their relationship past the experimental phase and are really going to try and make it work. Cheers to Ryan and Jackie!


Well, dang! I thought Jephte would be the one to have me on the edge of my seat on decision day, but it was Shawniece who was really putting her heart into making this decision (as she should!). However, I honestly thought it would be a ‘YES’ before the experts even had the chance to get out the question ‘Do you want to stay married….’ Her long, thought out response just goes to show how whole heartedly she committed herself to this marriage. And while Jephte is still questioning how long it will take him to fall in love with Shawniece (officially), he is giving himself to their relationship 100% and I think they have a great platform going forward! POP CHAMPAGNE!!!


And with that, another season of the social experiment that completely changed my life has come to an end. TWO more couples have chosen to stay married! I hope they are really able to give it their all because the experiment on Married At First Sight is really just the beginning. It gets so much easier off-camera.

And can we please just take a second to recognize the risk these six people took – agreeing to marry a stranger – because they so desperately believed in finding their one true love? And while things didn’t go as planned for everyone, they absolutely learned more about themselves and how to navigate a committed relationship. Rooting for everyone to find their peace! And we’ll find out what’s really going on at the REUNION next week! I feel like in past Married At First Sight reunions couples had already separated soon fingers crossed our two couples are still together!

ICYMI – SHAWNIECE IS PREGGERS!!! But the people magazine article didn’t confirm who the baby daddy is. Ugh! Keeping up on the edge of our seats, still!

As always – so excited for next week and to see how theses stories continue to unfold! And as always, I’m tweetin’ live with ya every Tuesday night at 8:30 EST for Married At First Sight: Unfiltered.

Married At first sight: Unfiltered hosted by yours truly airs Tuesday’s at 8:30 pm EST on Lifetime tv and is followed by Married At First Sight at 9.

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran — you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

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