***THIS POST HAS BEEN EDITED; Comments in blue show the changes made.***
As if Sonia Granados wasn’t embarrassed enough from the escapade that happened a couple weeks ago where her husband Nick Pendergrast said [screamed] he didn’t find her attractive, here’s a new low blow: He lies to experts about whether or not he and Sonia had sex.
Husband Says No Sex, Wife Says Sex More Than Once – You Do The Math
EEEk! What has gotten into this couple? Thank God Pastor Calvin swooped in to try to make some sense (and offer advice to help fix) this mess. Although, I’m sure he found it a bit confusing when Sonia says “We had sex…not just once.” and then he hears from Nick that they haven’t had sex yet. This is the point where everyone on my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter commented that Nick only lied to respect Sonia’s privacy and I made a mistake in the way I interpreted his lie. I looked back on the episode and you’re all 100% right. I am sorry I made this mistake. (I can admit when I am wrong – and I better – since after all, isn’t that what I recommend Nick to do?!) In a nut shell, here’s the moral of the story: How can you expect your relationship to get better and for you to receive beneficial advice if you aren’t even being honest with yourself? How can anyone help you if you are lying to them about what is really going down? [This is in regards to how he feels about Sonia.] I feel bad for the experts in this situation because their hands are tied behind their back and every time they offer some words of wisdom they get another jab in the face.
As this all goes down the biggest thing that stands out to me is from Nick: “I should get at least one Get Out of Jail Free card.” He thinks he deserves this since he did the experiment. I’m confused. Did he say that being Married At First Sight was something he was forced into? Because I’m pretty sure that isn’t the case.
Needless to say, I want to make a note here that I don’t dislike Nick. A couple weeks back I was raving about the cutie patootie Nick (exact words-Ha!). To be completely honest, I don’t dislike anyone from any season of Married At First Sight. I actually really like Nick. I’ve met him and he’s a very shy, sweet guy. His mom is amazing, too! However, just because I like him doesn’t mean I like everything he has done and said on Married At First Sight. I really dislike the way he has treated Sonia. It breaks my heart. (Just the same way I didn’t like Derek’s comment about women aging like milk and men aging like wine.) I think everyone who has ever been on MAFS has done and said some pretty messed up things. (Me being top at the list!) I write these blogs from the heart. They are my honest feelings and interpretations. It is in no way meant to be offensive. Just my thoughts on the show and what goes down. 🙂
The BEST comment of the whole episode is Sonia saying “Dude, you’re not a freaking supermodel!” I don’t know why, but that made me laugh. Just as I was beginning to feel bad for Sonia she showed every woman in America that she doesn’t need pitying. She knows her worth and she knows what he’s said does not define her. And what’s most interesting/amazing/incredible/awwwwesome is that she [whether she realizes it or not] is showing women everywhere that they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and no man—husband or not—is able to knock you down unless you let them. That just gives me chills. 🙂 Props to Sonia. Nick must find that attractive because I know I do!
Marriage Commitment
The seemingly most solid couple this season is definitely Lillian Vilchez and Tom Wilson. If only she would stop worrying about the future! (Although I can’t talk, because I have been known to try to figure out solutions to problems that aren’t even happening now but could happen in the future so it needs to be figured out now so that if it does happen I am super prepared – whew, glad my hubby has talked me out of this type of worrying!) 😛
Lilly’s biggest fear is that Tom isn’t 100% committed to their marriage and that he may walk away from it in the future. I think if I was married at first sight (Fun fact: I was!) I’d be pretty worried if I wanted kids and my husband kind of shrugged it off/didn’t want to talk about it much. But then again … I just told you about my over-analytical brain.
In Tom’s defense, he has always said (and shows consistently thus far) that he’s “100 percent committed.” What was SO INTERESTING to me was that he said EXACTLY what my husband, Doug, says to me when I fret over these things: ” It’s not fair to put me in the same category as guy X who treated you poorly by doing X to you in the past.” Some of the men on Married At First Sight are so wise! This is why I love watching this show – it continues to help me in my marriage. Watching these couples going through similar problems and figuring out how to make their marriage strong helps me learn about myself and my marriage.
No Doubt There’s No Sex For This Couple
If Lilly and Tom are the most solid couple this season I’d say it’s safe to say at this point that Derek Schwartz and Heather Seidel are the most un-solid—for lack of better words—couple. (I was going to say something like rocky, but they are beyond rocky. There’s really nothing left to rock. Heather has chosen divorce and doesn’t seem to be able to be swayed in any way, shape, or form.) The nice thing about each of these two is that they are kind of politely going through the motions instead of just falling off the face of the earth. They wrote each other a nice note. However, the only thing that still resembles the marriage they once had (for all of 10 days) is the ring Derek still wears on his finger.
One breakthrough that is definitely worthy of mentioning is that Derek admitted he had been very “impatient” with Heather. I’m glad he recognized that because it shows a world of maturity on his end. It’s ok to admit your flaws and mistakes. It’s even better if you admit them and then actively try to change for the better.
On tonight’s episode of Married At First Sight Derek and Heather come face to face while meeting with expert, Rachel DeAlto. I am eager to see what happens.
Have you learned anything about yourself or your relationship by watching Married At First Sight? Share with me in the comments below. I love hearing from you guys!
Did you catch the behind-the-scenes secrets the couples shared with me on last week’s Married At First Sight: Unfiltered? If not, check it out:
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Married At First Sight and Married At First Sight:Unfiltered air every Tuesday on A&E and FYI. (Married At First Sight:Unfiltered, hosted by yours truly, is ONLY on FYI!) Grab your glass of wine and watch and tweet LIVE along with me at 8:45pm EST! I cannot wait! And don’t forget to join my mailing list so you never miss out! (Join at the very bottom of this blog if you’re on your smart phone. Join at the right of this blog if you’re on your laptop/desktop computer.)
P.S. Sam Role From Married At First Sight Season 3 has a pretty big smile and a nice glow these days. Catch up with her and what’s going on in her life here.
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Hello again Jamie!
Once again I find myself in a quandary that only you can decipher.
During the casting of season one, When you applied to be a part of the “experiment” it seams as if the people who applied were genuine. After your season, not one single couple has stayed together. I, (IMHO) feel it’s due to bad casting. Your getting a lot of (not naming names here) “princesses” who it’s apparent they are NOT there to get married but for other reasons.
First the “lovely” Heather …. what a royal &$!@& she was!
And now Nick…. his blatant rude despicable remarks of his “wife” are unforgivable. Then he denies sleeping with her and conveniently (damage control) comes up with ” he was respecting her feelings by not kissing and telling… oh please Nick let’s just get to the truth now. Your actions and comments were heartless but yet your respecting her? Ah no Nick, it’s obvious it was YOU not her, that was embarrassed and didn’t want anyone to know.
She needs to run as far away from YOU as possible.. you have real underlying issues..
So with this said, how is it possible for this “experiment” to work correctly when there are so many bad seeds applying?
Oh man. I don’t know. …I think there are so many variables involved at this point. I am crossing my fingers that we have at least one couple to find love this season. 🙂
I love that Nick said he purchased that “Honey-Do List” board, you can really see he’s trying in the last episode especially. It has to be hard to have those cameras in your face and trying to make a marriage work with a complete stranger. I really like Sonia and Nick together, they compliment each other in their own shy ways….
They really do compliment each other. 🙂 xoxo
I think Sonia is just such a great, caring person! Just so much props to her in this whole experiment. Nick is so lucky to have her and he just needs to OPEN UP (Yes I said it Nick!). Nick is a hard guy to read whether he realizes it or not. It is really hard to tell how he is feeling.
I 100% agree!!!
I love nick and Sonia, he was wrong, she did the right thing and they are moving forward, I think they’re a great match. I hate to write anything negative, not that I care what a reader thinks but what the person would feel that I’m writing about. On this note, Derek is a bit quick to snap and say mean things, it comes off that he’s hurting so he needs to say something to hurt the other person. He seems to lack compassion for the other person or maybe calmly explain why he’s hurt. I think Heather would have stuck around if he would of handled things a little different. Other than the nagging about the smoking issue, I agree with Heather, I couldn’t remain married to someone that handles disagreements the way he does. Overall, Derek is a nice guy, he just needs a little tweaking. And…most important it’s just my opinion. Tom ♡ Lilly
I hear ya girl! I love Tom and Lilly’s love! <3
Hey Jamie I am Maya I do MAFS blogs every week on my blog and I agree with what your saying I think Sonia and Nick will make it they just got to trust each other my blog www. Iamsimplymayalashae. WordPress. Com. Read and tell me what you think.
Great blog! 🙂
I don’t get why everyone is skipping over the part that Nick didn’t “kiss and tell” about having sex BECAUSE SONIA ASKED HIM TOO and she thanked him for it.
SO many people mentioned this on my social media and I am glad you mentioned here, too. You’re right – I guess I assumed he didn’t tell up until that point because he didn’t want to-like he was embarrassed of it or something (since he said he wasn’t attracted to her). But maybe that isn’t the case? I am going to change my blog so it makes more sense.
Have I learned anything from watching Married At First Sight? Yes, I’ve learned I could never in a million years be married at first sight!
haha I didn’t think I could either, but two and a half years later I still am. 🙂
Ah, I hope Sonia and Nick can turn things around and move past this. I also understand if Sonia decided to divorce in the end. Nick has been harsh.
I agree! xoxo
Ive been married for 23 yrs and we loved the show. We record the show, so we watch a bit, talk about it, replay and repeat. Its our pillow talk! Plus I’ve gotten great ideas, we now have a couple’s bucket list and a pillow talk jar.
There really is a lot to learn from it! Nick has already said he’s learned from it, too. xoxo
It was helpful to hear Nick and Sonia explain the reasoning behind Nick’s lie. It gave me a bit more respect for him knowing he was honoring her desire to keep that aspect of their relationship private, though a lie is still a lie regardless. I’m looking forward to getting back to Derek and Heather and finding out how things wrap up between them. I have to be super honest and say that there obviously hasn’t been and I’m not really certain there ever will be a couple as inspiring to watch as you and Doug. There was/has been just something special about you two. I think they could have ended the show after your season and absolutely called it a complete success. I can imagine it is insightful for you to continue to watch though considering you walked the same road as them. Perhaps what has made you and Doug so unique is your willingness to be introspective and your 100% commitment to each other and the process regardless of the difficulties. Sadly, most people simply bail when life gets hard but no relationship works that way. We often don’t realize that wherever we go, there we still are. So unless and until we deal with our junk, all our relationships are likely going to end up in the same place. And we end up missing out on something pretty special simply because we didn’t want to deal with the hard. Way to go to you and Doug for realizing the value of each other individually, your relationship, and your effort to make it something worthwhile.
Aww, thank you so much Annie! I really appreciate this. You made my day! 🙂 xoxox
Love your insights. It’s perfect because you’ve been through it and then some
Thanks Annette! 🙂 See you later on instagram! xoxo