Capturing the Moment: How I Take Gracie’s Monthly Pics


Capturing the Moment: How I Take Gracie’s Monthly Pics


Let’s be honest mamas, who’s phone isn’t filled with pics of their baby? I know mine is!! I have 35,000 to be exact 😉 It’s just so hard not to snap a photo when they are just SO dang cute ALL. THE. TIME!!!

So many of ya guys ask me, how I take Gracie’s monthly pics? Lemme be honest it isn’t as glamorous as you may think in your head LOL! You probably picture a fancy setup, lighting galore, an amazing (and expensive) camera and one adorable baby! But this is never how it goes! Here’s a snapshot of what it’s like taking her monthly pics 🙂

Snap Away

Guys I’m not even kidding, ya know that white fluffy background I use to take all her pics? It’s actually a rug/blanket that Doug got from amazon and it’s AMAZING!! (This is the link to the blanket we got in case you want the same one 🙂 Higher Comfort Oversized Luxuriously Soft Throw Blanket – White – 60″ x 72″ – Perfect as Couch Blanket or Bed Throw) In the beginning when she was still very young and couldn’t sit up I would jus lay her down on it, but now I usually just lay it over her rocking chair and voila you have a totally professional, DIY white fluffy background. 😉

My favorite part would have to be picking out Gracie’s outfit! Lemme tell ya, this girl has more clothes than I do, you should see her closet 😉  After I ooh and ahh over all her fashionable clothes it’s time to change her into an ADORABLE little party dress and she’s photoshoot ready!

Now comes the fun part, taking the pic 🙂 We usually always take the pics right after nap time so she’s super happy! 🙂  Who doesn’t make crazy noises, faces, do a little dance and jump all over the place just to get their baby to smile! I know that’s me, anything to make her smile, I’ll do 🙂 I’m behind the camera just snappin’ away and by the time I’m done with her monthly pics I’ve added another 100 to my camera roll – literally! LOL

How Do You Pick Just ONE?

I always have such a hard time just picking ONE to post on Instagram because they’re all just SO ADORABLE!! I go through them a bunch of times and it’s crazy to see how big my little Gracie’s getting!! After finally narrowing it down, now it’s time to edit 🙂

Let’s Get Fancy

Time to get fancy and make the photos look like you spent hours editing them, when actually it only took five minutes 🙂 My go to’s for editing and making them all cute and fun are the Snapseed and Baby Story apps!

love having Gracie’s photos light and bright, now in NJ the sun isn’t always out, so that’s where Snapseed comes in LOL! I usually crank the brightness up pretty much all the way, then add some saturation to give some color back to the pic. 🙂

Once your photo looks light and bright, head over to the Baby Story app to add some text 🙂 I love to include Gracie’s milestone, weight and height in her monthly pics that way I have it to look back on!

I usually include a pretty border, put how many months she is in a fancy font and position it on the pic! You can go overboard with this app because there’s just so many adorable doodles and stickers to include. 🙂 After ya save it to your camera roll, now it’s time to post to Instagram and share with all your friends and family.

That’s a Wrap

I love having the little monthly photoshoots with Gracie 🙂 Some months go more smoothly than others, but one thing’s for sure is that I love having them to look back on!! She’s growing so fast it’s unbelievable and this is a great way to document all Gracie’s milestones 🙂

Alrighty frans… now it’s your turn!! Get your fluffy white backgrounds and iPhone’s ready cause I’d love to see your baby’s monthly pics too! Tag me in your photos so I can see your cutie patootie! 🙂


Ok, I’m big on to-do/check lists

SO here’s a quick list of everything you need to capture your baby’s monthly milestone pics:

THAT’S IT! It’s seriously so easy and doesn’t really take any time at all, but it really is amazing to look back and see how your baby grows each month! 🙂


We started a family vlog channel, so we can capture even more of Gracie’s milestones. 🙂 Let us know what ya think cause we love having you – our frans – as part of our extended family. 🙂

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SIDE NOTE: CURRENT FAV BABY TOY IS THISBright Starts Around We Go 3-in-1 Activity Center Zippity Zoo

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