New Dad Prepping For Fatherhood: Diaper Bags Vs. ToteSavvy


Every now and again I steal Jamie’s website because I have something AWESOME to share with you all. This is one of those times. Diaper bags are a dime a dozen. They’re usually pretty girly, always super bulky, and they’re just an extra bag to carry every single day. As a soon to be new dad I’ve been on a mission to find a way to carry all these pink clothes, diapers and bottles without looking like I’ve completely lost my manhood.

Diaper Bags Are A Necessary Evil, Or Are They?

I have watched a lot of my female friends become new moms. They usually start out carrying 2 bags; A Purse, and a Diaper Bag. As time goes on, style starts to take a back seat to convenience. Eventually, the 2 bags would start to merge into 1 bag, and most of my female friends turned their Diaper Bags into their purse. For my guy friends who are dads, there hasn’t really been an option. Now that I am going to be a dad, I set out to find a way to carry one bag – and I wanted it to be a manly bag!

Spoiler Alert: I found a GREAT solution for moms and dads!

New Dad Prepping For Fatherhood

You would think being the last of your friends to have kids would mean that I should know every tip and trick in the book when it comes to preparing for your 1st child. A second-hand expert of sorts, when it comes to the essentials that you need to bring with you whenever you leave the house with a baby. I have direct access to the source of the Do’s & Don’ts, the Get & Don’t Get’s, the Must Have’s, and the No Need’s. Better to be safe than sorry, right? I am all for over-preparing for a simple trip to the supermarket with my baby girl, but based on what everyone is telling me to bring, I am pretty sure that I would be 1 can of baked beans away from being declared a doomsday prepper.

I May Or May Not Be A Pack-Rat

With so many options and suggestions nowadays, I’m sure most new parents are guilty of bringing WAY too much baby stuff with them wherever they go. I know that I will be one of those parents if I’m not too careful. If you open the trunk of my car, I am that guy that has 2 whiffle ball bats, 3 whiffle balls, tennis racquets, a mobile ping pong set, fins for swimming, an emergency kit with 2 flares, and jumper cables. I’m not even kidding. Why you ask…because you never know when you will get stranded at a park with a bunch of athletic people.

All The Baby Stuff, Such Little Space

The point of that story, is that you would never know that about me – unless I opened my trunk.  It would be a totally different story if I always had to carry that on my person. More importantly, there is no inconspicuous way to carry all of that equipment, and based on hours of internet research, I have yet to find a coat check that allows you to check your bats, balls, and paddles!

One thing is for sure, the more baby essentials that new parents decide to pack, means the man has one less free hand while walking. I always assumed I would just have to get a bulky diaper bag to carry all this stuff my baby girl would need, but I’ve discovered a revelation! When I spent all those hours trying to find that coat check for my bats and balls I stumbled across the ToteSavvy Mini!  #GameChanger – Or in the spirit of the story #GameDIAPERChanger

Diaper Bags vs. ToteSavvy

I had to immediately put the ToteSavvy Mini to the test. I went into work today, had my laptop bag over my shoulder, sat down in my cubicle, took my laptop out of the bag, and placed it on the docking station on my desk.

With a curious grin on my face, I asked my coworkers to guess what I had in my bag!?!  After a few sarcastically inappropriate comments, and wrong answer after wrong answer, I pulled out my ToteSavvy Mini. BOOM!! There I stood, holding a couple diapers, pack of baby wipes, bottle, toys, teething rings, a changing mat. After spending a few minutes acknowledging that our baby is due in August, and explaining why I packed up diaper essentials to bring to work, I could not believe how much I could pack up, without having to change what I was carrying to work. Not only that, but my laptop bag had never been that organized before! I felt like I hit a  home run and all three bases were loaded! ToteSavvy for the WIN! 🙂

  1. If you may ask, my husband choosed our own baby-diaper bag, because he assumed (like you of course) that he would be carrying it, so he picked up an awsome choice! It’s a baby-diaper backpack, its from Fisher Price, and we got it on Babysrus!! It even comes in manly colors like grey/blue or brown/green. Also it is very helpfull, because it has little labels where they suggest to put in things, like diapers, or pacifiers, and even has a quick take out wet wipes!!! Everyone has always asked us… where did you got that (we are and live in Mexico) So that was one of our best baby purchasings!!

  2. Doug,
    Adding to my previous comment:
    Your blog entry is well written and informative. You should consider creating your own blog, New Daddy 101: Everything I’m Learning Along the Way!

  3. Wow Doug you are going to be the most organized/prepared Daddy ever!!! I am having so much fun seeing how excited you are for your baby girl to arrive. She is one blessed little girl! ❤️

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