credit: Karolina Wojtasik
Married At First Sight: Sonia Chats About Life During & After MAFS
Tonight’s 2 hour Married At First Sight special was AHHMAZING. First reason being that they didn’t leave us hanging mid decision day like they did last year. We got to know the outcomes for each of these couples — and they are GREAT OUTCOMES! WOOHOO!!!
I sent my congrats over to Sonia and Lilly and then I got nosey. I asked Sonia (and Lilly – Click here for my chat with Miss. Lilly. She says she is IN LOVE!) a few questions and our convo was so interesting that I thought you may like to hear what she had to say. So, I asked if I could share what’s going on in her world now (because any good friend doesn’t gossip and spill). I knew she wouldn’t mind though because she loves y’all as much as I do. She was eager to share her life as it is now and what it was like during the airing of Married At First Sight. Here’s a peek into our convo.
Me: Congrats, girl! First, how hard was it to keep your marriage secret all season?
Sonia: It was a little annoying having to go to many things on my own and not take Nick and vice versa, however, not as difficult since Nick is a serious home-body! 😛 We would try to do a lot of parties in the house where people already knew that we decided to stay together on decision day.
Me: How did it feel watching the episodes back?
Sonia: Some episodes make me really love Nick, and of course some make me cringe and not appreciate him too much.
Me: Did you have a favorite part?
Sonia: My favorite part was feeding the homeless. I thought it was such a sweet and turning-point-moment for Nick and I. Not to mention the way the world has come together to give back in their own states and even countries. It’s been such a blessing.
Me: It really is SUCH a blessing and it’s so amazing that YOU began it all! Kudos to you sista! You’ve inspired a movement! 🙂 What’s your least favorite part?
Sonia: This won’t be a surprise. Hearing Nick yell “I’m not attracted to her. I don’t like her” was the most hurtful thing to ever re-watch. I really struggled that week. Not only was I embarrassed as a woman, but it was done on national television for everyone — family, friends and strangers — to watch. That was really rough! I also felt bad for the back-lash that Nick received from it. Yes, it was hurtful. Yes, I wanted to send him to fly a kite, but I was able to forgive him. We all make mistakes. Thankfully, for most of us those words and mistakes are not splattered everywhere for the public to have an opinion on.
Me: Geesh, girl. We all ached with you that week. My heart hurt for you. Was there a surprising part?
Sonia: I’m always surprised at all the nice things that Nick said about me to the camera because they were never told to my face.
Me: That’s so funny because I kept saying to him — via the TV of course — “SAY IT TO HER, NOT THE CAMERA!!!” Lol! What’s the first thing you’re going to do tomorrow when you can be out and about as a MARRIED couple?
Sonia: I don’t think anything too different. Just work and a usual day. Again, we don’t go out much. lol 🙂
Me: Anything you want to share with our amazing #MAFSFAMILY? (As I like to call our awesome die-hard fans.)
Sonia: I’m absolutely obsessed with all of you #FutureFriends as I like to call them. 🙂 lol OR #FRANS
Me: I did notice you say #FRANS on social media. I like that! Fans who have become friends … that’s exactly what so many of them have become. It’s SO NICE! 🙂 I hope you don’t mind if I start using #Frans for short, too. And SONIA, you’re really giving them pups some love now a days – have you completely converted into a dog lover?
Sonia: I’m not sure if I’m a complete dog lover, but I do appreciate them and I have grown to love Nick’s dogs, Dax and Lola! They’re precious and very sweet! Well Lola more than Dax, but Dax has come around quite a bit! 🙂
Me: I am a HUGE dog lover, but I never used to be. Give it time and those four paws and slobbery kisses will suck you in! What’s one of the biggest things you learned about yourself after doing Married At First Sight? …Would you do it all over again?
Sonia: I would definitely do it all over again. I think I’ve learned that I’m stronger and more confident than I ever thought I was and I also learned that I’m not a quitter!
AWW, I love Sonia Granados
There’s so much I love about Married At First Sight. Each season I learn so much more about myself (and relationships). One thing I have loved is watching Sonia stand up for herself (and women everywhere) and her beliefs, all the while remaining a beautiful person inside and out. I feel like this is a woman I can look up to! She truly has a heart of gold and she’s SO much better at forgiving and letting go than I am — just ask my hubs! Ha! 😛 Not to mention, the amount of work she does for the homeless makes my heart happy. I aspire to be more like her. Truly. Nick has an amazing wife and I believe Nick will be an amazing hubby, too!
P.S. I think Sonia’s “freakum dress” may be just what the doctor ordered for their relationship. If Beyonce didn’t do enough to convince you that you need one then I think watching Nick’s reaction and their relationship blossom after she wore her dress should do it. I just blogged about this earlier today, but I’ll add here for y’all too:
Giiiirl, if you don’t have a freakum dress then you better get yourself one. Just like Beyonce says “Cause when he acts wrong (Oh) that’s when you put it on… put your freakum dress on. Oh Every woman got one!” Here are a few freakum dresses that I found on amazon that make your curves POP:
One more thing! Next week there will be Married At First Sight’s REUNION show on Tuesday, November 1st at 9pm EST. I am crossing my fingers and toes that Sonia & Nick (and Lilly & Tom) will have good news to share with us! SO many times in the past the reunion shows have been heartbreaking to watch. *PRAYING*
What’d ya think of this season of Married At First Sight? How do you feel about Sonia Granados and her decision to stay married to Nick Pendergrast?
P.S. Sam Role From Married At First Sight Season 3 has a pretty big smile and a nice glow these days. Catch up with her and what’s going on in her life here.
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I hope Sonia and nick should stay together because she is just what he needs and Sonia and nick need kiss more and just reach out for each other
YES! I agree! xoxo
I accidentally clicked on MAFS when Derek and Heather were fighting. For some strange reason I kept watching. And I was hooked. I immediately bonded with Nick. I am old enough Nick could be my grandson but us older folks like a little romance and excitement too. Tuesday night became MAFS night even when Royals were playing for a playoff spot in the World Series. I learned to Twitter and Instagram but haven’t mastered Snapchat so I wouldn’t miss a thing! I have now watched Season 1 of MAFS and Season 1 of MAFS married life with season 2 in the next few days. I am so hoping Nick and Sonia make a go of it. They are so good together and NEED each other. I hope Nick nuzzles Sonia more than the dogs. I am like Sonia I am not a dog fan but did learn to cuddle with my grand dog. I lost my favorite TV show ‘Castle’ this fall so glad I found something to take its place. Wonder if Nick is going to PR with Sonia. I enjoy you and Doug! Doug’s personality is one for the books. Some of that needs to rub off on Nick although I read he is funny too.
Hey Laura! I am so glad you found MAFS. 🙂 Snapchat is fun, but it is a bit confusing! xoxo
I agree, I love MAFS and I LOVE Sonia and Nick. I have watched every single season and there are always the very disappointing couples or individual. This season it was Heather. It doesn’t matter how much “research” happens. There always seems to be the ones that blow the opportunity for someone else. Although I would LOVE to see Sonia & Nick make it, and have the show increase their success stories beyond Season 1, I’m just not getting a good feeling from your interview with Sonia and her online silence elsewhere, plus the reunion clip…it doesn’t look good. I sincerely hope my gut is wrong.
I hear ya! I’m eager to see what happens next week!
I’m curious. From the time they end shooting the season to when they air the episode, how long do the couples have to keep the outcome secret? Are they allowed to still live with each other?
Yes, we are allowed to live together and carry on our normal lives but we aren’t supposed to go out about in public together and be all lovey-dovey. 🙂 ….It’s usually about 3-4 months give or take. That can seem like an eternity when you’re with the one you love and you have to hide it.
I love you guys call us Frans! This season was really great! I LOVE Sonia and of course…YOU! I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I saw a snip of Nick not wearing his ring…hopefully he just lost it or something….geez they keep us in suspense! Love and hugs to all the couples…past and present!
I saw that, too! What the HAY! 🙁 I hope it is just that he lost it. Men are forgetful like that sometimes. *fingers crossed.*
I don’t want to wait another week!!! I’m going to be so sad if either couple has broken up. I’ve grown to really like Nick and Sonia and I hope they’ve found love. Please can we have a reunion that ends with two happy couples??? Fingers crossed!
I will be SO sad, too! I am hoping and praying for two more happy couples! 🙂 xoxox
I was thrilled with tonight’s episode! However, I know a lot of time has happened between then and now so… I’m still a little nervous and skeptical. On another note, I’m excited for more Married Life videos
YESSS!!! ….I was so happy to see them too! 🙂