Married At First Sight: Another Baby Is On The Way!


Married At First Sight: Another Baby Is On The Way!

Anddddd we’re back! The final gathering for this season of Married At First Sight – and what a CRAZY season it was! We have got to check in on the couples after they each made their big decisions. What’s happened since they decided to stay together…or get divorced? There was certainly A LOT to talk about after such a crazy season and luckily we were able to catch up and find out want went down once the cameras stopped rolling and the decisions had been made.

The reunion kicks off with introductions and reminiscing on the wedding day and when the journeys first began. Those first impressions at the wedding – was everyone in pure bliss or what?! Love reliving moments like these. Each couple proves to truly be grateful for the experience, even if it didn’t turn out as they had expected. The experts then check in with each couple individually to figure out where things really went wrong – or for some, when things fell into place! So let’s dig a little deeper and really get to know these relationships from the perspectives of Molly, Jon, Jackie, Ryan, Jephte and Shawniece.


Always showing my love and support for Jon and Molly! I think they both meant well, but these two just could not seem to get on the same page with their relationship. We take a look back at some pretty brutal footage that certainly contributed to the end of their marriage. I don’t really know if there was a possibility they could overcome their fight in Florida – but, who knows? What if Jon had said he wanted to keep trying – would Molly have given it another shot? I guess we’ll never know. Pastor Cal continues to question if they could have made their marriage work and Dr. Pepper labels them as their most ‘confusing’ couple. Well, love is definitely a confusing thing and relationships are hardly straightforward, that’s for sure!

As they look back on their relationship, it seems the trouble connecting started on their honeymoon. They just could never quite emotionally relate to one another, no matter how badly they both wanted it. They both think they gave it their best shot, but the experts are really stumped by what happened. I just think in the end, you really cannot control how you feel about someone. People around you can try to help you ‘see the light’ and continue to work on your relationship, but if something doesn’t end up sparking, where do you go from there? I 150% agree that attraction can grow over time, but for some, it’s just not meant to be and there is nothing wrong with that. And again – after everything that happened on their trip to Florida, their relationship was unable to recover from the turmoil. I hated to see these two break up, but I am happy they were able to leave things on somewhat of a positive note. Do you think their marriage could have been spared? If so – what do you think they could have done differently?


They have big hearts!!! I couldn’t agree more! I just think they fit together so well. They balance each other and that’s what relationships are all about! I am so so happy they decided to stay together and I think they have a strong future ahead together. I loved hearing Jephte talk about his mother and recalling the moment she gave Shawniece the belt at the wedding ceremony. One of the greatest things about marriage is truly bringing two families together. Family is so important! What a fun memory!

When we jump into their time throughout the show, we’re reminded of how much Shawniece wanted to connect in the beginning, but Jephte insisted on taking it slow. However, in the end this method seemed to work out for these two! That doesn’t mean there weren’t challenges along the way. Eventually, Jephte found himself able to connect, but believes in taking his relationship one step at a time. Kudos to you Jephte! But after a while, seeing Shawniece give herself to the experiment 100% and Jephte being so reluctant with their relationship, certainly made me feel sad for her! I think at one point I may have been yelling at my tv – ‘ok Jephte, you made your point. Now give that girl hug!” HA! Anyway, I am so so happy Jephte and Shawniece ultimately made the decision to stay married. It was fun looking back on their relationship and seeing how far they’ve come. I can’t wait to see where their relationship will go! Ok, ok – we know where it goes….more on that later! All we know is that Jephte’s heart is open for Shawniece and I. AM. ECSTATIC. Yay for this #MAFS fam!


Dr. Pepper had one thing right – they definitely started things off hot & heavy! These two seemed to be head over heels right off the bat. Reminiscing on their wedding day and their honeymoon was pure romance. Things were going so sweetly with these two, but of course like all relationships, after spending some time together, the honeymoon phase ends, and the truth about living day to day with another person in your life becomes apparent. As sad as I was to see it happen, things started to go downhill for Ryan and Jaclyn stemming from Ryan’s consistent need to go out on the weekends with his friends. Now – I’m all for keeping friendships through marriage, but with that, you definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY need to make sure you are spending time with your spouse continuing to develop and build your own relationship. It’s all about compromise and I’m not sure if that was happening. But, through every disagreement, Ryan and Jackie talked it out and were able to reconcile.

I really didn’t know what would happen toward the end – I couldn’t tell if their argument with one another would be their ultimate demise. But, they were able to work it out and see their relationship through! Jackie really has one of the biggest hearts of any person that I have ever met. She is always thinking of others and in the case of her relationship with Ryan – she constantly worked to find ways they could better communicate together and make their relationship last. When you’ve got a partner like that, you’re sure to come out on top! I just can’t wait to see what happens with these two. Always hoping for the best!



Do we have another relationship expert on our hands?? Haha – I love Shawniece! I tell ya – Shawneice is wise beyond her years! She has so many insightful things to say. She certainly shed some light on Molly and Jon’s relationship in a very straight forward, matter of fact way. Hey girl, you better watch out! I might end up reaching out to you for life advice sometime soon!! She has a good head on her shoulders, that’s for sure 🙂


One of my favorite things about this season was the get togethers that allowed the husbands and wives to meet up and share their experiences with one another. Again – that support system is so unbelievably important and definitely made for some fun conversations! Looking back on some of these memories was really a lot of fun! What was your favorite moment? I think mine had to be when Shawniece told the girls that she and Jephte had finally consummated their marriage. She was so happy to connect on that level with Jephte and of course the other ladies were as supportive as ever 🙂 Celibacy no more!

Now the guys on the other hand – of course they would be playing basketball or pool while they talk about the trials and tribulations of their marriage haha Sports all around! But, whatever provided the environment that they needed to open up, well then that works for me! My favorite ‘meet-up’ moment for the guys? Probably when Ryan told Jon to just walk into the room NAKED in trying to make a move on Molly. I think from that point on, we knew that Ryan was a little crazy – but in the BEST possible way! Haha (Thank goodness Jon didn’t take his advice…) I will say, Molly’s reaction to that footage was pretty hilarious. I don’t think she could believe what she was hearing! Oh dear….


Sooo…let’s talk about the elephant in the room! JEPHTE AND SHAWNIECE ARE PREGNANT!!!Can’t wait for another Married At First Sight baby 🙂 Gracie can’t wait for playdates!!! I tell ya, there was not a dry eye in the house – at least not in my house 😉 You could just tell by the look in Jephte’s eyes. He was stunned, but so happy!! After all – he and Shawniece were discussing baby names just a couple months into their relationship.Their lives are going to change forever – and definitely for the better! Marrying my one true love and welcoming our darling baby girl into the world, has been by far the greatest thing to ever happen in my life. I wish nothing but the best for Jephte, Shawniece, KiKi and their growing family!


Welp, that’s all she wrote! (Literally…haha!) What a super intense season of Married At First Sight. While not all of the relationships ended with a happily ever after, everyone involved in this insane social experiment can confidently say that they learned so much more about themselves, about relationships and about love than they ever could have imagined. Married At First Sight will always, always, ALWAYS hold a very special place in my heart. This experience introduced me to an amazing man who has become an amazing father to my beautiful daughter, and for that I will be forever grateful for this show and this experiment. I wish these individuals the best of luck in finding what makes them truly happy – I know they have a great future ahead! Love my #MAFS family forever and always! I’ll catch up with you all again soon – but, this time – in Dallas!

As always – so excited for next week and to see how theses stories continue to unfold! And as always, I’m tweetin’ live with ya every Tuesday night at 8:30 EST for Married At First Sight: Unfiltered.

Married At first sight: Unfiltered hosted by yours truly airs Tuesday’s at 8:30 pm EST on Lifetime tv and is followed by Married At First Sight at 9.

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran — you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

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