Married At First Sight: ONE Week Until Decision Day!
Hey Everyone! I’m back for another week of discussing all things Married at First Sight and as always, there is a TON to talk about. There is only ONE more week until decision day and I hope you guys are all caught up! If not – go online and check them out NOW! Trust me guys you’ll want to be a part of the conversation. We’re counting down the days until each of these couples will have to make one of the biggest decisions of their lives. And I can speak from experience – it’s probably one of the most stressful, intense, high pressure and yet, also exciting moments I have ever experienced. I’m here for ya, guys!
Ok ok – so after last week, I thought to myself – where are they gonna go from here?? This week, we kicked things off with Shawniece and Jephte and I think we all let out a sigh of relief. It looks like things are really coming together for them, even after their fight last week in Vermont and on the way home from the road trip – with the help of Dr. Pepper they were both able to find some common ground. Jephte continuously worries – well what if they don’t ever fall in love? What if they’re together for years and something still doesn’t click? A valid concern, but Jephte – look at your relationship! Look at the beautiful, kind, hardworking woman that you have by your side!
These two have grown in more ways than I can count and I feel it in my heart of hearts that they will make this work! And the more time they spend together, really getting to know and explore each other, the stronger their relationship and love for one another will be. This is definitely the ‘having kids, growing old together, happily ever after’ kind of love and I can’t wait to see what happens! If they just continue to take it at their own pace, and do not put pressure on what they have together to be something more – then I think this relationship could really go the distance.
Do you guys get that vibe? I wanna hear your thoughts too!
The car ride this week was a complete 180 from last week! Even though they had a bit of a disagreement, they talked it out and the conversation ended in laughter. Now this my friends, is what I’ve been looking for! How cute was that whole interaction? Team Jephte & Shawniece FOR SURE!

Welp. I don’t know about you, but I’m a little heartbroken. My jaw was on the FLOOR last week and I still don’t think my mouth has completely closed! Wow wow wow…that was a lot to take in. But, now – here we are a week later. Has anything changed or gotten better?
Molly and Jon are so much alike. They have similar interests, laugh at the same jokes and seem to have many commonalities. But, sometimes those things don’t always equate to the perfect relationship. This week we saw Molly and Jon both confide in their respective love ones and share their ultimate decision….divorce. HOWEVER – it is not over until it’s over and who’s telling what could happen? Things can absolutely still turn themselves around before decision day. Do you think these two are meant to be?
When Guys’ Night rolls around, Jon can’t help but feel nervous to open up to Jephte and Ryan – which I totally understand. No one wants to admit their relationship isn’t working. When he finally opens up, you can definitely tell Jephte is a little shocked and ‘uncomfortable’ as he says a couple of times and Ryan seems to be questioning his own relationship with Jackie. With Jon’s honesty, everyone begins opening up and sharing how they feel. I love that the guys have developed such a bond. That support system is HUGE.
When Jon goes to visit his mom, I just love how supportive she is for her son. As a parent, you want to protect your child from EVERYTHING, but as they get older (Please never grow up, Gracie!) you have to trust that your child is doing what is in their best interest. Although Jon’s mother and step-father may have been nervous about the experiment, they backed Jon and his decision all the way. Now those are amazing parents! No ‘I told ya so’s’ up in here!
During Girls’ Night, the ladies are shocked when Molly reveals that she and Jon are separating. Her revelation definitely gets Shawniece and Jackie thinking about their own relationships. You can tell how seriously everyone is taking the experiment and are hopeful that their marriages will stand the test of time – to consider separation should not be taken lightly. While Molly and Jon seem to be questioning their own relationship, I am so so happy that everyone is giving the experiment their dedication and commitment 100%! You cannot succeed without it. There is still time to come back from this Jon and Molly! I believe you can make it work!

Ryan – saying he could cut ties and wouldn’t be heartbroken? I think he may just be getting scared that decision day is looming and he doesn’t want to get hurt. He is trying to protect his own heart because he is not sure what will happen with his relationship with Jackie. I’m happy Jephte was there to probe and maybe help Ryan see things in another way. Varying perspectives is huge sometimes in understanding your own relationship.
As Jackie reveals during Girls’ Night – after hearing about Molly’s news, she too begins to worry about her own relationship. When she gets home, Jackie hopes to get some reassurance from Ryan about their marriage. They both discuss their own perspectives after spending time with the other couples and the conversation doesn’t exactly end in the most positive spot. But, hey – communication is HUGE so I am happy that they’re talking about it. Jackie just has the sweetest heart and it makes me sad that they both are so unsure.
Later on, they seem to have a bit of reconciliation after some sweet treats on the couch and a quiet night at home. Sometimes you just need a little time to cool off and reevaluate what you’ve gone through together and overcome so far as a couple to truly appreciate what you have. LOVE the necklace – what an adorable gift! I think Ryan is coming around. As he said – they are on good solid ground got now and I hope these good feelings last through decision day!
I cannot believe how quickly this season has flow by next week is already decision day. Theses couples have experienced so much together in such a short amount of time – it’s absolutely crazy!! I keep on sending the positive vibes their way and I hope you will too! No one can truly understand what being Married At First Sight is like until you have experienced it for yourself. While it is stressful, scary and overall a lot to handle – it is all worth it in the end when you could end up with your true soul mate. Next week cannot come soon enough! IT’S DECISION DAY PEOPLE!
As always – so excited for next week and to see how theses stories continue to unfold! And as always, I’m tweetin’ live with ya every Tuesday night at 8:30 EST for Married At First Sight: Unfiltered.
Married At first sight: Unfiltered hosted by yours truly airs Tuesday’s at 8:30 pm EST on Lifetime tv and is followed by Married At First Sight at 9.
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