Married At First Sight: Newly Married Ashley, “I Want Babies”

Ashley and Anthony

Ashley and Anthony

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — these two make me absolutely gush! In the very beginning of the last episode Ashley shyly (and in the cutest way ever) shared that they had consummated their marriage…and about two minutes later we hear Ashley say, “I want babies.”  She then proceeds to share her strong desire for children with her newbie hubby, Anthony.

Eh hem, before you gasp and say “But they only JUST met!” let me just put this out there front and center: If anyone has anything negative to say about a woman who is newly married (to a stranger or not) and initiates the “I want babies” talk ASAP then you may want to stop reading my blog now because there’s a BIG chance we won’t agree.

If you watched my season of Married At First Sight then you’ll know that I didn’t hold back my desire of wanting to be a mommy — and boy did I get ragged on from everyone under the sun on social media the moment I told my hubby I wanted to be a mommy.

“Don’t push him into kids!”

“Enjoy your marriage first!”


It took me 6 months before I really brought up the discussion (because it took us a solid 6 months to fall in love and for me to know in my heart of hearts that we were going to last a lifetime).

“I want babies yesterday.”

So ok, in all honesty I didn’t bring up the “I want babies” subject quite as quickly as Ashley did with Anthony. I mean my first reaction to my stranger hubby was a complete nightmare. I wasn’t attracted and I practically had a nervous breakdown. BUT, the moment I knew we were compatible, in love and we were both committed I wanted to have the “I want babies” talk. I needed to know that he was on the same page as me when it came to having a family and when we were going to begin. I 100% understand why Ashley brought this up.

Not So Fast

Anthony is pulling on the reigns and slowing these horses down. (Forgive me for stereotyping, but such a typical dude.) My husband did the same exact thing when we first began chatting kiddos. Truth be told, in hindsight I am so happy my hubby did slow us down a bit. And truth be told, I’d NEVER want to force him into being a dad before he’s ready. I know that isn’t fair to our baby. There’s no way I’d ever be that person to “trick” him or pressure him into parenthood, but I also wanted us to get on the same page. We obviously weren’t so it gave us time to figure it all out.

Pre-Baby Bucketlist

My hubs and I planned out his pre-baby bucket list and went on umpteen adventures together. These trips and excursions made us stronger and now we are both more ready than ever. (Thank God since I am 6 1/2  months preggers!) 🙂 Tip to Anthony, start planning your pre-baby bucket list. It’s a FUN and exciting way to stall. 😉

Danielle and Cody

Danielle and Cody

If you’re already sick of the “I want babies” talk I can promise you you won’t have to worry about hearing any of that with Danielle and Cody. These two have yet to consummate their marriage, let alone start planning their future children together. It’s a bummer to see how awkward and uncomfortable they are together because from the outside looking in they seem SO PERFECT for each other. 🙁


The biggest struggle for these two is probably communication, but patience plays a role too. Danielle really wants a ‘man’s man’ and Cody can feel the pressure. In every activity they do there’s almost a hidden question: “Will Cody man-up and follow through?”

They went speedboating and Cody accidentally falls in the water so Danielle has to take the lead. They go zip lining and Cody nearly has a panic attack (but he did take the plunge and jump off so brownie points for him)! Finally, at dinner Danielle dares him to eat the eye ball of the fish that is served.

“Are you going to call me a baby-man if I don’t?” Cody asks. “Not to your face” Danielle jokingly replies.

YIKES. At this point it’s obvious Cody definitely feels pressure. He admits that he doesn’t feel like they’re on the same wavelength and that he is “forcing” it a bit.

Danielle was taken back by this a bit. I think it’s great Cody finally spoke up and shared with Danielle how he feels. Hopefully Danielle will be patient with Cody while he shows her that he is “manly.” #FingersCrossed

Sheila and Nate

Sheila and Nate

Cody and Danielle aren’t the only ones struggling by the end of their honeymoon. Word to the wise: a simple game of Ping Pong can be vicious!

Sheila is stomping on Nate during their competitive game of ping pong and Nate will not have it. You can see the steam coming from his ears as he strategizes ways to swing that paddle and beat Sheila at the game.

“He’s taking this a lot more seriously than I,” Sheila says into the camera. “I’m quickly getting annoyed. Dude relax, it’s ping-pong.”

But Nate doesn’t see it her way, “You’ll never find me not caring about succeeding.”

Oh boy, it doesn’t get any prettier after that comment. Sheila quickly quips, “You feel the need to distinguish my light in order for yours to shine brighter.” Nate lashes back, “Don’t do that again! That’s borderline disrespectful,”

Again, Not Pretty

As they walk back to their hotel room Nate reaches for Sheila’s hand, but she pulls away, “I’m not going to pretend. I’m not going to hold your hand.”

Still not getting any prettier…

“Feels like a sign of rejection,” Nathan says referring to Sheila denying his hand-holding request. “This is some disrespect. Don’t reject your husband.”

I told you it’s not pretty, but it gets downright ugly 

Apparently Nate told Sheila off camera that he didn’t want to be married to her anymore. As Sheila reaches out to relationship expert Calvin Roberson she cries “Words are damaging, so I’m done. I’m still committed, and the fact that his commitment level doesn’t go very far is a huge problem for me. He could have said anything else to me — anything else in the world and I would have forgave him!”

Watching this I just want to hug her through the tv screen.

Preach It Sista

Nate obviously had time to cool down because over dinner he begins to apologize, “When I felt disrespected by you, it made me want to pull back.”

Sheila may be all emotional and full of tears, but her response is EPIC: “I spent the majority of my 20s trying to convince men that they wanted this…that I was worth it,” she says through tears. “When I’m easy to love, I’m easy to love. I never had someone to love me when I wasn’t easy to love.”

…Truer words have never been spoken. And on that note, I am literally on my hands and knees praying that this man will love her when she isn’t “easy to love.” She deserves it. We all deserve it.

[bctt tweet=”My favorite show on TV is #MarriedAtFirstSight on @lifetimetv! #NoShame :-)” username=”jamieotis”]

Who’s the couple you can most relate to? Do you see these marriages succeeding? Share with me in the comments below!

Join me LIVE on twitter tonight to tweet for both Married At First Sight: Unfiltered and Married At First Sight. It all begins at 8:45 ET on Lifetime! 

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran, you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my new book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

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1 comment
  1. Hi Jaime,

    I agree with your concerns about your concerns about Cody and Danielle. Unfortunately, the show is over so it is to late to coach them. I agree with Dr. Pepper Schwartz that Danielle’s gender role concerns may cause problems. Danielle signed up for a husband, lover and loving father to their children. Cody appears to be able to do all three. I wonder if the issue is with Danielle she runs, does yoga and may lift weights. Admits she does not wear dresses that often. Was Danielle looking for a fantasy ideal to make her feel more feminine. Why didn’t he shout what the heck is a manly man. I am big enough to protect us both, I make a decent living. I am kind and gentle. Why are you so stuck on this. If we can’t get to the bottom of this. How are we going to stay married. Best regards, Michael

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