Married At First Sight: Moving In With A Stranger


Married At First Sight: Moving In With A Stranger

Well, seven days down and a lifetime left to go! This married at first sight season has been filled with so many ups and downs – and there is so much more to come! They say ya never really know someone until you live with them and boy is that true. But, I think Doug and I made pretty good roommates right away 😉 Let’s see how these couples reacted to moving in together!

Dave and Amber

First things first, I absolutely love that the experts are gifting each couple with $5,000 a month so they can start building their lives together with less stress. This is new this season because when we were married at first sight there was no gifting of any kind of money from anyone. Shucks, we really missed out! But it is important to be able to focus on their marriages and not worry about finances so early on in their relationship so these couples are really lucky. They’ve got plenty of other stuff to focus on, that’s for sure! Aren’t the married at first sight experts the best?!

Well, it seems like Dave will have to replace some of the pictures of his friends with his new wife! But, I think there is room for everyone. 🙂 He’s got a pretty nice place though, huh? And thank goodness Paisley (Amber’s cat) likes Dave…. I mean that would have been a major deal breaker, guys! I just hope Dave likes Paisley…eeek!

Dave and Amber are all in and I am so excited to see where their relationship goes! I’m sure Dave was excited to find out a little secret about Amber…. She’s a “shoeaholic”-LOL! Lemme tell ya Dave…shoes are a girl’s best friend – well, that and lashes of course 😉 I think that they will definitely need to rent a second place for all of her stuff! I am envious of that closet!

They both decided to stay at Dave’s place and after a nice dinner together, they talked finances… DUN DUN DUN!!! Yep, well if ya couldn’t tell by her massive shoe collection, Amber is more of a spender and Dave is more of a saver. But they’re off to a great start because Amber wants Dave to take the lead and she’s willing to learn to adjust to a new lifestyle and gain a better understanding when it comes to being financially responsible. Love these two!

Bobby and Danielle

Night one at home and they’re staying at Bobby’s place and they’re not alone! Bobby and Danielle each have a dog and pets are definitely a part of the family. I can totally relate! My favorite part of the episode was when Danielle said that Henry (her dog) gets a new dad! I was sooo nervous for Doug and my dog, Lady, to meet for the first time because if they didn’t like each other it just wouldn’t have worked out – kidding, not kidding – it is seriously very important! Pets are our fur babies.

Funny story, Lady LOVED Doug and still does to this day, even more than she likes me haha! How is that fair?!

Anyway, I found it so funny that Bobby and Danielle spent 10 minutes arranging how their dogs would meet, like ok Danielle you stand here and I’ll go get my dog on a leash… too funny! Thank goodness Henry and Nellie got along and all is good in the world for these newlyweds!

On another note, let’s talk about the dead ducks in Bobby’s freezer! YUCK!!! And she had absolutely no problem with it – its official, they’re perfect for each other!

During their dinner, Danielle dropped a bomb and revealed that she had $15,000 in credit card debt! YIKES!!! This is definitely something I’ll talk about on Unfiltered! How would you guys handle the ‘finances’ conversation?

Tristan and Mia

Our third couple’s relationship has been anything but smooth sailing and it seems like Mia and Tristan have run into another obstacle. They do not have the same taste in home décor! Tristan wasn’t into Mia’s die hard Texan interior design, but that’s okay because she wants to move into Tristan’s high rise… oooooh girl, you fancy!! Tristan even said that he was going to take care of all the rent. He really wants to take care of Mia and it shows.

As they begin to settle down, Mia makes such a good point because at this stage of their relationships, the couples are just getting into routine of things and learning each other’s habits and quirks! She is ready to really take the time to get to know each other and can’t wait to spend time at home with her new hubby. I was kinda shocked when Tristan said that he’s never lived with someone in the past. I guess there is a first time for everything!

Okay, I’m Dying To Know….

Have you guys ever lived with someone? It’s definitely a big step. Almost as big as marriage! What did you guys think when Tristan revealed this to Mia? Would that be a red flag for you? I’m dying to know your thoughts!

Alrighty… now that the couples are all moved in and comfy cozy, real life is coming! How will their jobs and schedules work out? How will they adjust to living with their spouse? We’ll have to wait and see! As always, I’m so excited for next week’s episode! The families are coming over for dinner and I’m sure these are conversations we won’t want to miss! Reality is definitely setting in….and I can’t wait to see everything unfold!

Married At first sight: Unfiltered hosted by yours truly airs Tuesday’s at 8:30 pm EST on Lifetime tv and is followed by Married At First Sight at 9.

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