Married At First Sight: Why Was Mia Detained?


Married At First Sight: Why Was Mia Detained?

WOW!!!!! Soo0 the most dramatic thing in married at first sight history happened on last night’s episode and I’m sitting here me speechless!!!!! OMG, what a crazyyyy way to start off Mia and Tristan’s marriage! But besides that shocking news (which we will definitely get into later!) it was also the other two couples honeymoons!! I remember for me; our honeymoon was where I began to fall in love with Doug and when I decided to give it a shot! We also had our first kiss there!

Mia Detained for Stalking Charges?

Imagine you’re just about to board a plane to head off to a tropical honeymoon and the wife you just met is getting hand cuffed by two officers?! Well that’s exactly what happened to Mia and Tristan! I could only imagine how Tristan felt! Plus, he waited 3 days before he found out from Mia what actually happened!

At first it seemed like Mia was arrested for stalking charges and for allegedly using her ex’s credit card to buy a Christmas present…which was certainly shocking since she seems like a sweetheart (I’ve talked to her on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered and she was SO kind and polite!), but more than anything that kinda behavior is kinda scary! Honestly, if I was in his situation I probably would’ve left…but I’ve learned to give people a chance and be patient!

To be truthful, my first thought was HOW DID THE EXPERTS MISS THIS? There are background checks. I know because I had one myself when I was married at first sight. I mean what a coincidence that all this happened the day AFTER production ran the background checks!! Oh, I will definitely be bringing this up on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered because I can’t pick my jaw up off the floor. PLEASE, someone explain.

Anyway, once Mia was finally released she told Tristan that her car was broken into and it was a case of mistaken identity. Tristan chose to leave it all behind them and trust her 100%!! I don’t know if I could do that, but major props to him. I feel like (and HOPE) this is just a huge misunderstanding, because WOW.


Honeymoon Bliss or A Total Miss?

Anyways.. that wasn’t all the drama that happened on last night’s episode! It seems like Amber’s ex is still in the picture! Apparently Dave knows the guy Amber dated and he said that if he had known he’d be matched with someone who dated this guy before the experiment, he wouldn’t have continued! Now that’s a BOLD statement…never say never Dave!!

But that didn’t seem to stop them from enjoying their honeymoon! And so far, Dave and Amber are the only ones who made their marriage official if ya know what I’m sayin’ 😉

Bobby and Danielle also got into a little argument. During their bike ride, Bobby said that he wants a stay at home wife and wants to be the man of the house…but Danielle wants to continue her career. Bobby, c’mon it’s 2018 you should know a woman can do both!!! To every mama out there working and taking care of her hubby and kiddos, raise your hand! (I wish I could insert the girl with her hand raised emoji here. lol.) Hopefully they can compromise on that!

But anyways, it was SOOO cute when they went cliff jumping and Bobby acted strong even though he was just as afraid of heights as Danielle! Looks like Danielle got the southern gentlemen she wanted.

Double Date On Your Honeymoon

Ok, maybe not everyone would go for a double date on their honeymoon, but I looveeed that the couples got to meet up and go on a double date!! It seemed like they all got along great and could see why they were matched with their partner! I really would’ve liked to meet up with the other couples on our honeymoons!! It’s nice to relate to someone who’s in the same situation as ya! It also makes you feel a little less crazy for marrying a stranger. LOL!!!

Well, that’s all for this married at first sight episode!! Man that was a lotttt for one night!! But I’m so glad it all ended on a positive note! I love seeing these couples gettin’ to know each other and putting their all in the relationships! Next week’s episode seems to be just as intense…what wasn’t Mia honest about? What’s going to happen to their marriage? Will they stick it out? I can barely wait till next week to find out!

Married At first sight: Unfiltered hosted by yours truly airs Tuesday’s at 8:30 pm EST on Lifetime tv and is followed by Married At First Sight at 9.

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