Married At First Sight: What was Mia Hiding After Her Arrest?


Married At First Sight: What was Mia Hiding?

Wellllll Married At First Sight fans,  if you thought that was all there was to Mia’s story…. Guess again! We found out this week that she wasn’t telling Tristan the whole story about her arrest! Will he still stick it out or is it all over for them? But besides that news, we get to follow the other two couples on their last couple days of their honeymoon!

Ya guys know if you saw last week’s Married At First Sight preview that there was something Mia was hiding from Tristan! Now that is NOT a good way to start off a marriage, but what doesn’t kill ya makes you stronger, right?! Mia says that she felt bad for Tristan that this was how they had to start out their marriage, and that she wants to make it up to him!! HOW SWEET!!! I looveee that these two wanna make the best out of this situation and use it as a foundation to build their relationship! They never did make it to Cancun with the other couples so they stayed in Downtown Dallas! The honeymoons are sooo important! It’s probably the only time they are going to be able to get to know each other without life getting in the way!! Because after the honeymoons, its back to the real world with your real jobs and regular every day chores.

What Happens in Mexico….

I love love love that they got to go on their first double date together!! It was so funny that  the other two couples finallyyyy started to question where Mia and Tristan were! They thought they were lost at the resort, LOL!!!! Dave called Tristan, and Tristan told him all about what happened! Dave said if it happened to him he’d be talking to an annulment attorney right about now!! Well seems like Dave wouldn’t be as forgiving as Tristan in this situation. Honestly, I would agree with Dave, but anyone who watched my season of Married At First Sight would know I wasn’t exactly gentle on Doug.

Anyways, the couples also got some one on one time and Dave and Amber went salsa dancing! Let’s just say Dave was NOT having it – LOL – and he didn’t wanna dance the night away. (Doug’s sarcastic humor is totally rubbin’ off on me! LOL!) He regretted agreeing to salsa dancing because he was sweating like a pig,which made him even more uncomfortable… but marriage is about compromise though and sometimes that means ya gotta do what ya gotta do! Sorry Dave! 🙂

Dave later went on to reveal that he “under sold” how important religion is to him to the experts! YIKES!!! Amber isn’t super religious. Hopefully Dave and Amber can work out a compromise because they are sooooo good together!

Bobby and Danielle were in a pretty good place this week! They took this time on their honeymoon to really get to know each other and grow as a couple!!! They’re just sooo dang cute together – I can’t!

Lies Make the Heart Grow Fonder?

Mia finally came clean to Tristan and says that she wasn’t completely honest about her arrest! Guys, honesty is what builds a good marriage! I remember when Doug and I had the fight about the cigarette, all those good feels went away and all I could focus on was how he lied to me! But through this experiment, I learned to not judge his whole character on one lie and I was committed to making it work. Alrightyy mini rant over hahah, back to Mia..she came clean and said that she did know the accuser and had a brief relationship with him. Talk about dropping a bomb!! The experts sat down to talk to them both and Tristan just wants all this to be over with and to move forward as a married couple! Seems like this arrest made their relationship stronger!! So strange & unexpected, right?

Well, what’s even more strange is what Mia says next, “I’m falling in love with him.” OK, strangest yet is how Tristan feels. He says he is already there and does love her. WOW! Since they were just married at first sight a couple days ago I would say this is MAJOR PROGRESS PEOPLE! I’m definitely in shock, but AHHHH my heart is soon happy for them. I’m sooo glad they could move past it!!! Not gonna lie, my eyes are gonna be glued to the TV every episode to see if this love continues to grow, though. And you know I am going to be grilling’ “em on Unfiltered next week – which, by the way, airs at 8:30 EST on Lifetime!

Back To Reality

Andddd the married at first sight honeymoons are over…. Back to reality!!! On next week’s episode, the couples are moving in together and learning how to live life together!! They say, ya never really know someone until you live with them so we’ll see how it all goes 🙂  And as always, I’ll be back next week to blog all about it stay tuned!!!!

One thing I am dying to know …

Do you think Mia and Tristan’s love is real? Would you have stood by your spouses side if you found out they had a warrant for their arrest?

Married At first sight: Unfiltered hosted by yours truly airs Tuesday’s at 8:30 pm EST on Lifetime tv and is followed by Married At First Sight at 9.

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran — you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

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