Married At First Sight: Love For Jephte And Shawniece?

Jackie and Ryan

Married At First Sight: Love For Jephte And Shawniece

Ok – so I’ve been super anxious for this week. After the cell phone drama a couple of weeks ago and last week with the Jackie and Ryan issues – how are the Married At First Sight couples doing?? Better? Worse?

After this week I have a lot of mixed emotions. And your best bet you’re gonna hear of them! So, awayyyy we go!


Ryan’s parents are WONDERFUL. I love how his mother embraces Jackie – it reminds me of how special Doug’s family made me feel. They took me in and cared for me like I was their own daughter from the very beginning. Ok, well his mom and I had some warming up to do first. Lol.

This experience with Jackie and Ryan really meant a lot and I think they needed to gain some insight from two people with such a successful marriage to provide just a little encouragement. BUT – when Ryan said he didn’t know if he and Jackie could ever have a relationship like his parents did? Talk about a BUZZKILL. A little more confidence would be nice…


Now, I just have to take a minute to give a quick shout out to Shawniece – she’s looking so, so good in EVERY episode! Whether she’s in sweatpants or that cute, white, puffy top from this week – this girl is beautiful inside and out. Ok sorry — on to more important topics! Just had to show some love for my girl!


Some of my favorite nights are when Doug and I just spend time at home together. With Gracie, our quiet nights at home can become a litttttle more hectic, but we wouldn’t have it any other way! I think one of my favorite things about Shawniece and Jephte is that they’re just so comfortable being at home sitting on the couch, or hanging out together on the porch – I mean Shawniece can’t even get Jephte to leave the kitchen while she’s cooking! There is a definite chemistry growing between these two and it feels so authentic. The way their love has taken time to grow reminds me of Doug’s & my experience when we were married at first sight….Anywhere, anytime – they are in this 100%.

In a marriage, you need someone that you can just sit at home with, eating chips & dip and talking about The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air while also working on your relationship. They are both opening up so much and I really have faith that this is FOR REAL. I loved everything about this snack sesh and I hope there is more where that came from!

Pop Quiz: Do you know what Jephte and Shawniece are talking about here? Answer in comments below.


Each week, I become more and more confident in these two and the idea that their relationship can last. And after she said “Doug & Jamie’s love took time to grow” makes me root even harder for them. Because it’s true – we didn’t start out all mushy-gushy in love. Love takes time to grow. It CAN happen. Sure, they’ve had a couple of rough patches, but guess what – that is part of any relationship! ALTHOUGH – I really hope Molly doesn’t keep forgetting about his allergies. That could be DEADLY. That’s something to put on a sticky note for the bathroom mirror as a reminder every morning. Haha!

Anyway, I am happy Jon is still alive and he was so great with Molly’s family. I loved seeing everyone laughing and working together! I know Molly is still uncertain about everything, but I have hope that their attraction can grow. They’re laying the foundation and the rest will fall into place!


Can we please take a moment to appreciate Shawniece’s patience with Jephte? He’s over there eating cereal and he’s questioning her cooking skills? HAHA I mean – come on!! But, I just love their banter so much. We won’t even acknowledge the ‘organic whole milk’ issue – what a big kid!! Shawniece – I will come over for dinner anytime, girl!


Ughhhh Ryan. He is being so dramatic – Jackie was sick and was hoping you would stay in with her! I still like the guy, but dude – are you forgetting that she’s your wife? Super frustrating, but lucky for him Jackie is a sweetheart and has so much patience! She is a true gem.

I’m so happy these married at first sight girls are there to support each other. I think the boys are also knocking some sense into Ryan. Hopefully, their insight helps him see things a bit more clearly! I appreciate so much the ways in which Jon demonstrates his commitment to his marriage. He is in this 100% which makes me root for him and Molly even more! However…with a few too many drinks we quickly jump into…


Ryan comes home from hanging with the guys and acts like a total jerk. How can you mock your wife like that? She is clearly upset and it is extremely frustrating to see the way he acts. Don’t get me wrong, I will always remain positive, but I just hope Jackie and Ryan can get on the more solid ground before decision day. This one left me feeling a little upset. Ohhhh mannn…


Molly & Jon – Rock climbing superstars! Still taking it slow, but they’ll get there!

Shawniece & Jephte – Cute, cute, cute! I love watching their relationship grow! But dude, enough with the old lady comments. 😉

Jackie & Ryan – These two have some work to do, but I have faith! Hang in there guys, you can see this through!

The more I watch these couples, the more I reminisce about my own experience being married at first sight. It is not easy, but if you put the time, love, and hard work into your relationship, you WILL come out on top! I will continue to root every day for these couples to find their forever person in one another!

So, let’s get ready for tonight!! Can’t wait to see what happens!!

As always – so excited for next week and to see how theses stories continue to unfold! And as always, I’m tweetin’ live with ya every Tuesday night at 8:30 EST for Married At First Sight: Unfiltered.

Married At first sight: Unfiltered hosted by yours truly airs Tuesday’s at 8:30 pm EST on Lifetime tv and is followed by Married At First Sight at 9.

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