Married At First Sight: Happy Wife Happy Life

Jon and Molly are lookin’ like they’re smittin’

Married At First Sight: Happy Wife Happy Life

We’re back in action! Another insanely awesome week of Married at First Sight and I am pumped to see the progressions of these relationships. Every week brings so many memories flooding back as I reminisce on my own experience marrying a stranger – it’s kinda crazy. BUT, luckily for me, that stranger became the LOVE of my life! So anyway, about this week – let’s get right into it, shall we?


I really think Jon and Molly have come so far. I know Molly has caught some heat for not warming up to Jon (no pun intended), but to hear her conversation with Pastor Cal is super encouraging. She’s trying guys, and bottom line – you can’t force feelings. All you can do is put yourself out there and see what happens. I have to say, I was a little worried over the past few weeks, but it looks like progress has been made! Score one for Jon & Molly!


These two are cute, but I think Jephte still has a little growing up to do. I love the roses – but, the conversation is the important part! Don’t just walk out dude. Through this whole married at first sight experience, things get nuts. I’m talking super crazy and super overwhelming. Having the support of friends and loved ones is huge – and I’ve gotta say, Jepthe’s friend, Antonio, has a good head on his shoulders. Talked Jephte right off a ledge! I’m a fan! Overall, Jephte & Shawniece worked it out and that is all that matters in my book!
OH AND JEPHTE TALKING ABOUT BEING A FATHER – SWOON! They’re going to be amazing parents one day!


Loved seeing the guys get together. Lord knows they were in need of some Pastor Cal this week! Heck – I could use some Pastor Cal this week too! haha! Doug – do we have marriage goals? We need to make some! Though as far as I’m concerned, our sweet little Henley Grace has fulfilled all my dreams of being a mama with my wonderful hubby, so goal accomplished!!
Anyway – back to the boys! I love how Pastor Cal doesn’t take any crap. Even when Ryan goes – well – a little off the wagon. I feel like it was a little bit of the Ryan show with very entertaining reactions from Jephte…and Jon just continued to sit and take it all in. Quite the group if ya ask me! You heard Cal – stop with the self sabotage! Go on vacations with your wife! You can always come back to Boston. 🙂 Now we’ll just have to see if Ryan takes his advice. This guy needs a little adventure.


Jackie and Ryan are getting’ deep…Can ya feel the tension?


I. Love. Jackie. Amen sista! Speak your mind, share your thoughts, you’re an amazing communicator! Keep telling Ryan how you feel and work through this craziness. Marriage is hard and I love love love how you are putting 100% of yourself into this relationship! Ryan is not making it easy – and my heart breaks for you girlie, but hang in there. I hope these two can get on the same page!! It’s all about balance people – friendships and relationships! I mean, come onnnn! Somehow they kissed and made up after all of that – so hopefully it sticks. I’m starting to get a little worried…


Ok – count me out on this one. I’m with Jephte – WHERE ARE THE SIDE NETS?! This was fun to watch, but I’m not sure if this marital exercise is for me. Haha. I loved seeing the couples all let loose with one another and support each other in a new way on married at first sight.  Molly was a dang professional up there! Overall, I really appreciate the couples coming together and experiencing something as a group. This was A LOT of FUN! OH, and Molly’s jump into Jon’s arm FOR THE WIN. The cutest! Of course the night ended with Ryan complaining about his marriage – this dude doesn’t know how good he has it….
This week concluded with a special birthday dinner and marked another plus in the Jon & Molly column. Hot wife, best husband and a delicious looking dessert! What a perfect night 🙂
Already pumped for next week! Decision day is looming and these couples have a lot of thinking to do. Who do you think is in it for the long haul??

As always – so excited for next week and to see how theses stories continue to unfold! And as always, I’m tweetin’ live with ya every Tuesday night at 8:30 EST while Married At First Sight: Unfiltered airs.

Married At first sight: Unfiltered hosted by yours truly airs Tuesday’s at 8:30 pm EST on Lifetime tv and is followed by Married At First Sight at 9.

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran — you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

It’s on sale for less than $10 bucks on Amazon, B&N, and everywhere books are sold.  Grab your copy NOW! *Online only. (If you’d like to read chapter one for FREE just click here.) 

Also, I love signing copies for my frans! 🙂 Click Here and I’ll write ya a personalized note, too!



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