I’m a registered nurse so I‘ve learned time and time again how crucial it is to take your prenatal vitamins. I learned about vitamins and minerals and their importance in nursing school, but when I was trying to get pregnant with my rainbow baby I knew I didn’t know everything about vitamins. I suffered a loss with my first pregnancy at 17 weeks, 1 day pregnant. Immediately I wanted to try for another baby. I just felt so empty inside. This time, I wanted to be 100% on top of my health so I could carry my baby healthy and strong to term. I began working out, eating healthier, and researching the best vitamins.
If you’re looking for the right prenatal vitamins but don’t want to spend hours reviewing the dozens and dozens of options … I got ya covered. I did the work for you already. 🙂
We’ve all heard how important it is to take prenatal vitamins before, during, and after (especially if you’re breastfeeding) your pregnancy. Like I said, I researched many vitamins and I don’t want to scare ya, but I learned that all prenatal vitamins are not made equally. I was kinda shocked to learn this because I thought a prenatal vitamin is a prenatal vitamin, right?
SmartyPants Gummy Prenatal Vitamins
I was looking for a prenatal vitamin that has great reviews, good taste (so I don’t lose it in the toilet from morning sickness), and most importantly — is scientifically proven to be most beneficial for my sweet rainbow baby. I learned about SmartyPants gummy vitamins and I’ll tell you what, I began using them IMMEDIATELY.
What’s So Great About SmartyPants Prenatal Vitamins
I don’t want to get all scientific on ya, so I’ll break into bullet points so it’s easier to understand. I also have links for you so you can check it out for yourself (because – if you’re like me – you wanna see the proof in the pudding with your own eyes)!
• Non-GMO Multivitamin
• Eco-friendly omega 3 EPA & DHA (Non-GMO)
• Methylfolate (Non-GMO & SUPER important for your developing baby)
• Vitamin D 3 + K2 (Non-GMO)
• No iron
No Iron? Huh?
Immediately I thought, “No iron? But I need iron!” That’s definitely a fact. Especially in pregnancy. So why would SmartyPants leave iron out?
Research shows how important fish oils like DHA & EPA are for your growing baby’s brain and immune health. The new fad is to have the omega 3 fish oils and iron in the same prenatal vitamin. You need them both so put them both in the same supplement for maximal support, right? Sounds good to me. Get it all in one. Perfect, right?
Wrong again.
Omega 3 Fish Oils and Iron Don’t Mix
In scientific-nurse terms: iron oxidizes fish oil. In the ‘I’m just a regular person’ so what do you mean “oxidizes” words: it essentially means that if you take iron with the fish oils at the same time the iron will change the composition of the fish oil making it worthless. All the goodness from the fish oils will be gone. Well, that wouldn’t make sense, right?
RIGHT! For once, we are right! 🙂

SmartyPants Gummy Prenatal Vitamins Got It Right
Ya know what I really like about SmartyPants? Their philosophy. I pulled this right from their site for ya:
“We focus on the nutrients that seem to be hardest for some people to get through diet alone. One of these nutrients is omega 3 fish oil. Many people don’t get the recommended 2-3 servings of wild-caught fish per week, either due to taste, dietary or cost restrictions, risk of mercury toxicity, environmental concerns, or all of the above! Iron, on the other hand, is widely available in many commonly eaten foods such as beans, lentils, spinach, and beef. Since omega 3 EPA and DHA are such critical nutrients for brain health and immune health, we prioritize these nutrients over iron and include them in all our products.
Additionally, iron is the leading cause of supplemental overdose, and we didn’t feel it was responsible to make a product that tasted so good, yet could be harmful if eaten in large doses. We made this product with our own children in mind, so you can be sure we take safety very seriously, and gave great consideration to each and every nutrient we include (or leave out) of our products.
However, iron is a crucial nutrient for health, we suggest you speak with your healthcare provider about supplementation and your individual needs.”
Now that just makes sense.
[bctt tweet=”All prenatal vitamins aren’t created equally. Here’s info as to why… #healthybaby #happymommy” username=”jamieotis”]As a nurse it’s just in my nature to want to help as many people as possible. I wanted to share my findings on prenatal vitamins with you just in case you’re out there searching for a good tasting, yet still filled with quality ingredients prenatal vitamin. I hope this was helpful for you! Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions. Sending lots of love and healthy vibes to you and your growing family! 🙂
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