Married At First Sight: Wedding Night & Honeymoon Season 5


It’s Honeymoon time on Married At First Sight! But first, let’s talk about their wedding night!

Wedding Night

All the couples said “I DO!” to their stranger spouse …and they did so with a lot of smiles and happiness. As In Touch said, “There were no Jamie Otis-esque meltdowns this year — which was a huge relief.” Ohh, I’ll never be able to live our wedding day down.

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby

While it’s really none of my business, I HAD to ask these couples if they consummated their marriages on their wedding night. I’m just so curious and I feel like they all hit if off in such a “love at first sight” kinda way. I asked each of them to dish behind-the-scene details about their wedding night tonight on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered. (Every Thursday I interview these couples for inside info. MAFS: Unfiltered airs on Lifetime at 8:45 p.m.)

Hey, I’m not the only one who’s super nosey about this topic. Rachel DeAlto, one of the experts on Married At First Sight, was super excited (and supportive) for the couples to consummate their marriage. I mean — they may be strangers, but they are married after all. 🙂

No Hanky Panky

I don’t know why I feel like these couples would even think about consummating their marriages? Just three years ago it was me marrying a complete stranger and God knows I was NO WHERE CLOSE to wanting to sleep next to my hubby, let alone get on top of him!

I guess these couples were kinda on that same page because they all opted for some close spooning instead of going “all the way.” And that is even more action than my hubby got on our wedding night. I think maybe our feet touched and that was only because my hubby is 6’3″ and he stretched out. 😛

Ashley and Anthony on their Honeymoon. Photo: Ahsley Petta

Ashley & Anthony Meant To Be

Remember last episode when Anthony had a — prophetic! — dream?  He dreamt he was matched and then in the dark a flashlight showcased the letter “A.”

Well Anthony went and had a necklace with the letter “A” and a flashlight made. He gifted this to his new wifey, Ashley. …I don’t know about you, but if my stranger hubby told me about this dream he had right before he got matched to me I’d get goosebumps and begin to wonder if the stars really did align? Could it really be destiny that these two are meant to be?

It seems like Ashley thinks so, “Maybe some things are just made to be,” she giggles. “He was committed to me before he even knew me!”

Aww, I hope so! I cannot wait to see how these two go through this Married At First Sight journey! 🙂

Danielle And Cody Get Kinky

Get your minds out of the gutter. With all of this talk about sex I am sure you thought things got wild in the bedroom with these two. I should have said “Cody and Danielle Get Awkwardly Kinky.” These two have a pretty lengthy make out session on the bed the minute she gets out of her wedding dress.

Danielle and Cody are getting hot and heavy.

Sorry to burst your bubble (and Rachel’s), but I already told ya — none of these couples consummated their marriage.

Surprisingly, Cody was the one who put the fire out before it even got started, “It was really hard not to [have sex] and there were times when it was like, ‘Ohh! I might give in.’ But I want to do it right, and she does too.”

Danielle agrees, “There’s no need to rush it cause we kind of rushed the marriage.”

Sheila and Nate Have Fireworks

Nate’s mom may not be into her son marrying a stranger, but Nate sure hasn’t let that dampen his mood. And Sheila’s dad may not be getting along with Nate’s outspoken father, but that isn’t hindering her feelings, either. These two have been feeling the sparks since their eyes met as Sheila walked down the aisle.

Even with ALL of the chemistry these two have, they’re pumping the breaks when it comes to sex…at least Sheila is. “I really want to get a chance to know him, and I didn’t want to cloud that with sex.”

Pure Bliss For These Couples?

I’d say that all three of these couples are quite mature and they’re definitely patient. If you take away Nate’s mom feeling like her son is making a huge mistake marrying a stranger and both Nate and Shiela’s dads and their awkward tension all seems well in paradise, right?

…not quite…

The biggest obstacles these couples are facing primarily deal with their family members.

Family Drama

Cody and Danielle’s families seem to have hit smooth waters for sailing, but the same can’t be said for Nate and Sheila and Anthony and Ashley’s families.

First of all, Nate has yet to tell his newbie wife that they are actually a family of three – not a family of two. His little brother who is in college lives with him and will be living with her, too. That on top top the fact that Nate’s momma told him that his decision to get married at first sight doesn’t “sit well” in her stomach. And let’s just pile more onto their already stressful situation — their dads are like oil and water. They can barely peep a sentence without it being super awkward and argumentative.

Nate and Sheila are still smiling … hopefully they can keep these smiles. Photo: Nate Duhon

Brunch with Nate and Sheila’s Families

So this was intense to say the least. Like I said, Nate’s momma isn’t shy about the way she feels about Nate’s decision to marry Sheila the way he did. It escalates to an all-time high while they all meet for brunch. Momma really can’t hold her feelings back — she gets up, crying, while Nate follows her and begs her to stop and try to get on board.

Nate finally talks her off the ledge and she sits down to eat brunch with their families. For a hot second it seems like things will be ok….until Nate’s mom says, “I’m sorry Sheila, you’re a beautiful person but you made a vow to a stranger…that is a leap of faith​.”

Then Sheila goes and inspires women with mother-in-law issues everywhere…

Sheila didn’t even bat an eyelash before she said, “I agree if you think you need time, and luckily I’m not going anywhere. So I’ll be here and you can take as much time as you need, simply because I think you judge a man by your experience and you have no experience to judge my relationship or my relationship with your son.”

In Sheila’s words: “BOOM!”

Poor Nate

I feel for this man. He obviously loves and respects his momma (which just goes to show that she raised him right!) but he’s clearly infatuated with his new wifey. What a sticky situation! I wish I could say it gets easier on him, but it doesn’t. Nate’s momma drops the ‘mother bomb’ of all questions to him: “Am I still your queen?”

This guy can’t catch a break. What a tough question to answer when your new wife, her daddy (and whole family) are sitting right there watching. All eyes are on Nate.

Not gonna lie, I was surprised by his response — right to his mother’s face, nonetheless.

“Sheila’s my queen now.”

GASP! This could have gotten pretty bad. It’s like that game where you have to stay on your toes in order to hit the hippo on the head whenever it pops out. This guy is getting hippos appearing left and right and if he doesn’t keep up all these hippos are going to explode!

He told his momma that she raised him to put his wife first, treat her right, and be a good man;  she is the reason he will make his wife his queen. Well, that’s one way to hit the hippo right over the head and make sure it doesn’t pop back up! Compliment momma while keeping your wife number 1. Smooth, Nate! 😉

Serious Brunchin’

Nate and Sheila aren’t the only ones with a little family controversy over brunch. Ashley’s sister doesn’t hide her desire to have Anthony and Ashley move right into her building immediately. She isn’t shy to say that she and Ashley are super close and she doesn’t want to lose her sissy. Anthony looks like he is taken back a bit and he’s kinda like, “Woah! Calm down! We all just met.”

As a big sister, I kinda get it. And honestly, I think it’s super welcoming of her sister to only know the dude one day and invite him to come live near them in her building. My in laws wanted Doug and me to move near them immediately, too. I found it to be super warm and inviting, but I guess men may not feel the same way? Anthony seems a little skeptical of his super eager sister in law. My hubby says he can see why. …I suppose it’s a sister thing and something only super close sisters can really understand. Guys don’t tick the same way we do. 🙂 Hopefully Anthony comes around.

Ahh, finally away from the family drama. But will Nate and Sheila have drama of their own? …previews don’t look promising. 🙁

Honeymoon Bound

Tonight these guys are heading off to their honeymoon! And Cody and Danielle are going to the land where love blossoms … at least that is what happened for Doug and me. They’re off to St. Thomas. I went from not wanting my stranger hubby to call me his wife to secretly saying how much I like him in my diary cam. 🙂 I wonder if Danielle will begin to fall for Cody the way I did for Doug while they’re there?!

Based on the previews, it looks like it storms in St. Croix for Nate and Sheila … and I’m not talking the weather. All you see is Sheila getting up from dinner, bawling, and leaving nate to eat his dinner and drink his wine alone. Oh no! What happened to these love birds?!

Anthony and Ashley are off to the Bahamas! I am eager to see if these two blossom into a real married couple..?

What do you think of these Married At First Sight Couples? Share with me in the comments below.

Join me LIVE on twitter tonight to tweet for both Married At First Sight: Unfiltered and Married At First Sight. It all begins at 8:45 ET on Lifetime! 

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran, you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my new book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

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