Tonight is the season finale of Seven Year Switch! What a crazy season it’s been! I hate to say it, but I kinda predict at least one couple opting for divorce after this wild ride. I just can’t imagine over coming what’s been said and done. But on to my recap:
Reuniting With Real Spouses
The couples are finally going home! But first, they have to say goodbye to their experimental spouses. It’s bittersweet for all of the couples because they were definitely missing their relationships but they were just getting to know these people after letting them ALL the way into the most personal parts of their lives.
Plus, it’s always hard saying goodbye and stepping back into reality. I remember when it was time for Doug and I to live on our own after the experiment was over. It felt so good to have the cameras leave and get a little bit of “normal” back into our lives, but it was also really scary just because it was…different. We’d lived the first portion of our married lives on camera, and I imagine this new beginning will be kind of similar.
On the other hand, I know they must miss the heck out of their real spouses. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, but the next step is going to test just how “fond” they are of their spouses overall.
Honeymoon Phase is Real
Dr. Jessica warns then that they’ll have a honeymoon phase, but that there’s still more work to be done. I’m soooo antsy waiting to see what happens! There’s gotta be some tension in at least some of these houses after they switch back, but I’m hoping for the best!
**So much anxiety during commercial breaks!**
When they actually switch, it’s interesting though.
Jaclyn and Dustin
I’m with Jaclyn when she says she doesn’t think that Dustin took this experiment seriously, ESPECIALLY after he gets home and he’s still wearing his experimental ring. I mean, COME…ON! That’s really gotta sting after all that’s happened.
“You still married to Kelsey?” she asks him.
And can you buh-lieve what his answer is….
“You like that?” he says.
Hmmm….I can’t even comment on this. He never ceases to amaze me, but we gotta get to the other side of this situation.
Kelsey and James
Back in Seattle, Kelsey is standoffish and it’s so painful to watch because I know it’s hurting James. I wanted to see her return to this marriage with a renewed sense of gratitude for the great man that she has. Instead, the reunion is awkward and honestly…hard to watch. She can barely look at him, let alone hug and kiss him. Sheesh. I still haven’t given up hope, though. Anything could happen before the end of this thing!
Meanwhile, Jaclyn is expressing that she’s feeling abandoned and let down, but it seems like Dustin doesn’t even care. Watching them, I can’t even find the words… The craziest part, though, is when Kelsey explains to James how she felt when she was “married” to Dustin.
“He makes me feel like a woman,” she says to him, “You need to make me feel that way.”
**Jaw Drop**
Yes, she actually said that. I know…I could hardly believe it myself, and I heard it with my own ears. The comparisons are uncomfortable, but you have to watch and wonder what you can learn from these couples. I mean, if nothing else…they’ve definitely found their voices and these conversations are extremely eye-opening. We just have to wait to see where they lead! Yikes.
Liliya and Tony
Before I can even digest what has happened between these first two couples, Charles is making his way over to Liliya and Tony’s place after their first night back together, and I absolutely love what he says to them about being open and honest.
“It doesn’t have to be what the other person wants to hear, it just has to be real and honest and upfront,” he says.
This is probably one of the hardest things married couples deal with, in my opinion. Being honest, even when you know your spouse won’t like it is sooooo hard, but they are getting the hang of it. Can’t wait to see how Tony’s real estate career takes off!
Next, Kelsey and James realize that there’s something missing in their marriage. The flirtation is dead. But yet another “WOW” moment comes when Kelsey admits that she DOESN’T think she respects him and that she DOESN’T feel lucky to be with him. Holy Moley! This is literally a never-ending rollercoaster.
But Wait…There’s More
Just when you thought there was clearer skies ahead…here comes more turbulence! Dustin admits to Jaclyn that he’s been texting Kelsey. Whoa! I did NOT see that coming! Did you? Even Dr. Jessica seems surprised. I don’t think this is part of the experiment, guys!
Now, Jaclyn is saying that if she sees Dustin flirting, she’s going to leave. Wellllll, we all know what happened, and as soon as she sees the clip of Dustin admitting that he’s attracted to Kelsey, sparks begin to fly. And when he turns to her and adds in that there are tons of women that he’s attracted to…I just can’t really handle it. Talk about heartbreak on the spot.
And then, HE decides he’s done talking about it and just walks off? This show sure knows how to keep a girl on her toes.
What did you think of last week’s episode? What do you think will happen tonight on the season finale!! I’m biting my nails over here waiting ! Let’s talk about it in the comments!
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