Married At First Sight: Men Tell All



The Men Tell All About Married At First Sight

This is probably my favorite blog of all Married At First Sight! Hear what Nick and Tom had to say about their Married At First Sight experience. Hear what Derek had to say by clicking here. 


How do you feel about the show being over?

Nick: Going through a roller coaster, I miss the whole process of being filmed as weird as that sounds. They were like a second family to me (us). Also, glad to have time to decompress is always a good thing.

Tom: I’m happy it’s over it’s been stressful not really knowing what is gonna be aired.

What was the hardest part of MAFS as it pertains working, cameras, etc. What’s hardest part of MAFS re: marrying a stranger?

Nick: The hardest part was allocating so much time to being on camera and in the same light getting to know details about a person you just married [who] may not want to be out in the public about family etc. #whereisthattime lol

Tom: Everything was a little difficult. It’s not easy marrying a stranger.

What’s life like living with not only with a stranger, but a woman who is your wife? What part was most difficult to adjust to? (have you ever lived with a significant other before?)

Nick: I have lived with a girlfriend in the past a loooong time ago. But living with a stranger who is your wife took quite some getting used to; who does what, what are the pet peeves, who likes and doesn’t like dogs sleeping in the bed!?…lol

Tom: It’s not easy. Marriage take a lot of effort and patience. Especially if you’re giving 100%. The hardest part was not letting my word vomit out. Thinking about what I was going to say without saying it first is something I’ve been learning.

Do you think the experts did a good job matching you? Why/why not?

Nick: Yes, I do believe the experts did a good job. I think the one thing that will give this process a different spin would be to let us have more time off camera during the filming period. (Just an FYI, pun totally on purpose, I totally agree.)

Tom: Yes! Lillian and I are a great match but we have totally different lifestyles. Cats and dogs can live together so why can’t we?!? (Totally!) :-p

What’s your favorite thing about partner? Anything about them that surprised or shocked you?

Nick: My ultimate favorite thing – and she knows – is her inability to tell a story, joke or anything like that. Sometimes I just have to say “stop….lol…. You already have the worst story teller of the year 2016 award”… all in good fun though.

Tom: I love Lillian’s sense of humor and her laugh.

Least favorite part?

Nick: Least favorite part is that she won’t let the dogs sleep with us. :-/

Tom: Her lack of patience.


Meshing with in laws can be tough. How is it for you?

Nick: Our families are both awesome…her mom just left after staying with us for a couple of weeks. Even though she doesn’t speak a lot of English…we still bonded and I thiiiiiink she may think I’m a good son in law.

Tom: We all get along great! No issues there!

Kids or no kids in the future? If you want kids, when do you think you’d begin “trying?”

Nick: I definitely want kids. Trying and “trying” aren’t the same thing…I don’t think…but possibly sometime soon once we are both in the right place of mind. 🙂

Tom:I’m gonna pass on this question. lol

Did you feel any “love” feelings during experiment that you were too scared to talk about?

Nick: It’s back and forth with that. I think the unattractive comment kind of shows that point! At the end of the day you can be physically attracted to someone but if there isn’t any chemistry then there just “ain’t no chemistry” so thats where that part came from. At that point in time the chemistry must have been negative…lol

Tom: Not for me, I mean love and being in love are two totally different things.

Nick, I cannot NOT mention the “unattractive comment” (but can give you a place to kind of explain how you were feeling & why you said/acted way you did. There’s a lot of pressure in MAFS that I think viewers don’t really get to “feel” per se. ….So what happened with that EXPLOSION of feeling that ended with “I’m not attracted to her!”

Nick: The above kind of answered it. Everyone always jumps to conclusions about “attracted” as a physical thing. I think Sonia is beautiful, but the chemistry just wasn’t there at times and I think all the pressure, cameras, etc. didn’t help that aspect of it.

Tom, We all wanna see more of this bus! First of all, you told us you put it in storage. How does that make you feel?

Tom: I’m really bummed the bus is in storage. But gotta make sacrifices, and maybe just for right now.

How often do you and Lilly get to take it out?

Tom: We take it out every now and then. We’ve both been super busy. More like a man cave right now.

Guys, what were you excited about going into reunion?

Nick: The reunion was fun to check in on us and see where we are at. 😉

Tom: I was happy to see the experts and producers. They’re part of our family now.

How was it meeting each other? This is the first time in MAFS history that couples meet & “reunite” the way you guys did in such a casual atmosphere. How did it make you feel? Do you feel like you benefited from meeting each other? What was most surprising for you from that meeting?

Nick: Definitely benefitted from meeting them AFTER the process. I think if Tom and I were to be communicating during the show it would have been another cook in each others kitchen.

Tom: It was awesome! Glad to meet other crazy people like ourselves. Yeah, I feel we really bonded and had a great support group. Nick and Sonia are awesome!

How are you and spouse doing right now?

Nick: Right now we are great. We moved into a new house literally right down the block and the dogs are like Sonia’s step kids… welllll, kinda. Lol.

Tom: We’re trying our hardest to make this marriage work. It’s tough.

How does it feel to be out in the open with your marriage.

Nick: We’re not quiiiite to the 100% to the public part… “Are you telling me to open up…. Again?!” …Lol.

Tom: Feels great! No more living under a rock!

Any obstacles you’ve faced since filming? What’ve you guys been up to?! Bring us up to date! 🙂

Tom: Both of us are really busy and have been doing great. Lillian had her surgery and everything went well.
I’m swapped with work and have been surfing every chance I get!

Do you guys from Season 4 get together often? Have you become friends?? 

Tom: Yeah all the time! We really are a close group.

This season of Married At First Sight was by far one of my favorites! What did you guys think?

P.S. My next blog is going to be a TOUR of Tom’s bus!!! Tell us what you want to see!

P.S.S. Derek shared his tell all … find out more about it by clicking here.

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  1. Tom says: “We’re trying our hardest to make this marriage work. It’s tough”,
    Really? That’s your answer for “How are you and your spouse doing right now”? Doesn’t sound too promising to me! hahaha. Can’t believe Nick had a better answer than Tom! 🙂 I feel like Tom sends mixed messages. He seems so romantic and loving to Lillian but then he says things that just make me wonder!

    1. I hear ya…but marriage really is tough and it isn’t instant love … and I love that he is so honest about it all. It’s nice that Nick and Sonia sound so great! 🙂

  2. So THRILLED for Nick and Sonia (and Tom and Lillian ;-)). Nick’s affection for Sonia was very apparent as he looked at her while they were talking with the experts. They were (are) so sweet together. I hope they have a lifetime of happiness ahead of them. Thank you for all the great blogs. They’ve been fun to read.

    1. ANNNNNNN!!! They made it!!! I know you’ve been following my blogs (and the show) faithfully!! I feel like we can cheer and give all the Hoorays together!!!! 🙂 Thanks for always chatting with me through my blog!!! 🙂 WOOHOO!!!!

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