I still cannot even believe that I went from being Married At First Sight to Married and pregnant in a little over two years!

Married At First Sight BABY
I found out we were pregnant in the most basic, non-glamorous way: I was alone in the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and peed on a stick. I suspect 99% of women find out this way. Who knew that that little urine stick would mean so much to me. As a matter of fact, it means so much I can’t even bring myself to throw it away. It remains in a sealed baggy in my home! EEW, how gross! (But I don’t even care!) I guess this is one of the many things you stop caring about when you find out you’re pregnant!
I took this pregnancy test while Doug was at work. I was looking at this app I had downloaded months before when we began trying to get pregnant (it helps you know when you’re fertile – so you can get busy to make a baby on those days). The app said my period was 2 days late. I didn’t think much of it because my period is like that un-welcomed guest who comes whenever she pleases. No heads-up notice, no knocking, just abruptly comes at her convenience – late and uninvited.
But even still, I bolted upstairs, squeezed as much urine out as I could and waited the 30 seconds staring at a plastic white stick to turn colors just like every month before. For the last few months nothing had happened. I just tossed the stick in the garbage and told Doug, “Nope not this month.” The only thing different this time was that two little pink lines formed. I just stared. I knew what it meant. Any one with a brain knows what two pink lines on a white stick you pee on means. I ran downstairs to my empty house and paced with tears in my eyes and the goofiest smile on my face. I didn’t want to just call Doug to tell him the amazing news. The guy who loves the thrill of jumping out of an airplane with just a parachute on his back would surely like something more than a simple phone call to find out he’s going to be a daddy!
Married At First Sight Baby Reveal
I immediately began planning my reveal. You may know I have a jewelry line. One of my most popular items is my Spoon Me necklace. It signifies two people who enjoy spooning – there’s a “big” spoon and a “little” spoon. If you watched Doug and me on Married At First Sight, you definitely know we love spooning. I created this necklace because spooning is what we love, but it also brought us closer together and keeps us close together. When we began trying to get pregnant I created a “baby” spoon. This spoon now fits right into the two larger “parent” spoons. This was the first surprise I gave to doug with a note that says “Make room, daddy. Baby Hehner wants to spoon too!” (P.S I now wear this Baby Spoon Necklace everyday and sell it on my site here. Limited quantity available.) Even though I thought I made it pretty clear, he didn’t quite get the hint.
The second surprise was a book that basically said “NEW DAD” on it and two bibs – one pink, one blue – with a note telling him how excited I am to be his wife and soon-to-be baby’s momma! I’ll add links to these below in case you like this idea for your own reveal. 🙂
Doug was kinda catching on, but still like “huh?” By the third surprise (a box filled with cards stating the full details of our pregnancy) he definitely got the hint. The first card said “Due 12/25/2017” (The first date my app gave me said we were due on Christmas.) The second card read “Our baby is the size of a poppyseed.” The third card, “We are 4 weeks pregnant!” Then I added a photo of the app saying we are pregnant! I found this idea on pinterest.
Needless to say, we were both SO excited to find out we are pregnant! We kept saying the same phrases oner and over again. Doug: “ARE YOU FOR REAL?” Me: “CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!” We laughed, we cried, and we kissed and hugged and loved each other! We were THRILLED!
Ever since we began documenting every moment of our lives on Married At First Sight it’s like we are addicted to having video footage of these precious moments. Of course I made sure to film this so we could re-live it over and over again. We are blessed with the sweetest followers who have cheered for us and rooted for us since day 1 – at the altar as complete strangers. We couldn’t be happier to share this exciting news with you all, too! We love our Married At First Sight Family! Check out our Married At First Sight Baby Reveal video below!
Pregnancy Reveal Video
Honey this is great but you wrote your due date was 12/2017?! I hope you are not pregnant for that long. lol congrats you guys are awesome. I can’t wait to meet the new baby!!
CONGRATULATIONS Jamie & Doug!!! What a fun way to break this fabulous news to Doug! You two look SO SO happy and I am thrilled for you!! Good job Jamie, you know how to plan great surprises! Love you 3 or 4???!!!! Doing the “happy dance” for you two!! HUGS!!!!!!!! <3