No one will always greet you at the door with a smile and want to love on you more than a furry friend. I LOVE my little rescue pup, Lady. I call her my Lady Bug, buggie boo boo, boobie (I know, I know – but it just comes out sometimes), bugga boo, and lady love. I ADORE her and she adores her daddy…which is why I’ve wanted a second pup for so long! lol

My friend/intern Jess – who just got a promotion at her job! CONGRATS – and I got to talking the other day about how much we love our furry friends. I asked her if she wanted to share her story on her furry friends. Here’s what she shared (in blue):
One of the BEST decisions I’ve ever made was adopting my two fur babies; a cat named Janie and then a few years later my pup Bailey. They are the King and Queen and I actually expect people to treat them as such, (don’t judge me)! Both of my fur babies have their own little story as to why they ended up in foster homes, and then how they ended up with me! Well start with Miss Janie.
I adopted Janie back in 2011 from a local pet store. To be completely honest, I had NO intention of going to the store and adopting a pet. I actually went there to pick up filters and food for my turtles (I once had two turtles named George and Manhattan. They were the COOLEST pets to EVER have! I miss them both dearly). Whenever I go into any pet store, I instantly take a walk to the back where they house the pets that need adopting. I also do not discriminate towards animals and share the same love for both cats and dogs. So in the back of PetsMart, they usually only have a few older cats who need loving homes, but not this day! They were having an adoption fair and the isles were filled with puppies and kittens! I felt like I had died and gone to Pet Heaven. I actually thought about laying in the cages with the pups. As I was slowly dying inside because I couldn’t adopt a dog, and getting ready to just take my filters and leave, I happened to turn around and see this little, mini baby cat.
She had these GIGANTIC green eyes and the coolest fur I’ve ever seen. Janie is a Calico cat and her coat is made up of black, brown, orange, and white fur. She was sitting in the cage with her brother, Stevie Ray, when this little boy came over and grabbed both cats. He was a little too rough with them for my liking so of course I had to stand by and watch like a creep. His mother told him he could only take one cat home and he picked the boy, Stevie. What else could I do but obviously talk to the foster mom about the other little kitten that was sadly left behind. She told me that both kittens were found behind a dumpster and were almost dead. They were brought to her house where she fed them, bathed them, and nursed them back to health. There was NO way I was NOT leaving the store without her. So, $300 later (donations and plus a ton of toys, treats, and a new princess bed), Janie was in her new home.
And that was the most money I’ve ever spent on turtle filters!
Bailey The Pomeranian
Bailey, my Pomeranian pup, came into our lives almost 3 years ago. My fiancé and I had been living together for a few months and every so often I would drop hints about wanting to adopt a puppy. Most of the time Austin would say no, but after months of pleading like a child to their mother, he finally caved and said yes, (I told him it was either a baby or a puppy. He chose puppy). So I started looking online for puppies who needed adopting. We went to a few places such as the ASPCA, but unfortunately we can only have a certain type of dog in our apartment as per our lease and they had a lot of Pitbull’s. I also really wanted a PUPPY, not a full grown dog. For some reason I decided to check out Craigslist, (sketchy, I know!) and I came across a lot of people who actually take from dog farms and kill shelters, and foster them until they find a home. I came across a listing from a woman who lived in Rahway, New Jersey and was looking for someone to take a 7-week old pup off her hands because she simply didn’t/couldn’t care for it.
I did my thorough research to make sure she was an actual person, (I literally ran a back ground check on her) and told her I am MORE than interested in meeting this puppy. Again, after spending over $300 for new toys, a bed, and the best food possible, I was on my way to meet Bailey. The woman explained to me that the puppy was given to her out of nowhere and she couldn’t afford to care for him or give him the attention that a puppy needs. He was the smallest dog I had ever seen! He must have only weighed about 2 pounds and most of the weight was fur! They had been calling him “Twinkie” for the time being, so Bailey didn’t come about until later that night when we met after work.
We agreed on a name so quickly, it was insane. But Bailey fit him because he looks like Baileys Irish Cream! I remember “B” being so excited when Austin got in the car, and he wanted to sit right on his lap. And it was at that moment when Bailey claimed Austin as his new BFF. Bailey is attached to Austin’s hip, and only likes me when I have food or when Austin is at work. Nice right? (Sounds like my Lady Bug! – ha!)
I always tell my husband that if we are to ever win the lottery, we’re buying a house with a huge yard – and fostering dogs! If I could adopt every single dog or cat that needed love, I would. However, it’s already crammed in our one-bedroom apartment. That’s why you should all check out these local shelters that I have listed below. If you’re thinking about adding a new member to your family that has four legs, please look into adopting! It was the best decision we’ve ever made and these little fur babies will bring so much love and joy into your lives!
But before you guys go to these sites let me tell you about a little 2 month old puppy who needs a home.

My little sister’s best friend, Jessica, just told me about a puppy she adopted. Jessica has a four year old with special needs and a one year old. You can imagine the amount of energy she needs for just these two kiddos. But she wanted to try to get a puppy for her family so she went out to the local adoption agency and adopted a cute little chihuahua/terrier/yorkie. Since adopting this cute pup she’s realized (kinda like in Jess’ story with Bailey’s first owner) that she isn’t able to spend the appropriate amount of time on this pup. (Puppies really are a lot of work. But, they are SO WORTH IT if you have the time and energy to spend on them. Give them your time, attention, and training while they’re young and they’ll be your most loyal, reliable, lovable best friend for life!)
Jessica is doing the responsible thing and trying to find this adorable puppy a new home while she is still young and can be trained. She paid $650 for the puppy and then another $100 to get her shots. The pup is all up to date. If you’re in the tri-state area and want to adopt a new puppy please email my friend Jessica directly at I can’t wait to see this pup happy with her forever family! 🙂
If you’re interested in looking at more pups check out these sites below:
Do you have a Furry Friend or Fur Babies? Share your story with us in the comment section below!
“Short and humorous, just like this bio.”
Hey guys! I’m Jessica and I’m currently living on the East Coast with my hubby and our adorable pup, Bailey. I’m a professional wine drinker and sometimes I write things, (for and StoryChick Magazine.) I also just started writing for and I’m so happy to have you guys read my blog posts! I promise to be funny, honest, and open with you all and share my favorite stories with you! Be sure to follow along! IG: jesssicathompson Twitter: the_jess_thomps