Married At First Sight has been quite the rollercoaster of emotions lately. Last week things got tense for Ashley and Anthony when the “B” word was dropped [B = Baby], Sheila and Nate get into one of the most intense arguments I’ve ever seen on MAFS, and Cody and Danielle are straight up struggling to find their spark and connection. Let’s dive in!
Sheila and Nate
This couple has had quite an eventful marriage thus far. First, momma bear wasn’t having it. Then papa bear wasn’t having it. Now, Sheila isn’t having it!
Nathan did a big no-no and told Sheila off camera that he no longer wants to be married to her.
…Yeah, that didn’t settle well in her stomach.
Although he tried to apologize to Sheila at dinner, she felt like he didn’t quite “see her.” With tears rolling down her face she gets up from dinner and storms off yelling, “You don’t see me!”
“I F’ed up!”
I love a man who can admit when he is wrong AND immediately takes action to try to make things right. Everyone messes up sometimes. No one is perfect. Nate was the first to admit that he “f*cked” up. (His words, not mine – though I do agree with him.) 😉 He was also quick to say “But I’ll make it right.”
Power In Prayer
After watching the first few episodes of Married At First Sight, it is easy to see that Nate has had to settle some storms in his lifetime. (Remember, momma bear’s reaction to him marrying a stranger? How about papa bear’s speech at their wedding reception?) One thing I noticed immediately after watching those episodes is that Nathan is really great at calming the stormy seas.
Although Sheila wasn’t accepting his apology at first, Nathan wasn’t giving up. As Sheila cries “You just don’t get it!” Nathan takes Sheila’s hand and asks if she would pray with him. …To this I can’t help but smile and nonchalantly say, “Awww, how SWEET!” 🙂
Sheila was a sucker for his request, too. She quickly gathered herself and all of a sudden her eyes dried and the storm was settled. As they were holding hands and praying together you could see that the entire atmosphere shifted from unsettled and unruly to a peaceful calmness. It was actually really nice to witness. 🙂
House Hounting For Three
There certainly is power in prayer because WOW, things went from downright awful to palpable bliss for these two. Sheila was more than happy to welcome Nate’s brother Tyrique into their home with them as they happily skipped along and went house hunting together. Wow, how about that for a FAST change of events!

Ashley And Anthony
Dare I say everything is going perfectly for these two — or will that jinx their gushingly adorable romance? These two definitely have an undeniable connection. I mean they ooze chemistry. When they’re together you can see little red hearts flying out of their eyeballs as they look at one another.
They had a pretty uneventful honeymoon – unless you find the “I don’t want to be eaten by a shark” talk in the canoe to be eventful. The only other teeny tiny controversy (if you can call it that) is Ashley having a nervous breakdown over no AC in their hotel room. Other than that, there really has been ZERO issues for these two. They seem to be getting along quite nicely.
Jinx’d It
Darn it! I knew I shouldn’t have spoken so fast! Everything was all rainbows and butterflies for these two up until they got home and Ashley dropped the “B” word. That “B” word will getcha every time! (Trust me, I know from personal experience!) 😉
Ashley Tells Anthony She Wants A Baby
Anthony’s reaction wasn’t surprising at all since they’ve only known each other a total of a couple weeks at this point. “It’s probably sooner than I was thinking,” Anthony says. “We have a lot more to do in seven weeks than just think about kids.”
In Ashley’s defense, it’s not like she’s asking for a baby NOW. She said in a year or so. I know that seems quite fast, but I also know the feeling of desperately wanting to be a mommy. And in all honesty, she may say she wants a baby in a year but sometimes we don’t realize how fast that really is. I’m sure a year would come up and she’d be like, ‘Wait a minute, I’m not quiiiite ready.’ That happens to a lot of women!
If we read between the lines it seems to me the gist of it all is that she definitely wants kids and she is poking around to see if Anthony is on the same page as her. I don’t think she got the reaction she was looking for though.
Danielle and Cody
Houston, we have a problem! Things are not looking good for these two. 🙁 Cody had previously told Danielle that he thinks their connection is a bit “forced” (can’t blame a guy for being honest, but yikes!) and things continue to spiral out of control when Cody straight up tells Danielle that he wants to be ‘friends’ first.
I guess I can see this from two perspectives: one being that he isn’t trying to rush romance or pretend it’s there when it’s not (props to him for being honest), the other being that no woman in the universe wants to hear the guy she is romantically involved with say, “Let’s be friends.”
This is a tough one because they have literally ZERO history together. It’s not like they can fall back on a great courtship or lots of great dates or anything at all for that matter.
Real Talk
Cody was super honesty when he shared with Danielle, “I feel like I’m forcing a little. For me, I want a full deck. I think starting as friends is a really good place to start.”
I’m sure Danielle appreciated the raw honesty, but how could the girl not be a bit hurt/bummed/surprised by this? They hadn’t had some big blow-out fight or anything and they are legally married. Danielle sneaks time away and shares with the camera, “We’re not going to be able to move forward if he’s feeling that way.”
Geez Louise
Just when you begin to think all hope is lost, Cody comes back and saves the day by kinda clearing up the Friend-Zone talk while they’re at his family’s farm. He says it was all just a big misunderstanding and it came out wrong. Cody tells Danielle, “It came out wrong. I don’t want to be friends with you, you’re my wife. I just want to be on the same wavelength with you.”
I can see Danielle’s head spinning. I think she is lost. Between the lack of chemistry to the ‘miscommunication’ it’s all a bit difficult to understand. But, she agrees with him and seems to be happy to be somewhat out of the friend-zone…kinda.
Tonight On Married At First Sight
Living in paradise is over. It’s time to get back to the real world. Finding new homes together, going back to work, and learning how to be a real married couple is on the agenda. This should be interesting!
But first, hear what the couples have to say about all of this for themselves on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered at 8:45pm only on Lifetime. 🙂
Join me LIVE on twitter tonight to tweet for both Married At First Sight: Unfiltered and Married At First Sight. It all begins at 8:45 ET on Lifetime!
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Jamie, I felt like you would relate to Cody wanting to stay in the friend zone with Danielle until they know each other more. Did you not feel the same with Doug? I think these two have a chance if they just concentrate on getting to know each other like you and Doug did. And as far as Ashley and Anthony, I think she just wants to make sure this guy does want children. No sense investing everything in someone who does not want kids. My guess is they work out. I don’t know what to thing about Sheila and Nate!
You’re so right, Liz. I definitely can relate to him (and now I know why it comes off so “distant” too). I agree with ya about Ashley. I don’t blame the girl for wanting to figure that out ASAP. Nate and Sheila are definitely a roller coaster of emotions, but the moment they prayed together it was like you could see them uniting. I am eager to watch it all unfold for each of these couples. 🙂