Married At First Sight: Couple Has Sex On Honeymoon


Well, Well, Well … After all that talk about sex last week, I’m happy to let you know that we have our first Married At First Sight couple from season 5 who consummated their marriage on their honeymoon. And I was surprised who it was!

Nathan and Sheila

Oooh la la! These two have lots and lots of chemistry. Being that they are both devout Christians I didn’t anticipate them to do the “deed” so early in their marriage. But hey, they are married after all. And there was so much talk about sex last week so I’m happy to see someone got to enjoy their time between the sheets on a tropical island!

These two have tons of chemistry … but they hit rocky ground on their honeymoon. Photo: Sheila Downs

Of course my first question is, “Well, did she have an orgasm?!” (If you’re just catching up, Sheila has NEVER had an orgasm!) I am legit rooting for her to experience the big “O!” As a woman who didn’t have an orgasm for a while and then DID … I know the difference. It’s monumental. And that is no exaggeration. I don’t care what anyone says, sex is 100X better with an orgasm. Or two. Or three. 😉

As I was watching Married At First Sight the very first question I wanted to ask Sheila was, “SOOO! Tell us! Did you have an orgasm?!?!” But obviously that’d be a bit creepy of me. “Hi Sheila, nice to meet you. Have you had a orgasm yet?!”

But I practically did just that when I met Sheila for our chat on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered. (This airs tonight at 8:45 ET on Lifetime TV.) Her answer is shocking!

Cody and Danielle go zipping on their honeymoon. Photo: Danielle DeGroot

Cody And Danielle

While Nate & Sheila are getting hot and heavy — until something happens on tonight’s episode that gets her upset enough to stomp away from dinner with a face wet with tears — Cody and Danielle have seemed to kinda fizzle out.

They say they’re wildly attracted to each other, but something about these two is becoming difficult to watch. Danielle hits the nail on the head when she says it’s “awkward” between them. To be honest, it’s kinda awkward to watch them.

They frolic and play … and talk and talk and talk … but no sparks are flying. She says she wants a man’s man and she wants Cody to make the first move, but Cody isn’t catching what Danielle is throwing out there though. And she is definitely THROWING it out there. She has literally said that she is ready int0 the camera. But Cody is oblivious, “I’m ready to have sex but not right now,” he says. “I’m not going to force anything.” Force???

He may not be ready to have sex, but he sure isn’t shy to talk about how badly he wants it. I wish I could scream trough the TV, “Cody! She’s SO into you. I don’t think you’re forcing anything!” But it’s so, so sweet that he’s willing to wait as long she needs. 🙂

Ashley And Anthony

These two make me go gaga. I mean they’re such a CUTE couple.

Ok, so it’s not alllll a bed of roses. Anthony clearly loves adventures, but Ashley is worried about being eaten by a shark the whole time they’re out kayaking. And she isn’t shy to tell you — or Anthony — how she HATES it when people are late.

But this is kind of why I love this couple. Anthony seems to be the calm to Ashley’s storm. He isn’t bothered by her anxiousness.

While she gets all worked up over the AC not working in their hotel room, (In her defense, the girl was trying to avoid the frizz & blow her hair dry for their romantic dinner date.) Anthony quickly finds a solution – throw her head in the freezer so she can cool down before blowing more hot air on her head. (Yes, Ashley literally stood with her head in the freezer.) So far, no matter what obstacle he faces, Anthony stays chill … that corny pun was totally intended. 😛

The cuties on their honeymoon. Photo: Ashley Petta

Ashley isn’t blind. She can see he’s the ying to her yang. And she’s totally into him.

In true Ashley nature, she isn’t shy to tell him exactly how she’s feeling. She tells him she’s ready for “Sssssss.” I’ll translate for her: she wants to have sex and consummate their marriage already! 😉 Although, unlike Cody, Anthony didn’t need any translation. It didn’t take him long to figure out it was time for their romantic dinner date to end. Check, please! 😉

These two are so effin adorable. I mean I legit smile as I stare at my TV while watching them together. Awww!

[bctt tweet=”Married At First Sight is heating up! Who’s watching with me tonight at 8:45 ET on Lifetime?! #Mafs #marriedatfirstsight” username=”jamieotis”]

Do you think Ashley and Anthony will be the next Married At First Sight couple to have sex and consummate their marriage? What do you think will happen with Cody and Danielle? Let me know in the comments below!

Join me LIVE on twitter tonight to tweet for both Married At First Sight: Unfiltered and Married At First Sight. It all begins at 8:45 ET on Lifetime! 

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran, you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my new book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

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