Married At First Sight: Meet The Newlyweds


It’s FINALLY back! We have three new newlyweds on Married At First Sight! And for the first time in Married At First Sight history, we weren’t left hangin’ to see who says “I do” (or if anyone will turn away and not wed their stranger spouse).

SPOILER ALERT: They all said for yes to ‘for better or worse’ – and they all seemed quite happy doing so! Let’s get to know these new couples.

Ashley and Anthony

Ashley is a stunning blonde. She’s a manager at her family’s bar. Her new hubby, Anthony, is 32, and works in sales. They both have bigger-than-life Italian families who can’t wait for more nieces and nephews and grand babies – which doesn’t seem to bother either of these two because they have both mentioned how important family is to them…I’m curious to see if they will be keen on the idea of “baby at first sight.” 😉

Cutesy Couple Anthony and Ashley.

Wedding Gifts

When my hubby and I were Married At First Sight three years ago we exchanged gifts to each other. I bought him Gentlemen Only cologne (subliminal message, anyone?!) and he made me a scrap book showcasing his family, goals, and accomplishments. (He wins for the more heartfelt, meaningful gift.)

Anthony and Ashley exchange wedding gifts too. Ashley buys these awesome tickets to a football game and Anthony gives her … wait for it … 5 candy ALMONDS.

Ok, ok, ok, I know that sounds like, “Huh – what kind of wedding gift is almonds?!” But it was actually a very sweet and thoughtful gift. Each almond represented things like “health, wealth, happiness, longevity….and fertility.” Is that a subliminal message from Anthony?!

Based on that gift, Anthony definitely seems ok with the idea of “baby at first sight.” 😉 Maybe it was because he had this dream the day before he found out he was being matched. He dreamt that it was all black and then a flashlight shined on the letter “A.” He was visibly stunned the next day when he met with Dr. Pepper. (Poor Dr. Peps, people can never stop giggling about her bubbly, fizzy name.) 🙂 After Dr. Pepper revealed that yes, they found his match and he was going to be married at first sight he looked happily stunned and thought that maybe that dream was a bit prophetic. …Wait till he finds out his new bride’s name!

Wedding Day

For those of you who are new to Married At First Sight, I can sum up the premise in oh about one sentence: You marry a COMPLETE stranger who you know NOTHING about until after you say “I do.”

Typically the groom finds out his new bride’s name as they say their vows — my hubby and I just introduced ourselves to each other, lol. Anthony over-heard Ashley’s sister mention her name as they were all settling down just before Ashley walked down the aisle. Oops, that was an accident. But, it was pretty incredible to see Anthony’s face light up when he realized that that “prophetic” dream he had really may have been prophetic. His wife’s name begins with the letter “A.” I get chills thinking of this!


“I Do”

I don’t really believe in love at first sight, but these two could make me a believer. Their wedding was a total hit. It was clear that Anthony found his new wifey to be quite attractive and Ashley couldn’t stop talking about his perfect teeth and his beautiful smile. I’m curious how their wedding night goes…that’s on tonight! 😉

Such a good looking couple! Nate and Sheila.

Sheila and Nate

Sheila is a beautiful bride! She is 30 years old and a director of operations for a school district. Nate is only 25 which makes him five years younger than her and he manages a car rental agency. Biggest thing to know about these two is that they put their faith first. …and something you will not be able to miss about them is that they both have fathers with HUGE personalities. I’ll explain more on this in a moment.

Momma Is Not Happy

Ok, so let’s be real. Anyone who goes to their mom and says “I’m marrying a stranger” is not going to get the “Oh, honey! Congratulations!” response. (Actually – true story – that’s exactly what I got from my  mom. But that is a whole different story!) Most parents don’t want their baby to marry someone they’ve never, ever met. Nate’s mom was not shy to say so, either.

“God is the best matchmaker,” she said flatly when he told her. “Marriage is not a joke.” Yeah, it’s safe to say she was not happy, but she did agree to come to their wedding. Another obstacle in their way was that Nate’s 17-year-old brother lives with him. At some point Nate would have to let Shiela know they were going to immediately be a party of three, not two.

Most Romantic Vows To A Stranger Award Goes To…


Wow! Not only did he say his own vows, but they came straight from the heart. And woah! I think he had every woman — married or not — wishing he was saying those vows to her. Needless to say, their wedding went off well. Momma Bear wasn’t happy, but the rest of the crowd (and everyone watching at home) was instantly cheering these two on!

Daddy Made Me Cringe

Everything is going great with Nate and Shiela, but their Dads are a whole different story! Literally cringe-worthy moments as Nate’s dad gives a toast. He said things like (to Shiela) “Your daddy had been talking sh!t to me all night, and he thought I wasn’t going to get on the mic and talk sh!t about his gray-haired ass?!” And he wasn’t done there. He went as far to say “Your daddy’s been stealing the tithe money!”

YIKES! Apparently he is just a comedian and it was all just a joke, but either way I was left with NO fingernails left on any of my fingers! I bit them all off watching his speech. Wowzers!

So yeah, that wedding didn’t go quite as smooth — but it had nothing do with the bride and groom and everything to do with their daddies.

Danielle and Cody. This whole bridal party is attractive! …could there be love in this group with more than one couple?

Danielle and Cody

Last but not least: the gorgeous Danielle, 30. She’s a registered dietician. Her stranger hubby’s name is Cody. And I think these two as a couple look like quite the HOT TAMALE! Cody, a personal trainer, is 26 making him 4 years her junior. (Yep, two brides are older than their grooms!)

As for the families, I’ve never seen families happier to hear about their kids’ strange way of marrying a partner! Cody’s mom cried tears of joy. Danielle’s dad wasn’t quite as excited, but he was supportive nonetheless.

Although Cody is younger, he says he is ready. “I’m only 26, but I feel like more than any time in my life, I’m emotionally stable, I’m financially stable, I’m ready to leave those party kid years.”

Runaway Bride

Danielle seemed to be the most nervous and apprehensive of all the brides. But, when the big day arrived she went along; “No backing out!” Her daddy walked her down the aisle and gave her “away.”

Danielle promised “fun” and a “positive” experience to Cody during her vows to him. …Let’s hope these vows set the tone for their marriage.

Cody is another super thoughtful groom. The bow he gifted Danielle before their ceremony came from a scrap of material from his grandmother’s wedding dress. He wanted to keep her memory alive. She had passed away. Danielle was touched by this and took it as a sign that Cody’s a good man.

Wedding Reception

No time like your wedding reception to get to know a few things about your spouse! And these two hit it off! They discovered that not only do they work in the same industry, but they are rabid Cubs & pizza fans! Such Chicago-ans. (Is that even a word?!) 🙂

Cody was wise and before the night ended he made sure to spend some quality time with his new father in law. They had a nice chat and it seemed like Danielle’s dad was quick to welcome him into their family. Things were going very smoothy for these two – there really wasn’t any “drama” at all.

Consummating Marriage

Out of all three of the couples, I’d guess these two probably consummate their marriage on their wedding night. Well, I thought that before I heard Cody confess to the camera: “I’d love to be the dude and be like, ‘Oh we’re going to bang tonight,’ but I think it might be better in the long run if we wait.”  I hope that doesn’t bum Danielle out because when she looked into the camera she shyly smiled and let out a giggle, “Anything can happen.”

[bctt tweet=”Married At First Sight gives me ALL THE FEELS! SO excited to watch tonight on @lifetimetv! #mafs #marriedatfirstsight” username=”jamieotis”]

Married At First Sight: Unfiltered

I always watch this and have a zillion questions I wish I could ask these guys. Like, how did you REALLY feel? Did you really mean what you said? Regrets? Do you wish it could have gone differently?

And after the first episodes my biggest questions is so nosey! But obviously I’m curious if they consummated their marriage!

TONIGHT at 8:45pm I sit down with these couples and ask a few of these questions on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered! Then an all new episode of Married At First Sight will air immediately following.

What are your first impressions of these couples? What are some questions you would ask these couples if you had the chance?

Married at First Sight: Unfiltered airs on Lifetime Thursdays at 8:45 p.m. ET. Then an all-new episode of Married At First Sight airs immediately after! Come tweet LIVE with me! 

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran, you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my new book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

It’s on sale for less than $10 bucks on Amazon, B&N, and everywhere books are sold.  Grab your copy NOW! *Online only. (If you’d like to read chapter one for FREE just click here.) 

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  1. Chicagoans is indeed the correct word! 😉 You should make your way there someday so I can be a fraaaan 🙂 but in the meantime, love your posts! And congrats on your baby girl, so excited for you!!

  2. Daddy-do is daddy dou—-che bag. I do not like him at all! He is a creep. His faith is a joke.
    She seems like a very sweet girl. I felt bad that she fell for his crap and teared up. He was responding only to her physically because he’s a grade a pig. Her daddy should have rescued her from the scumbag. I don’t hold out hope for them in the least.
    Very sad.

    1. To be honest, I felt like Nate was a little “cocky” when I first watched the show. I got to know him after interviewing him extensively for Unfiltered. ….he is actually a very nice guy. He’s funny and believe it or not (I was kind of surprised) he’s very mature, too. Shiela is no doubt a class act all the way and beautiful inside and out. 🙂

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