Impromptu Wedding
Married At First Sight: The First Year is back and it begins with my baby sister getting MARRIED! She’s a bit more modern and decided she’d marry someone she already knows and loves. Some call that normal, Doug and I just say that it is way outdated now-a-days. Ha!
My sister, AmyLynn, met her husband, Nate, when they were in high school. It’s that sweet story where they kind of lost contact over the years but then found each other on social media. He sent a Facebook message and the flame was ignited. The rest is history. I couldn’t be happier for my little sister.
A few years ago Doug became a minister so he could marry his best friend. Since then he has done a dozen or more weddings… and he truly does an amazing job. When AmyLynn asked Doug to marry her and Nate I was tickled pink. I knew it would be amazing!
Bachelorette Party
What kind of big sister would I be if I didn’t make sure my sister had a phallic filled, sweaty buns in your face kind of bachelorette party?! I wanted to pull out all the stops for my sissy. She deserves to be celebrated and loved in a BIG way. And the male stripper sure did a great job … maybe too great of a job. I was blushing and uncomfortable the whole time. At one point I was considering asking him to tone it down a bit. But, then I decided my sis is a big girl. And you only get one bachelorette party in your life. This one will definitely be memorable!
The Ceremony
The day of any wedding is stressful and my sister’s was no different. Especially since my husband – her minister – was running late. AmyLynn and Nate had wanted to have a small rehearsal prior to the actual wedding but my hubs was still driving up so they didn’t get the chance. That’s not such a big deal, but when the minister is no where in sight with only 30 minutes left till they say “I do” everyone begins getting a bit frantic. Would he make it on time? Doug had been promising to be there “any minute now” for a couple hours.
When he finally pulled in with just 15-20 minutes to go before my sister was supposed to walk down the aisle and say “I do” I felt both relief and anger. How could he be so nonchalant when nothing could happen without him being there. He is the officiant and leading it all. Why was he being so careless about my sisters big day – even if it was “impromptu” and “last minute.” Just two years ago was our “impromptu” wedding and my sister had dropped everything to be there. We should treat her the same way.
Doug Saves The Day
Even though Doug was a large reason why everyone was worried the morning of AmyLynn’s and Nate’s wedding, he is also a large part of the reason the ceremony was absolutely breathtaking and beautiful. When AmyLynn and Nate said “I do” there wasn’t a dry eye in sight. Doug did a great job writing a thoughtful, loving ceremony. The love and emotion AmyLynn and Nate had for each other radiated off their faces. It was amazing to witness.
The Last Straw
After an emotional morning the last thing I wanted to hear was that my husband planned on leaving before the reception begins. Ya know, it just seemed to me like he could care less about it all. It made me very sad, but I just let it go. At the end of the day, I didn’t want to let anything ruin Amy’s and Nate’s big day.
Work In Progress
Doug and I have been a work in progress since day one. Nothing about being married at first sight is easy. But the one thing I can say about us is that we are willing to put the work in. Join us tonight at 9pm EST on Fyi. We will be tweeting live and on Snapchat and periscope!
Jamie, you girl have to relax and breathe. You got one hell of a husband. I understand your past, but no one can be there as much as you expect. Bending over backwards all the time is exhausting for anyone. You both have a life outside your marriage. About the mess in the sink, he’s a man….it’s no excuse but I don’t know one husband that doesn’t leave a mess somewhere in a home. Just try to be more understanding and forgiving. Advice given by someone who’s been married almost 14 years and got married at 18. And congratulations to your baby sister!
Your sister looks beautiful and so happy,,,best wishes to AmyLynn and Nate! We all struggle, learn and grow from our life lessons. “Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about” is something we should all remember. You and Doug have always been my favorite couple and always will be. Ordered your book yesterday. Stay strong and ignore the haters. xoxo