Married At First Sight: Wedding Bells & Sexy Lap Dances
OK, spoiler alert: if you haven’t seen the weddings yet, STOP READING. This blog is ALL about the Boston Married At First Sight couples’ wedding day where they meet at the altar for the very first time. And boy, was it good!
But first, if you don’t know these guys very well, don’t worry! You can get caught up by heading here.
Wedding Bells
The first wedding of the season was Ryan and Jaclyn. It was just about as sweet as can be with a cherry on top. Both sides of their family supported their crazy way of marrying. (I can say that because I chose to get married in the same crazy way.)
Jaclyn looked like the “Princess” Ryan called her. Yes, they only just met, but some of the very first words he uttered to her included him referring to Jackie as “The princess that she is.” (This was the first conversation immediately after he introduced himself with “Hi, I’m Ryan.” at the altar.) Awww!

Jackie looked quite happy herself. She was beaming ear to ear. I’ve gotta tell ya, knowing her backstory (she lost her boyfriend suddenly about two years ago.) when I saw her so happy with Ryan it made me happy. I’m not sure I have ever hoped for someone to have love as much as I hope for it for her. I feel like someone who had love stolen from her so unexpectedly deserves it.
Love At First Sight On Married At First Sight
The second wedding was Jon and Molly. They hit it off immediately, too. It’s always a little strange to me to see new married at first sight couples seemingly instantly falling in love. I’ve been that stranger bride at the end of the aisle and it is seriously the most – what’s the right word? weird? – feeling to marry a complete stranger and call him your “husband” two minutes after you meet. But maybe I am the only awkward one because these two didn’t seem put off one bit. Both of their moms were chatting at the reception and said the same thing.
I don’t believe in love at first sight but if I did I’d say both Ryan and Jaclyn and Jon and Molly may have been struck by it. Both of their weddings and receptions just went so smoothly. They gushed about each other to the camera spilling the nicest compliments and they each wrote some very promising vows. “It all seems too good to be true,” Molly laughs. Let’s hope those don’t become her famous last words.

Awkward On Married At First Sight
If any of the couples remind me of the time I was married at first sight it’s Jephte and Shawniece. You’d think that I’d have the most in common with Shawniece being I’m a woman, she’s a woman – but nope. It’s Jepthe who I have a lot in common with. I am eager to see how their relationship unfolds because Shawniece is HEAD OVER HEELS for marriage and her new hubby Jephte, but Jephte is pumpin’ the breaks hard!
While Ryan and Jackie’s first conversation included fairy tales and princesses, Shawniece and Jephte’s included masturbation. Haha. Yep, Shawniece wasn’t shy about sharing how she made sure her personal needs were met while single for 4 years. Jephte replies with, “I am a school teacher…let’s take baby steps….” But that doesn’t stop Shawniece. She goes on to tell Jephte that she is impulsive and says what’s on her mind.
Girl is after it! But can ya blame her? It is what she signed up for. But Jephte has made it clear he needs her to “slow pitch it” to him and slow it down. He said it was all too much too fast. (This is totally reminding me of Doug and I except he didn’t talk about masturbation. Truth be told, he probably would’ve if I brought it up!) It’s interesting to me to see a man want to take it slower than a woman. I’m excited to watch this couple “grow in love” as Shawniece would say. I hope that it happens for them!

Sexy Lap Dances
I feel like I can’t write about this episode without touching on Shawniece’s sexy lap dance to her new hubby, Jephte. I mean, the girl is super sultry! And confident. At the end of their reception Shawniece grabs the mic and beckons for her new hubby to take a seat in a single chair that is placed in the middle of the dance floor. She then proceeds to “bump and grind” on him.
Jephte was definitely taken by surprise. It’s hard to know if he liked it or if he just wanted it to end. You could tell he was a bit uncomfortable when he said, “we just met and married … and other things could happen that I couldn’t control … and my mom is watching.” Valid point Jephte. But, most men would be all too happy to have their new wifey dancing all over them.
Wedding Night Sex
The episode ends with the couples going into their honeymoon suites. All of the couples seem to be quite cozy and comfortable around each other. Ah hem, except Jepthe. Haha.
Now it comes to the age old question: who will consummate their marriage? Ryan says “I don’t kiss and tell.” …Something tells me we will all find out who went running all the way to home plate night one of marriage on the next episode of Married At First Sight. I mean, sorry buddy, but your whole marriage is being documented for national television. It’s hard to keep secrets for long. Trust me, I know all too well.
To Consummate Or Not
For me personally, I really believe in waiting to build a solid friendship, trust, and respect before ripping the clothes off and consummating your marriage (in our Married At First Sight marriages). But I am also super awkward soooo, yeah. I think it all depends on the couple.
I am rooting for all three of these couples! I want to see more lives changed for the better on Married At First Sight. I know it can happen! …Do you think the couples should wait to consummate their marriage or not?
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1 comment
Poor Jephte! That lap dance was cringe-worthy!!!!!!! Not the time or place. Especially with his Mother looking on!