Married At First Sight: Family Brunches & Honeymoons!
Well, they did it! These six strangers are married and have become three amazing couples! This week was pretty exciting if you ask me – some major life events took place! Marrying a complete stranger at the altar, spending the night together for the first time, enjoying a big family get together the next morning, AND of course – THE HONEYMOONS! There’s a lot in store – and we’re just getting started.
Now, the first night can be full of a lot of pressure — or pleasure. Depending on your preference. 😉 But, in all honesty, I love the first night. This is the time when the couples can finally have some time alone together and share what’s really going on in their heads! After so many weeks of anticipation and curiously, you finally get a chance to have all those questions answered!
How clever was Shawniece and that ring? That anniversary date inscription is certainly going to save Jephte later on down the road. Good move girl! Too bad Jephte didn’t plan on making any moves…but I have SO much respect for him for choosing to take it slow though guys! I’ve totally been there and in the end it worked out for me!!!
My heart melted seeing Molly & Jon relaxing in bed together! I mean – how gorgeous did Molly look in that dress? And Jon talking about traveling and exploring together – already planning their adventures as a married couple. I’m sold! Not sure how I feel about Antartica as a travel destination…doesn’t Boston get cold enough?! Probably won’t want to sleep naked while you’re there, Jon! Maybe you want to reconsider travel destinations. Ha!
Jackie and Ryan are just too much! When he took off her shoe – can you say fairytale?! They make my heart melt. Like for real!!

Shawniece & Jephte brushing their teeth together means good hygiene! Certainly an important part of every marriage. 🙂 Beat that stinky morning breath!! I will say – the whole putting her number in his phone was a little awkward…I know you’re taking it slow, but come on Jephte, she is your wife…do you really need her first AND last name??
As Molly reveals – Jon sweats. Niiiice…..haha. But, she doesn’t seem to mind! I’m curious about that ‘stint’ in the middle of the night to which Jon was referring – hmmmmm….I probably could have done without the ball gag, Jon. At least he’s honest about what he likes? Be careful what you ask for when you hope for open communication with your spouse ladies…. Haha!
We quickly find out that Jackie & Ryan wasted no time getting intimate – while Doug and I decided to take it little slower, you can’t beat that instant physical chemistry! LOL at the little mishap in the morning – the cameras must have caught them a little earlier than they thought 😉
First night as husband and wife down…a bajillion more to go!

I love this! Marriage really is about bringing two families together and making them one. The fact that these couples had the chance to get to know their new families only makes their new relationship that much stronger! I got super, super blessed with my in-laws and I absolutely love our relationship!
Though Shawniece and Jephte have kinda been on different pages when it comes to their relationship, how cool was it to see her family connect with him and open up about more serious topics? It definitely shows there is trust and a major bonding moment for them both. Yay! I died when Shawniece’s grandmother asked about their wedding night – bold, grandma! Very bold!
How sweet is Molly’s mom? She and Jon both have very supportive parents and that means a lot. The support through this process is super helpful – you’re basically a whirlwind of emotions in the beginning. It takes some time to figure everything out. Heck – I’m still figuring it all out!
Jackie’s dad was a little skeptical of the situation – but I mean, who wouldn’t be? Her mom reveals they even tried to discourage Jackie from doing the show. Can you imagine if she would have listened?! What would MAFS be without Jackie and Ryan?! Though luckily, in the end, they can see the connection between Jackie and Ryan and both families are showin’ the love! I’m all about it!!
They’re going to JAMAICA!!!! I’m just a little jealous to say the least — family trip sometime soon, Doug?? 😉
Ridin’ in style to the airport – how cute are Ryan’s glasses? And casual birth control and condom conversation – why not I guess? There’s no time like the present! They have open communication and I can appreciate that for sure. I predict a bright future for these two!
The Moon Palace Jamaica is UNREAL. I’m daydreaming about it right now. Are you reading this, sweet hubby?? How many hints can I drop…ha! Ryan and Jackie are the first to arrive and those ‘Mr.’ and ‘Mrs.’ couple t-shirts are just the cutest. Newlyweds for the win!
Haha – Molly & Jon! They’re obsessed with their suite! I’m excited for these two cuties 🙂 And a girl that pops champagne no matter the time of day – I could see us being great friends. Good move, Molly!
Poor Jephte and Shawniece – they would have their trip delayed and luggage lost…but, what doesn’t kill ya makes ya stronger, right?? While Shawniece is nothing but positive — Jephte is not a fan of traveling. Frustration with each other ensues when they finally sit down after a long travel day. He is not feelin’ the love with his ‘stranger wife’…but I get it, take it slow. Everyone moves at a different pace!
This week was all about introductions and getting to know your new spouse! I’m excited to see all of the amazing moments they have together in Jamaica! Ok, time for predictions! Who do you think will stay married after decision day?
What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran, you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my new book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting Mr. Right!
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