Spouse House Recap


Ok, so we left off last week’s episode of Spouse House with Albert on one knee and Ashley Lauren about to say whether or not she wants to marry him! And just like we left off, the first few minutes of this episode have my heart pounding! What will she say?!

Now, we can’t ignore the fact that this moment is not just about Albert and Ashley Lauren. This is also about Tom, who looks like he wants to crash this engagement like Missy did last week!

Elimination Over Load

So…with all this going on… nothing really could’ve prepared me for the shock and devastation that both Albert and Ashley Lauren have to deal with after she turns down the proposal, and then again when Albert gets voted off the Spouse House island.

Ashley Lauren is visibly shaken— and Tom is half the reason— she wanted it to be HIM that proposed! I feel for you, honey! The heart wants what the heart wants! And to add onto the distress, three more people are eliminated in the same night: Toyya, Sandra, and Jake.

Geez Louise! This was a crazy first ten minutes! These are peoples’ lives, their dreams and hearts on the line here, so this is sad. I can’t even imagine being in their shoes. One thing’s for certain, though, I’m now ready for some good vibes, how about you!?

Exploratory Marriages

Ok, so let’s get into these “Exploratory Marriages!”

Whoa! What a great concept, right? Ok, I love how I met my husband and the process we went through. It was unique and special…and I wouldn’t want to change it for the world…but I love the idea of getting the chance to feel out the whole marriage thing! I kind of feel bad for Darren and Brianne. They aren’t partnered up, and Bri is having a really tough time getting over Chris, but I love how she says she trusts the experts and that she’s open. That’s the best way to be in an environment like this— and these experts seem amazing so far! I think they’re all in great hands!

Ok, let’s look at these pairs in the Spouse House …

Naya + Danny

I think these two have it made! They have to get around this one hurdle, the fact that Naya has a son from a previous relationship, and then they’ll be in the clear! I can definitely see these two getting past that and really falling in love. I CANNOT wait!

Ashley Lauren + Tom

Tom is concerned that Ashley Lauren has put up some walls recently, and that blow-up was pretty scary, right? But he has to understand: this is a process…a big, scary- if riveting- experience. I think patience is the only thing that’s going to get them through. Let’s hope that he can wait for her to feel comfortable because I have a feeling that it’ll be more than worth the wait!

Kelli Jo + Jimmy

Now, this couple reminds me of Doug and I. Jimmy may not have initially been the guy that she would’ve chosen for herself, but I do think that he’ll be able to give her the very things she never knew she needed. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way he gives her a note asking her to be his girlfriend. How cute is that?! Hang in there, KJ! I think the best is yet to come!

Missy + Chris

The full potential of this couple remains to be seen. I’m not really sure how Missy really feels and I’m not sure Chris is clear on how to respond to that ambiguity, you know? The conversation by the pool is a little…. AWKWARD! She’s talking about other guys in the house and not really complimenting him as much or telling him how she feels about him. Truthfully, I’m not sure where this is going, but I’m wishing them the best anyway!

Ok, I have to say that Naya and Danny were the couple of the hour last night! That letter that he wrote to her right before the engagement ceremony was so heartwarming! It’s so sweet, that it almost calms my nerves as we head right into the nail-biting, sweat inducing last couple of minutes of the episode.

At this week’s ceremony, I literally had no idea what was about to happen. I mean, I knew what I HOPED would happen. I wanted someone to propose! That’s the name of this game…LITERALLY! But I couldn’t be naive enough to assume that there would be no surprises.

Andddd I was right…I almost forgot that more people were coming into the house at different points. Say “hello” to Ben and Ashley T! These are matches for Bri and Darren (Yay!) and I’m all the way here for it!

But then, here it comes:


So of course, here come the experts’ questions: “Do you want to stay together as a couple and take the next steps toward a real life together as a married couple? Do you wish to change your partnership and try being married to someone else? Or do you believe your time in The Spouse House has not been successful and you wish, therefore, to leave The Spouse House?”

Oh, Lord. Here we go!

They all nearly give me a heart attack with the suspense, but ultimately, all of the couples choose to stay together and then….just when I think I’ve escaped the waterworks….DANNY PROPOSES TO NAYA!

Oh, my goodness! He gets down on one knee, takes her by the hand andddd….

Well, we don’t know yet! We have to wait until next week to find out exactly what he says and what her answer will be, and I can hardly stand it!

What do YOU think she’ll say?!

Let me know what you think in the comments.

’Til next time, let’s all hope that this is the start of someone’s Happily Ever After because who doesn’t love those?!

See you next week!

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