OK, ladies and gentlemen…the wait is ALMOST OVER! Tonight is Married At First Sight’s Decision Day and the beans get spilled … the life-changing decision of who chooses to “stay married” and who chooses to “get a divorce” is revealed. Finally. 🙂
Please Forgive Me
Before I dive in, I must apologize for abandoning my Married At First Sight recap blogs this season. I LOVE LOVE LOOOVE MAFS, but this season I’ve been pregnant and 100% of my attention has been on my rainbow baby! 🙂

Married At First Sight: Unfiltered
Ok, so a lot of you know that I am the host for Married At First Sight: Unfiltered (airs right before the show on Lifetime). In order to ask the right questions, this season I watched the show in advance. (I know – how miserable … just such torture….) 😉
I’m not going to pretend like I don’t know the outcome because that would be silly … but I’d be the worst if I just spoiled the show for ya and told you who stays married and who gets divorced … so I write my blogs from my own personal predictions and feelings as I watched the show.
Married At First Sight: Season Five
I’ve gotta tell ya – this is probably my favorite season so far! (Other than mine, of course.) 😉 I just fell in LOVE with each of these couples. Before I dive into predictions, let’s catch up!
Two of our three couples are off to spend special weekends together (this is always the sweetest part of MAFS, next to wedding day awesomeness!) One couple is keeping it close to home to figure their way through issues, but let’s see where everyone ends up with just a week away from Decision Day!
I Peg This Couple The MAFS Cutie Patooties
First up, Ashley and Anthony. Ohhh, they are so stinkin’ cute! And they kiss and make up after the whole fight over the application! Yay! And then it’s off to the woods for a romantic rendezvous! Ashley shows us her bad-a$$, newly adventurous side while they’re walking through Starved Rock. And Anthony really shows us just how “lovey dovey” he can be when he creates the perfect cuddle bubble for them to snuggle up in! I LIVE for these moments on MAFS, guys. Yes to romantic camping!
Friend Zone Couple
I just adore Danielle and Cody … individually. But it’s rough watching them as a married couple. There are trust issues galore with Danielle and Cody. We all know that they’ve been battling with the physical intimacy thing, but when he says that, on a scale from 1-10, he’s only at a 4 as far as how much he trusts her…it’s like WHOA! I know that one hurt Danielle! 🙁 But maybe he has reasons. They’ve been stuck in the “friend zone” and remember, we don’t get to see everything, so I want to give Cody the benefit of the doubt.
And speaking of giving the benefit of the doubt…
Gimme More Of That Black Love
That brings us to Sheila and Nate. I’ll be the first to admit- making up is NEVER easy. When your feelings have been hurt by the person you love, your heart aches in a way that is unimaginable. You never know how deeply it’s going to affect you. So all of the judgment that was being thrown in Sheila’s direction might’ve been unfair. One thing’s for sure though… Nate’s “peace offering” is an AMAZING metaphor for his marriage. And then seeing her accept his apology completely melted my heart! Go Nate and Sheila! That’s how you put in the work!

My Predictions As I Watch Married At First Sight
My guess as I watched the show was that two of the three couples stayed together. As I began writing this I figured I’d end with my predictions from when I first watched, but obviously I know who chooses to “stay together” and who chooses “to divorce” so I feel so silly sharing my ‘predictions’ now. ….but, can you guess which two of the three I predicted would stay together? It may not be who you think! I’ll definitely share with you in next week’s blog! 🙂
Before ending this blog I just want to ask you all to be supportive and loving towards ALL of the couples, whether they stay married or not – whether you “like” them on the show or not. No one really “liked” me on my season of Married At First Sight and I remember I’d literally cry at some of the tweets and messages I received. (Yeah, we see them. And yeah, it’s hurtful.) Now people say to me “Oh, I never liked you, but I like you now …” Nope, that doesn’t feel too good. So, be gentle on these couples. You only see a piece of their lives when they’re on TV and it’s not fair to judge them based on just that piece. 🙂
Well, guys, Decision Day is on TONIGHT on Lifetime! But first, catch us on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered at 8:45! … I’m literally on the edge of my seat! AGAIN! This season is SO good!
Let me know what your predictions are in the comments below! I’m so curious what you guys think!! I’ll see ya TONIGHT on twitter (my hubs and I will be tweeting LIVE!)
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A2-married *although the l bee een seaid yet the isn’t there and very real. This couple appears to be crazy about each other.
Sheila and Nate- married *Shiela always says for better or worse, she goes by her vows and changes he name to abates last name.
Danielle & Cody- divorced. Cody can’t get out I then “physical intimacy” topic which only pushes her away. That’ll happen with any relationship and situation IMO. I love them as people and I don’t my prediction is wrong I’d be SO happy!!
haha….your prediction is pretty much the same as mine! I can’t wait until the reunion show to see where they are all at now! 🙂