Married At First Sight Recap: Maiden Name Vs. Married Name


Well, all the Married At First Sight couples are back from their honeymoons now. (I feel like they honeymooned for months!) But now it’s back to the real world for our couples – work and moving in together – and surprisingly, for the one couple I thought it’d be most awkward\uncomfortable for it’s been the easiest transition! For the others, it’s proven to be a struggle.

Nate and Sheila

This couple has been on the rockiest grounds since the moment they met at the altar. Nate was scared to tell Sheila that his little bro would be living with them making it a party of 3 instantly. Surprisingly, Sheila could really seem to care less about having his younger brother, Tyrique, live with them as they begin their married life together. As a matter of fact, she almost seems to enjoy it saying they’re like one happy, “big family.”

Big, Happy Married At First Sight Family

Sheila seems to be loving the idea of having lil bro Tyrique living with them. But she ain’t no fool. 😉  She knows what teenager boys are all about. So she (and Nate) lay some ground rules for him right from the get-go:

  • No girls in the house
  • Get your lotion stocked up

Not gonna lie, I blushed for him when they were all sitting down having this chat. The mention of lotion and I was red an Rudolph’s nose.

Nate And Sheila Can’t Escape The Drama

These two cannot win. Just when they are figuring things out for themselves in their relationship, their highly opinionated family comes over for dinner. Drama pursues.

The moment Sheila’s dad sits down for dinner he is quick to talk about how his other daughter – Sheila’s sister – feels left out and she’s super mad that she and her boyfriend weren’t invited to the wedding. Sheila reminds her dad that she was only allowed to invite 25 people. Obviously LOTS of people weren’t invited.

Straight From The Horses Mouth

When I had a chance to chat with Sheila for Married At First Sight: Unfiltered (Thursdays on Lifetime at 8:45pm) she told me that she did invite her sister, but because she wasn’t as close to her sister’s boyfriend she asked that just her sister come so she could have her closest family members and friends there. I didn’t think that was too much to ask?!

Talkin’ From Personal Experience

I remember these days myself. I actually had to un-invite four guests to our wedding! I was so embarrassed and I felt absolutely HORRIBLE. I didn’t think kids counted towards that limit of 25 guests each. I really wanted my nieces and nephews there. They were actually part of my wedding.

I have four nieces and nephews so I had to uninvited four other guests. Talk about a crappy situation!

Sheila’s Family Doesn’t Get It

After Sheila and her dad were loudly arguing, Nate steps in.

Ut oh.

Of course, these two men begin arguing about the situation now. Ay yi yi, what a mess. It doesn’t entirely resolve, but hopefully this week they will understand that Sheila didn’t have a choice in the matter. When the Married At First Sight gods say ‘only 25 guests’ they mean ONLY 25 GUESTS.

Anthony and Ashley

These two have easily had the most chemistry and practically ZERO issues … until now. And the issue isn’t over something as silly as wedding guest invites. It’s over something that every couple who has ever been married has had to discuss at one point or another.

Maiden Name Or Married Name

I remember when I was a young girl all I wanted to do was get married and change my last name. I don’t know my dad and I have some random guy’s last name. I haven’t even met this dude who I share a last name with. It wasn’t even my mom’s last name. I was always SO embarrassed of this – especially while in school and my friends knew my mom’s last name didn’t match mine. Looking back, it was a very silly thing to fret over. But I was just a kid and kids do worry about the darnedest things.

Funny enough, after growing up and feeling like I accomplished a lot as “Jamie Otis” I decided that it didn’t really matter that I don’t know this dude who I was named after. ‘Otis’ is ME. It’s now my identity…not just his. I didn’t feel this NEED to change my last name the way I had when I felt no connection and was embarrassed being an “Otis.” I did end up changing my private name to Jamie Hehner, but this was a very personal decision and there are some things that I don’t feel the need to have to explain. (Although I do share more about this in my book, Wifey 101.)

Ashley Wants To Keep Her Last Name

Anthony just assumed Ashley would take his last name. They are legally married after all. He was surprised to hear that Ashley isn’t planning on taking Anthony’s last name. “I don’t want to get rid of my last name,” she admits. “I feel like it’s my identity.”

Anthony looks genuinely surprised, “It was your identity.” Ashley isn’t backing down. She seems adamant about keeping her last name, married or not. “It’s a feminist thing…How come you can’t take my last name?”

Anthony’s response: “Cause I’m the man.”

Well, that wasn’t exactly anything any woman would want to hear. Umm, Anthony. Did you really just say that?

The Battle Of The Marital Last Name

“I don’t understand the whole feminist side of it,” Anthony shares. “She likes my last name, so what’s the problem?”

Ugh, clearly Anthony doesn’t get it even a little. Geesh.

Babies And Last Names

These seem to be the only problems Anthony and Ashley have. Unfortunately, they’re real BIG problems. They could definitely cause the demise of a relationship.

After their argument over last names, they continued to argue about babies and when they’d begin their family. This has been an on-going battle between these two. But they should definitely be on the same page before bringing a baby into the mix, that’s for sure!

[bctt tweet=”Women, what’s your take on changing your name after marriage? Keep maiden name or change to married name? #Mafs #marriedatfirstsight” via=”no”]

Cody and Danielle

These two were placed in the friend-zone by none other than Cody himself. Making matters worse, they move into a townhouse with Danielle’s big, needy pups. The chemistry and intimacy is lacking, but the only thing that is certain to get attention is those dogs. And that’s because dogs are like kids, they insist on it. 🙂

Cody, Man Up

Danielle hasn’t been shy about what her needs are. She wants a “manly man.” She believe that if cody would just “step it up” and “be a man” that their chemistry and romance would definitely improve. Cody knows this is what she wants. I wonder if he is beginning to feel a lot of pressure to be the ‘Man of the house?’

Romantic Night Or Nah

It looked as thought they were on their way to a good start of kinda spicing it up again…they were both to go out with their friends and then meet up right after. As Danielle was getting ready you could see all over her face that she was really excited for this.

However, when she walked downstairs and found Cody laying on the couch her smile faded. Cody had canceled on these plans because he missed the train into the city. Danielle is visibly bummed by this. She heads back upstairs to tell her friend about Cody’s “childish” ways. :-/

I am keeping my fingers crossed for these two because as an outsider looking in I can see they could be SO good for each other! If only they can get past these little obstacles in their way?!

Tonight on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered (8:45pm on Lifetime) I chat with the couples about the drama from this episode and the all important changing names topic. And then immediately after Married At First Sight begins. The couples talk about intimacy (or the DESPERATE need for it) and Ashley tears up during a conversation with sex expert Rachel DeAlto.

To all the women, this question is for you: What are you thoughts on changing your last name after getting married? Share with me in the comments below. 🙂

Join me LIVE on twitter tonight to tweet for both Married At First Sight: Unfiltered and Married At First Sight. It all begins at 8:45 ET on Lifetime! 

What does it take to be a good wife? God knows I had some trouble figuring that out. My past threatened my future, but I learned how to stop that from happening. If you’re struggling in the dating world — or if you’re engaged, a newlywed, a long time married veteran, you will feel a lot better about your relationship after reading about mine in my new book, Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Meeting  Mr. Right!

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