Seven Year Switch: Swapped Spouses Meet And Girls Fight Nasty

This is Kelsey and Dustin … They aren’t married, but they are acting like they are. Yikes!

Seven Year Switch

OMG…This one starts off with a crazy BANG! Dustin wakes up and what’s the first thing he does? He tells Kelsey (His swapped “wife”) that he doesn’t want to hear about her spouse, James. Not only that, he tells her that he actually refers to James AND Jaclyn as their exes. (HUH???)

Um, sir, should we remind you why we’re here in the first place? To fix your MARRIAGE! Not vacation into a new one.

Instead, he says that he got divorced on Friday and re-married on Monday. What?

I must be missing something, and from the looks of things, Kelsey was left out of the loop, too!

James and Jaclyn Yoga Into It

Meanwhile, their spouses—James and Jaclyn—are on an entirely different page. They are going out to do yoga! And the best part? They’re using the exercise to figure out how to improve both of their marriages. You know…the whole point of Switch Therapy! Yeah, these two get it.

But then… (Record Scratch)…we find out just what Kelsey has had to deal with back home.

“I do nothing,” James says when they start the conversation about intimacy.

You do nothing? James! Come on! But not to worry—  I have a feeling that Jaclyn’s going to give him a hand or two in that department before this is all over. She’s not scared to share her mind.

This is very true. But I hope she doesn’t have to go through a divorce with her real life hubby, Tony, to be happy …. 🙁

Another Swapped Couple Steaming Up

On the other side of town, Liliya admits that she thinks she and her swapped hubby, Aaron, make a good couple and I’m just screaming “Uh-Oh!” This is exactly what I thought would happen! The little Kimye look-a-like is having trouble staying out of the same bed. 

(Where’s a fire extinguisher when you need one?!)

But Back To Them In A Bit

Right now, Heather and Tony (Liliya and Aaron’s real life spouses who are swapped to be together) are doing extremely well. To me, they’re doing this experiment the right way. They’re communicating about their personal issues and then coming together to help each other through them. That’s really important. I love when she and Tony get their boxing gloves on. In that moment, we see exactly how Heather and Aaron got here and I can see her breakthrough coming right on in! (I just might have to invest in a pair of those gloves, myself!) And the fact that Tony is letting all of his feelings out and admitting exactly what he’s feeling is a huge step in the right direction.

Ok, back to Mr. and Mrs. McSteamy: Aaron seems to be opening up a lot more while they start getting their gardening on. He’s actually letting his emotions bubble up to the surface! Emotional degenerate? Puh-lease! I only wonder whether he’s doing this for Heather orrrrrrr if he’s doing this because he’s so attracted to Liliya. Hmmm…we’ll just have to wait and see. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Kelsey starts to realize that her and Dustin’s honeymoon phase is over. (Should it have even begun?  They were swapped as a pair to fix their real marriages.) She’s trying to patch things up from the argument they had that morning, and I can’t believe the way Dustin just walks out on her in the middle of her expressing her feelings. I think this is proof that he’s not taking this experiment very seriously. Dr. Jessica might be on to something when she starts suspecting that something has happened between them. She’s right. These two seem like they’re hiding something and they might be feeling guilty about it.

And just when you thought this couldn’t get any crazier— the experts throw in a brand new twist! These guys are going to have to meet each others’ spouses! (O…M…G!)

Kelsey!!! Watch out girl!

But in all seriousness, these talks are INTENSE! Jaclyn confronts Kelsey about touching her man, Aaron asks Tony some tough questions and Dustin asks James if he’s ready for the truth…and that’s just the beginning!

We find out how these heated meetings end next week and I’m sure we’ll get to see all the drama we can stomach, but I’m really hoping that this will all lead to them getting to a better place in their marriages. Here’s hoping!

[bctt tweet=””It’s unfair to try to go through life and not try to make yourself happy.” #sevenyearswitch ” username=”jamienotis”]

What do you think is going to happen in these meetings? And we only have three more weeks to go– any predictions for the finale? Let me know in the comments!

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