Seven Year Switch: Couples Watch Spouse With New Mate

Heather and Tony -These two are so compassionate and loving…and so far seem to be the most faithful. Huge props to them.

Seven Year Switch

It’s week three of Seven Year Switch and I’m still rooting for Tony and Heather. I’m anxious to see these two sweet people come together and actually learn how to let someone take care of them for once.


Tears Are Flowin’


It really tugs at the heartstrings when Heather breaks down to her swapped spouse, Tony, and says she misses her real life hubby Aaron. And the way Tony comforts her is really cool to see on a show like this. I’m catching all the “feels” from this couple and I’m kinda lovin’ it! They’re so sweet and loving towards each other WITHOUT over-stepping or even thinking about cheating.


No Tears Flowin’ Here


Then, we head back to #TeamReckless and have to sit through Kelsey and Dustin talking about their sex lives…um, I could be wrong, but these two seem to have an entirely different idea of what this experiment is supposed to be about. It’s not the same idea that their spouses have…or the experts…or America! Sleeping naked and being adventurous in bed is a little much, but they seem comfortable so in the name of science I guess we have to let them be! Don’t get any ideas, Doug!

But then drops the bomb. On day four, the experts show up to check up on the couples. When Dr. Jessica meets with Kelsey and Dustin, it’s so obvious that sparks are flying with these faux-lovebirds. So much so that Dr. Jessica’s eyebrows stay raised the entire time. Then, the big “C” word comes up: CHEATING.

Dustin admits he is scared of it happening…and not only that—Dr. Jessica notices that he might be developing actual feelings for his experimental spouse. If that wasn’t enough for our poor hearts to take in, Dr. Jessica and Charles have something ELSE up their sleeves that jusssssttt might burst their little bubble of puppy love. Are they allowed to be experiencing puppy love?!

Yep, the experts raise the stakes…and I’m talking’ REAL high.


[bctt tweet=”The couples on @FYI’s Seven Year Switch swap partners to save their marriage. Would you ever do this?” username=”jamieotis”]


Each Person Watches Their Spouse With Swapped Partner


Things get even more crazy when Charles and Jessica tell the couples that they have actual footage of their spouses interacting and living with their experimental spouse. And watching their reactions is soooo hard.

I can only imagine what I’d be going through watching that. I think my reaction would be more in line with Jaclyn’s. It doesn’t seem fair to be in her position and I really feel for her. Like I said, I think she had an entirely different view of what this experiment would be like than Dustin had. She wanted to improve her marriage— not give him an opportunity to completely check out. And check-in with another woman!

Seven Year Switch, folks— this is what it does to ya! What do you guys think about the experiment and where it seems to be headed??? Comment and let me know!

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  1. I love the show! So far I’m a huge fan of these new shows coming out on FYI and it all started with your season of Married at First Sight!!!! Huge fan of you and Doug, I keep rooting for you. Dustin & Kelsey are headed for a world of hurt in my opinion, maybe seeing their “real” spouses will wake them up a little!

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