Seven Year Switch
Ok, so last week’s episode of Seven Year Switch was soooo crazy, that it doesn’t even need an introduction. (If you’re just tuning in here’s the first episode’s review to catch ya up to speed.)
No small talk this week, ladies and gentlemen – Let’s just cut right to the chase
First thing’s first: Watching Liliya and Aaron (AKA Kimye look-a-likes) is kiiiinnnnd of awkward, no? You can literally cut the sexual tension with a knife. I get a little anxious when Aaron mentions that he wishes Heather (his real wife) had some of Liliya’s traits. Yikes! I mean, I know this is what the experiment is all about but again, Yikes! If I heard Doug saying that he wished I had another woman’s qualities…I’d die. And then I’d come back and haunt him for life. Maybe that’s why we will never, ever sign up for Switch Therapy. 🙂
Anyway, Liliya admits that she’s attracted to Aaron, too, and things just seem to be heating up more and more between these two! Don’t get me wrong, I KNOW no one is actually coming on to anyone…but come on, there’s such a thing as body language, and we can read right between those lines!
I, personally, think someone should be on standby with a fire extinguisher…just in case…I’m just sayin’.
And I have to say that Heather and Tony are walking a thin line, too. These guys are so compatible, it’s scary. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m definitely rooting for these couples to stay together and make their marriages work (#TeamMarriage), but watching these two makes me wonder how things are actually gonna shake out. (Although I must admit I think these two are the LEAST flirty with each other out of all of these switched couples.)
I mean, here you have a sweet, nurturing girl and a big teddy bear of a guy who only wants to make her feel comfortable. When he says that he already has a deep, emotional bond with Heather, it doesn’t seem inappropriate. It just seems sweet and comforting. I can feel how it softens Heather’s heart. Heck, it softens my own heart! Sorry, Doug! But needless to say, they are in for a crazy ride. And I, for one, can’t wait to see what these initial reactions mean for the experiment.
But of course, we have to have patience. I’m sure these amazing experts will let us know IF and WHEN we need to worry.

Two Who Miss Their Spouses
When it comes to James and Jaclyn, I worry that they’re too much alike. Jaclyn has kind of a wild side, and I can see why she and Dustin (her real hubby) were attracted to each other from the beginning—but looking at James, you can tell his mind and heart are back with Kelsey. At the same time, even though Jaclyn is putting up a strong front, it definitely seems like she’s in the same boat…she misses her spouse, too.

The Two We Have to Watch
Speaking of the spouses—Dustin and Kelsey…well, what can I say about them? These two may be having a bit too much fun and are a bit too relaxed and comfy around each other. Talk about awkward when they’re at dinner and they immediately start talking about catching feelings for one another and flirting.
Ummm…what? (Insert Shocked Emoji Here)
And then this:
Our Darling Dustin: “If I really take part in this experiment, something will happen. When I’m with Kelsey (swapped wife), I’m not thinking about Jaclyn (real wife) at all.”
Then, the question comes up that we’ve all been waiting for, and surprisingly, it’s her who asks:
Kelsey: “What would sex be like with Dustin?”

Ay yi yi! I think this is where we call in reinforcements! Dr Jessica? Charles? Anybody?! I’m watching with one eye open….and bated breath. These two are definitely on the verge of cheating!
[bctt tweet=”I can’t wait to watch #SevenYearSwitch tonight on @fyi! (I hope no one cheats!!!)” username=”jamieotis”]It’s only the second episode of Seven Year Switch and we already have one couple who is about to pounce on top of each other as soon as they can – and there’s another sleeping in the same bed together. Whether anyone has done anything “un-spouse-like” or not is still to be determined! What do you think happened? Let me know in the comments!
Seven Year Switch airs Tuesday’s at 9pm on FYI.
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