I just cut over 8 inches of my hair to donate. I’d always heard about donating your hair for cancer patients, but I never really knew how to do it. So, donating my hair was just an idea that sat in a dusty corner in the back of my head. It wasn’t until I felt a NEED to help others that I dug that idea out and took action on it. And if you’re thinking you’d like to donate your hair, but you are lost as to how to donate or where to donate your hair, then this blog is for you. But first, let me tell you why I felt the NEED to donate my hair. I am donating my hair in honor of my first born son, Johnathan Edward.
I lost my son, Johnathan, when I was 17 weeks, 1 day pregnant. (Yes, I still count that one day.) It hasn’t even been two months since my sweet boy was taken from me. At first, I wasn’t sure how life would go on. How was everyone acting like everything in life was “going to be ok.” NOTHING was ok.
When we got the news that I would never get to rock my innocent baby to sleep, I’d never get to comfort him when he’s crying or hear his little giggle for the first time I was in the middle of planning his gender reveal party with family and friends. My husband and I were house-hunting for the PERFECT home to begin our new family. We were so excited for our Christmas baby. (He was due on December 20th.) All of that was ripped away from us so suddenly and unexpectedly. My baby, Johnathan, would have no chance at making it to his first birthday. How do I even begin to try to “move on” from this?
Learning different ways to cope was the only way I could survive. There were a few things I did immediately to help myself, but I didn’t realize that one of the best ways to cope was to see that others are suffering from their own intense pain and helping them in their time of need would help me get through my loss.

It all began when I met a dear friend named Erica through one of my “fans,” Diana. Diana bought one of my Spoonie Necklaces and told me it was for her friend, Erica, who is battling stage IV colorectal cancer that has metastasized to her liver and other organs. I was so shocked to hear about how young Erica was — she’s in her early 30’s — to be going through all of this. I began kind of stalking Erica on her social media and her blog. I think what was most shocking to me was that she is so optimistic, hopeful, and never once pitied herself or even drew any attention to her struggles. (Humble isn’t even the word!) Seeing all of this ignited a fire in me to help her in any way I can, but I didn’t even know how to help. (Get to know Erica and her story here.)
I suppose learning about Erica and opening my eyes to the thousands upon thousands cancer patients who struggle for their life day in and day out led me to the idea of donating my hair. I know it’s not much, but it’s a small thing I can do to help. It makes me feel like I am “giving back” in a way. It keeps my mind off my own loss. I decided I wasn’t going to let this idea go back to sitting in that dusty corner. I am going to figure out how to donate my hair! First step, figuring out where to donate. I posted the idea on Facebook because I KNEW that there would people out there who could help (And I was right!). 🙂 I also researched each sight significantly to find the one that best fits me. Here are the different organizations that accept donated hair. For those of you who want to donate your hair, but have no idea where to even begin, I got your covered! 😉
Donate Your Hair
Locks of Love
I had always heard of Locks of Love. My sister had donated here and I’ve heard of so many others, too. This is probably one of the most well-known organizations. I mentioned on Facebook that was where I’d want to donate my hair and I practically got my head chopped off. …Apparently, Locks of Love makes the people who need their wigs BUY them. Well, that doesn’t seem fair! So, I skipped this organization altogether.
Pantene Beautiful Lengths
This was probably one of the most recommended organizations. I was excited to look into them more, but when I did I was bummed. They need 12 inches of clean, non-chemically treated hair. They cannot use hair that is sent to them that has been colored, chemically straightened, etc. Well, there goes that idea. I’ve been coloring my hair for years! (But for those of you who haven’t, definitely look into this one because it comes highly recommended!)
Ok, so colored hair and chemically treated hear can be a problem when donating hair. Good to know. Now I am only looking into organizations that will accept hair that’s been color treated.
Wigs For Kids
Here’s an idea! I love the idea that my hair will go to a little kiddo in need. They donate their wigs to children who suffer from hair loss due to any diagnosis, not just cancer. It only took two minutes on their site to realize that they only accept 12 inches of non chemically exposed hair. Back at square one again. Geesh, at this point I am beginning to think I won’t be able to donate my hair! (But when I set my mind to something I never give up. I WILL find a way to donate my hair!) 🙂
Children With Hair Loss
Children With Hair Loss will accept 8″ of lightly processed hair. HALLELUJAH!!!! (Picture me twirling and dancing around!) YES! I finally found a good organization that would take my hair! Here are the exact requirements to donate your hair if you’re in the same predicament I was in:
•Hair should be at least 8 inches in length or longer is preferred.
•Hair must be clean and dry, pony-tailed and/or braided (this keeps the hair in one direction).
•Place rubberband or pony tail holder on each end.
•Non-chemically treated hair is preferred (but any hair in good condition will be accepted).
•Gray hair is accepted.
•Print hair donation form.
•Place donation form and hair in ziplock bag and mail to Children with Hair Loss
•Donors are given a certificate in appreciation for their kindness.
Angel Hair Foundation
Before I wrap this up I want to let y’all know that there was one more organization that came recommended—Angel Hair Foundation—but when I looked at their site it said this:
“For the time being, we are not able to accept hair donations. We are busy trying to get caught up with our current inventory and evaluate potential best practices in dealing with hair system creations moving forward. However, you can still support Oregon kids if able through a small cash donation via our website here. All gifts no matter if $5 or $1,500 make a huge impact…We recommend the organization, Children With Hair Loss (www.childrenwithhairloss.us/) as an excellent option for you to donate your hair to.”
So, now I know where I am donating my hair! Children With Hair Loss it is! I am so excited to help a little one in need! One thing I’ve learned in this life: We all go through tough times and we need each other to help us through it. I’ve been so blessed with an outpouring of love and support for my sweet Johnathan. I am paying it forward. And it feels SO good to be able to do so.

P.S. It would be SILLY of me not to mention the amazing hair stylists who helped make this happen. A friend of a friend told me about L Studio in Red Bank, NJ. I called to see if they would be willing to help me with this and they were BEYOND helpful! When we finished everything Liz, the owner, said she would be willing to give 20% off to anyone who goes there to donate their hair – or for any service! Click here to get L Studio’s info!
If you like my blogs, check out my book — Wifey 101: Everything I Got Wrong After Finding Mr. Right — info below! 🙂
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I just wanted to personally THANK YOU for donating to Children with Hair Loss. My daughter, Zoie, was diagnosed with Alopecia in February. Her gorgeous, long blonde hair began falling out in hand fulls. After contacting the doctor and running all sorts of testing to rule out cancer, leukemia, lupus, thyroid, etc., they formally diagnosed her with Alopecia Areata.
She lost almost all of her hair on her head. I didn’t know what we were going to do once it was time to go back to school. We had a doctor’s note so she could wear hats, but I was told about Children With Hair Loss and them providing wigs to kids like Zoie. I filled out the application, mailed it on Tuesday, and by Friday I had delivery confirmation of my daughter’s wig! She received it the following week. It was perfect. She was able to wear it with confidence and it was an immediate boost to her self-esteem. She felt “pretty” again.
She took the brave step to address her school and let them know what she was battling. She got in front of the class and told them about Alopecia, what it was, and how it affects her. After that, she made the decision to cut off the remainder of her hair and donate it to CWHL too, so another kid like her could have a wig to help them as well.
So now, she rocks her super short hair. We have fun spiking it, and putting glitter in it. She’s an amazing little girl and I am so blessed to be her mom. She teaches me new things every day. I only wish I was as brave as she is.
THANK YOU for sharing your story about your sweet Zoie! She sounds like such an awesome little girl and her momma doesn’t seem half bad, either! 😉
I love that you did this, Jamie! My hair grows super fast and I never dye it, so I’ve actually donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths 5 times! Getting ready to do it again now that my hair is down to my mid back. I always feel so good and refreshed after doing it. Thanks for spreading more awareness about this great cause 🙂 xoxo
That’s amazing Melanie! I wish my hair grew that fast … and girl, with the amount of grey I have no kiddo would want my hair without it being colored! 😉 lol Thanks for sharing your beautiful hair. One day I might ask you for a wig myself so I can stop coloring all these greys! 😛
What a sweet thing to do. It really is true that healing (or any growth) happens when we take the focus off ourselves and put it on others (not diminishing our pain and grief in any way because it’s very real and absolutely ok to feel but rather allowing something good to come from it… beauty from ashes). Thank you for being a shining example to others of rising strong from heartache at every step. It’s really beautiful.
And your new cut looks so good on you! How do you like it? How does Doug like it (you mentioned he wasn’t too keen on you cutting it too short)?
Doug definitely wasn’t excited for me to cut off my long hair. He says he is more attracted to girls with long hair. But, he supported my decision and after a couple days he said “WOW, I really like it!” 🙂