Married At First Sight: Hehner Family Growing


Introducing Foxy Hehner

Last week on Married At First Sight: The First Year we welcomed the newest addition to our little family!  She was found by a dumpster in LA with a broken leg. Because the animal facilities are over crowded & under-funded she was instantly going to be euthanized. There just isn’t enough funding/space for all the abandoned dogs and if you’re not a puppy you’ve already got one strike against you. No one wants an old dog. When you’re running solo on the streets with a broken leg you get another strike against you. The cost of gibing her shelter and food is one thing, but the cost of going into surgery is another.

rescue pup

Wagtails is an amazing organization based out of New York City. They began rescuing pups and finding them homes locally a few years ago. Since then they’ve expanded to LA where the situation is out of control. Chihuahuas and small dogs run around frantically in LA like rats do in NYC. Ok, that’s a bit exaggerated, but not by much. There are so many abandoned pups in LA that get euthanized just because there is no home for them.

Waggytails told me about this pup that had a broken leg named Maybelline. They asked if I’d be willing to foster maybelline just long enough to get her out of the shelter (to keep her from being euthanized) until they found a “forever home” for her. They said they’d cover the cost of the surgery on her broken leg and her transportation to NYC. (Wagtails doesn’t have as many foster providers in LA as they have in NYC). I begged My AMAZING hubs and he let us bring her home. 🙂


She looked a little rough around the edges. She hobbled on three legs, half her back was shaved from the surgery on her leg, and the poor girl had flakes of scab/dead skin flaking off. But let me tell you that this little dog is SWEET as can be – This is a true testament that “looks do not matter.” And to think she was going to be killed brings tears to my eyes! After a couple weeks w/ Foxy there was no way I could let this adorable pup go to any other home. Her favorite thing to do is spoon. I mean, if you know my husband and me then you know she fits right into our little family!

Doug tried renaming her to Tramp for “Lady and the Tramp.” I was not having it! lol. This little pup brings so much love and happiness into our lives, we are not calling her Tramp. haha. Doug thought of Foxy and after giving her one good look I agreed! She is officially our second “Foster Fail.” (Lady was supposed to be a foster dog too-she was my first fail.)

Now this Hehner family has two pups & together they are #FOXYLADY …See what Doug did there.

    1. Hi Katy! Because it’s the season finale my post will come later this week to wrap the whole season up! THANKS for coming to read my posts! 🙂

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