Last week I took a little hiatus from my Married At First Sight blog and ALL social media interaction. I wish it was because my husband and I were too busy baby-making but it was really just because I couldn’t get WIFI in the jungles of SOUTH AFRICA. Instead of searching for a “hot spot” we opted for a true vacation completely free from the constant chatter of social media, emails, blogs, etc. And a real vacation it was! Oh my goodness I could go on and on forever about our trip-it was AHHMAZING! If you wanna hear more about our safaris, swimming with sharks, and finishing my hubby, Doug’s, #PreBabyBucketlist then you’ll have to join my mailing list because this post is dedicated to Married At First Sight!:-)

David Norton and Ashley Doherty
And it’s dedicated to David Norton and Ashley Doherty – the first couple from season 3 of Married At First Sight who have concluded their experiment. Now my pouting sesh begins. After six weeks of experimental marriage they decided not to stay together…actually, Ashley decided not to stay married. David still wanted to give it a chance. After I thought decision days ending in divorce couldn’t get any worse – this happens. This is the first time in the history of Married At First Sight that one person decides to stay married and the other wants a divorce. Literally heart breaking! 🙁 And it flat out stinks that another couple didn’t work…But can I get a show of hands of those of you who predicted this.
Even if you did predict it it still doesn’t make it easier. It’s so sad to think about what could have been with them. I can’t help but wonder what was going on in their minds. Why did they choose their answers? Do they have any regrets? Well, I had a chance to chat with both David and Ashley on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered. Click here to find out what they had to say about their decisions.
Sam Role and Neil Bowlus
My hat goes off to Sam Role. She has done a complete 180 in this relationship. She has been so open to constructive criticism and has really applied all the advice the experts have given her. (She’s becoming the cutest little wifey these days!) Ever since Neil went to Las Vegas and admitted he didn’t necessarily miss her it’s like her eyes opened up. She realized she could lose her Married At First Sight hubby. Clearly she doesn’t like the sounds of that. She has since been doing everything possible to show Neil that she is ALL IN in their relationship. (Click here to hear what they had to say about this epic moment on Unfiltered.)
I think we can assume Sam’s answer will be ‘stay married’ tonight on their decision day. And if you’re still not sure then you’ve gotta hear what she said directly into the camera: “I am going to do everything I can to show him that we can make this marriage work. I am being entirely vulnerable because we had a good weekend, and I need him to know in all honesty that I do not want to divorce.” Yep, I think she is beyond smitten with her hubby Neil Bowlus!
On the flip side, Neil doesn’t seem as certain. (Oh no! Not another heartbreaking split decision!) He seems to be unsure battling back and forth between whether or not to stay married or get a divorce. Neil says “I really have to sit and think about how I’m feeling emotionally.” But it doesn’t seem like all hope is lost because he also says into the camera “The changes that Sam has made…she’s been able to open up and communicate. It’s great. I’m enjoying this side of Sam.”
But just when you think this couple is DEFINITELY going to last a lifetime you watch Neil chatting with his mom. He says that he fears “too much damage” has already been done.
Neil looks so stressed (and he’s stressing us out) as he says it’s “difficult going into decision day.” SIDE NOTE: When I watched this for the first time I was literally on the edge of my seat for this couple. After watching it a second time I am still on the edge of my seat for this couple. I am telling you guys, you’re not going to want to miss this show LIVE tonight. It gives you so many feelings!!!
I can’t help but gush at this couple (and pray to God they make it). Watch them here as they chat with me on Unfiltered about chapped lips kissing and more intimacy.

Tres Russell and Vanessa Nelson
It looks like the guys are getting cold feet this season. Like Neil, Tres Russell seems to be a bit unsure whether or not he wants to stay married to his wife, Vanessa Nelson. And just like Sam, Vanessa seems to know for certain where her heart is at. It’s clear as day that she wants to stay married when she says “I’m scared because I’ve fallen in love with Tres, and I’ve been left before, and it hurts.” The stress of the looming decision day has taken it’s toll on this woman. She is all sorts of emotionally confused when she meets her sister for lunch. (Who, by the way, did what sisters do best. She told Vanessa straight up that she looked tired and worn out.)
Decision day is no joke. It’s a decision to choose for yourself if you want to spend the rest of your life with your partner. It goes beyond any experiment or scientific match making. I remember Doug and I were sweating anxiously with balls of nerves in our stomach. We hadn’t talked about what each others answers would be. It doesn’t seem likely these couples have either. Not with all their nerves (and definitely not with Ashley and David’s differing decisions about their marriage.) You can see Tres is feeling it just as much as his wife. Chatting with one of his friends he confesses “There is a ton of pressure, honestly. It’s a tough process.”
I chat with them about their last minute fears on Married At First Sight: Unfiltered. Click here to watch.
What are your predictions for tonight’s decisions with Vanessa and Tres and Sam and Neil? Did you predict David and Ashley’s decisions? Let me know in the comments below! And, hey, don’t let your friends miss out on the good stuff you have in your life! If you liked this post, SHARE IT! 🙂
Join me as I tweet LIVE for Married at First Sight. MAFS airs Tonight (Tuesday) on FYI at 9 p.m. EST.
Hi Jamie,
Just a friendly correction… I’m from South Africa and we don’t have a single jungle in site (we’re mostly a Savanna climate with Mediterranean weather in Cape Town)… Also we have wifi and there are quite a few places where it’s free… I watched you on MAFS and am a big fan!
I figured David and Ashley wouldn’t stay together. I would’ve been surprised if they did. I really didn’t think Ahley was truly committed to this experiment.
I am hoping the other two couples stay together!! I’ll be watching tonight!!
I think that the remaining couples will stay together, or at least that’s what I hope. Sam has done a lot of positive changes, and she seems to have fallen for Neil. I hope Neil feels the same way and wants to stay married. Tres and Vanessa I think they’re in love, Vanessa has been more open to sharing how she feels but she’s also still scared of being left. Tres is falling for her and he seems also sacred to admit that it could actually work.
I predict Sam and Neil and Trey and Vanessa will all stay married!
I am disappointed about David and Ashley I don’t think she gave her marriage a fair shot. I was wishing Jaime that you would have shared with her that you in fact were not attracted to your husband in the beginning either. I think if she had looked beyond the physical-visual portion she would have realized that she had found a good hard working man who will eventually be a great husband and father to a wonderful person one day. I’m curious to see a where are they know in relation to Ashley. I hope not but I do predict that she will experience more heart ache with guys in the future because she is searching with her eyes and not her heart. Again love you and Doug and super excited to keep watching your journey. Hey Jaime maybe your network caneuro do a babyshowet (when it’s time) with some of your fans! Would really boost ratingsales and followers for you plus I would love to come.
P.S. Keep up the great work. You and Doug have so much more to come. Oh yeah Jaime I am a nurse as well since 1997! Sorry for any typos!
Yes I did think David and Ashley would not make it and in my mind should not. The other 4 I think will stay married and try to make it work!! They are perfect for eachother!! Like you and Doug you thought no way and look at you now!! So happy for your guys!!
I hope both couples stay together and give it a chance. Can’t wait to watch tonight.