Married At First Sight Decision Day


sam neil mafs

It’s the moment we’ve been waiting for. After watching these Married At First Sight couples for weeks and weeks we have finally come to the moment where we see if they decide to stay married or get a divorce.

Two weeks ago we saw Ashley Doherty and David Norton opt for a divorce. Er, at least Ashley chose divorce – leaving David crushed. Last week’s episode with Sam Role and Neil Bowlus was even more heartbreaking (if you could even imagine)!

Sam Role and Neil Bowlus’ DRAMATIC ending on Decision Day

There’s no way to ease into this, so let’s just dive in. This couple has definitely had their fair share of struggles. Sam questions Neil’s manhood repeatedly but when she finally begins falling for him and flirtatiously asks Neil if he misses her while he’s been away Neil admits he doesn’t [miss her]. There are so many more gasp-out-loud moments during their Married At First Sight experiment but no one could predict what was about to go down during their decision day.

As a matter of fact, I had to call Neil out on this one (watch Neil and I talk his decision day on Married At First Sight:Unfiltered here.) I mean, to watch them on decision day literally brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my stomach – maybe partially because I could see my own relationship and my own Married At First Sight experiment in Sam and Neil’s. It made me think how lucky I am to have such a forgiving, loving, understanding man for a husband. (Not that Neil isn’t, but you get the idea.) My hubs could have easily just threw his hands up and said “Good Riddance” at the end of our experiment and I would have understood. I am still so thankful that we both gave it longer than the 6 week experiment. I think that is what Sam was hoping for, too.

sam and neil mafs

As Sam goes into decision day she looks fairly uncertain whether or not her husband is on the same “I want to stay married” page as her. (However, she shared with me on Unfiltered that she was actually very confident the dreaded “I want a divorce” would NOT come out of Neil’s mouth.) Well, spoiler alert, the dreaded came. Neil politely as possible requested a divorce. The following events will forever go down as the most dramatic ending of a Married At First Sight marriage.

WARNING: grab your tissues now. I didn’t have them on hand and did the ‘ol rub your nose on the sleeve of your shirt. This equates to snot going all over your sleeve. Ew, GROSS!

Sam remains composed for approximately 30 seconds and then just LOSES IT! She jumps out of her seat with her pretty dress on and her heels clinking as she storms out of the room, down the hallway, up the stairs, and out the door. She says “I would have kept running but there was a gate around the property that I didn’t know how to get out of.” She was wailing hysterically – completely distraught. The man she had fallen for, the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, the man who she wanted to share a last name with no longer wanted to be with her. We’ve all been there, but wow. To see this utter heartbreak play out just broke my heart into a million pieces. I just wanted to  reach through the TV screen, shake Neil, and scream “Please, just give this woman one  more chance!”

As many of you know I had watched the season a bit early so I could interview each couple on Unfiltered, but I have yet to see the reunion. I am EAGER to see if maybe Sam and Neil talked things out over the last 6 months? Maybe they decided to give it one last go? I know it sounds like wishful thinking, but stranger things have happened. 🙂

Hubba, Hubba. These two getting cozy.
Hubba, Hubba. These two getting cozy.

Tres Russell and Vanessa Nelson Still Married

WOOHOO! We’ve got another Married At First Sight *still married* couple to join us! Yep, both Tres and Vanessa were 100% on the same page going into their decision day. “Stay married” rolled off both of their tongues as easy as vanilla icing slides off chocolate cake in the heat of the summer. (Strange analogy,  I know, but c’mon guys it’s the first thing that came to my mind. Clearly I am craving some chocolate cake -mmm! lol.)

These two are equal parts adorable, lovable, and CUTE CUTE CUTE! I just love the way they really seem to be smitten with one another. Love comes in many different ways – and it can happen during a crazy experiment like Married At First Sight. As I said, I haven’t seen the reunion yet (SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT) but I have high hopes for these two. I can’t wait to see this couple grow grey and old together! 🙂


Six Month Reunion Tonight

I.CANNOT.WAIT.FOR.TONIGHT! …can you tell I am super duper excited for tonight’s Married At First Sight reunion? I just can’t wait to hear what the couples think 6 months after their experiement is over. Maybe love was rekindled? Hopefully no love was lost. AND, FYI has asked me to TAKE OVER THEIR SNAP CHAT! Yep, that’s definitely happening! If you wanna see my crazy husband and I be our normal, quirky selves then be sure to add FYITV on snap because #TEAMDAMIE is TAKING OVER! 🙂

DO you think a certain lovely couple may rekindle and fall in love? (Not naming names, but you  know that cute couple that goes by Team Sneil) Do you think Tres and Vanessa will make it to the 6 month mark and beyond? What do you think will happen when David and Ashely see each other for the first time in months? Let me know what you think! 🙂 I read each and every comment on all my blogs and all my social media platforms! I look forward to hearing from you guys!

Have a happy #MarriedAtFirstSight Tuesday!







  1. This year has been a big disappointment in MAFS. First we have Tres and Vanessa…clearly a very sweet couple that we had to root for. It looked like he tried hard and she just has trust issues. We don’t know why since he eid not cheat on her. Sam and Neil were another big disappointment. If ne was so hurt by Sams early behavior, he should not have pretended to get “into”their relationship towards the end by buying her flowers and gifts and making her think he cared when he knew he was out of there. It looked to me like he was planning to “het even” with ner when decision day came, which is not very mature. Sam, be careful, “still water runs deep”. Then we have Poor Davidwho thought he was getting married… Ashley clearly got onto the show for publicity not to befin a marriage. The producers should have taken her off of the show after two weeks of her not even speaking to David in sweet respecful way. Then…drama from this little twit when he asks a friend if hers to go for drinks to talk about Ashley. I know that men actually do this sometimes when they are frustrated, which David clearly was. Ashley loved having an “Excuse” to end the so called marriage. She should have been decent enough to just be honest with David and the rest of us and left the show. I certainly hope David finds the right gal for him…he is so sincere about wanting to have a wife and family and it was so heart breaking to see him visit his fathers grave and pour his heart out to him. Sshley, I hope you were watching poor David during that episode and are ashamed of yourself…not that you did not feel attracted to him, but that you let this go on and pretended to be the wounded party!!! Jamie, you and Doug along with Courtney and Jason are my favorites! and I wish the four of you every happiness.

  2. Hi Jamie. I have been obsessed with this show since season one and I rooted for you and Doug the entire way through. You both are amazing and so loving towards each other. It’s beautiful to see and I am so glad you are still going strong. I felt sorry for Sam this season. I saw myself in her. Maybe judging someone too quickly and being overly critical and then wishing you could take it all back. I really hope that she finds her true love whether it is Neil or not. I also think people are too hard on Ashley. David acted like a stage 5 clinger sometimes and if there is no chemistry, that can be a real turn off. They are just not right for each other. I love reading your blogs and can’t wait for your pregnancy announcement!!!

  3. It would be great for Sam and Neil to try again without the cameras. I mean what do they have to lose? I hope Tres and Vanessa stay married and as for David I hope he finds someone who will give him a better chance than Ashley did.

  4. You and Doug have always been my favorite couple. I love your story and how far you two have come since the day you met at the alter. I’m really rooting for Neil and Sam. They were by far my favorite couple this season. I’ve been waiting all week for tonights reunion in hopes they may have found their way back to each other.

    On another note…. keep up the great work. You’re amazing!

  5. Much Congratulations to you on your success Jamie!! You deserve it! I’ve watched you all these years and I’m so happy things are going well for you and Doug.
    As for MAFS, this season was full of surprises, but for me, the biggest was when Neil said he wanted a divorce! I know Sam was hard on him in the beginning, (even rude and demeaning), but I just thought he had gotten over all that. I feel like when he was deciding that he may have kept going back to how mean she can GET, and it scared him that when they would have disagreements, she would go back to that way of acting. I know it’s hard to not think that way, but I personally think Sam learned so much from doing the ‘experiment’ that she won’t be going back to that with anyone!! Maybe now that some time has passed they’ve had a chance to get to know each other off camera and who knows?? We shall see tonite!!!
    Congrats to you again, and you KNOW I will be watching next week!!

  6. I felt horrible when Neil and Sam broke up. However, I think the producers of the show really missed the mark by casting Ashley. She was so horrible to David the entire time and it was painful to watch them! Love you and Doug!

  7. Now on to #TeamSneil. Which breaks my heart too. Sam! She has a heart of gold, that’s obvious, but at first, she was so shocked that she acted a fool. She also just needed a minute but she tried to push through and ignore the screaming alarm bells of her personality that made her chastise, emasculate and hen peck that man. Was it the onesie? I laughed SO HARD when I saw him come out in that and told my husband that Neil was the one for her. And she eventually saw that too. But Neil! Still waters run deep and though he is a steady, forgiving man, he just couldn’t get past the stuff from earlier in the experiment. Too damn bad. I was rooting for these two so hard and when Neil said he wanted a divorce, I cried. Over a reality TV show. About people getting married the first time they made. Well played FYI. I just pray that Neil has had time to miss Sam and the absolute devotion she had at the end. You can see when she changed right? When he hurt her feelings but showed up with FLOWERS (which is exactly what I told my husband Neil needed to do after that “I don’t miss you krap) you could see Sam melty all over. I’m afraid that they will be this years Jaclyn and Ryan, ever to disappoint us. *sighs*

  8. I was not surprised Ashley asked for a divorce, and I didn’t blame her for that. What surprised me was that she maintained the pretense of having been vested in her “marriage” at all. NOBODY watching thought she tried at all. I’m not even mad that she didn’t try. She just instinctively knew that David was not her person. He just wasn’t. She and David were a negative 100 on the chemistry scale and he just didn’t get it and kept getting all up in her Kool Aid. He unknowingly pushed Ashley further away until the cliffside of their marriage was breached. Girl just needed a minute to evaluate it but he’s all, “Look at my ring! I’m married! To you! Let’s spoon, knife and then fork!” So, for that couple, I saw it coming but I wish Ashley had been more honest or at least not tried to pretend that she was ever trying anywhere from 55-100%. Puhleeze.

  9. I am hoping Neil gave Sam another chance too! I can understand why he asked for a divorce but I think they were connecting towards the end so hopefully they are at least moving forward as friends. They seemed so well matched, perhaps the best match of the season, I was really surprised by Neil’s choice. I thought he would be willing to stay married for at least a little longer. I am really hoping they reveal they’ve been dating in the six months since but it doesn’t seem to be the case in the previews.

  10. I felt the same way that you did when Neil broke Sam’s heart. I was teary eyed. I could’t believe it. I was so hopeful for them and still am. I am very anxious about tonight’s reunion! For the sake of the sanctity of marriage, I hope that Tres and Vanessa push through the hard work and see that they really have something special and worth fighting for. (Just like you and Doug!- I just think it is so grand that you guys are still together, I was really rooting for you two the whole time on MAFS) My thoughts about David is that he is just such a nice guy and I really hope that he is able to find a wife that will love him as much as he is going to love her! He is the ultimate package for husband/father. It is unfortunate for him that he was paired with someone who I am not even sure why she signed up for the experiment) Did she even try?! Well it sure did not look like it, and I think she will continue to use that social media thing as a crutch.

    I will be watching tonight and following your SnapChat TakeOver!

    Thanks for Reading 🙂


  11. I so hope that Neil and Sam are back together. Ashley was so not into the experiment based on what they showed. Hopefully it was just bad editing and she was more vested in it than she was made out to be.

    Can’t wait for the second year to start next week. I love you and Doug together!!

  12. First, Congratulations Jamie! I’m so excited for you! I don’t know how you keep up with all of the stuff you keep up with! Makes me tired just reading about it! LOL Now that that bucket list is checked off, I can’t wait to see the babies that you and Doug will have!

    Now, about Married at First Sight, I was actually shocked to find out David had an arrest record! How does one get onto a show and matched up to marry a stranger when they have an arrest record? That is scary! Anyway, I don’t think there will ever be any reconnecting in that relationship!

    I was so hopeful that Sam and Neil would stay together. It was so sad to watch Sam so hurt even though she had been so mean in the beginning. She had definitely changed and had strong feelings for Neil by the end of the experiment, but I don’t think it ever reached the intimate stage. Unfortunately, I think there was just to much damage done in the beginning for Neil to be able to see moving forward in the marriage. Obviously, Sam realizes her mistake and I feel really bad for her now. When I saw previews of tonights show of her crying, I just wanted to reach through the screen and give her a hug!

    Vanessa and Tres are so cute! However, after seeing the preview of tonights show, I’m a little worried that they might have split up. They were not sitting close to each other and body language speaks loudly sometimes! She didn’t look to happy and neither did he. 🙁 I hope they stay together and try to make it work because they seemed so good together. I’m sure glad Doug gave you another chance, because look at you two now! 🙂 <3

    1. THANKS SO MUCH! It’s been a lot of hard work but I have an amazing hubby by my side helping me so I can’t complain about a thing! 🙂 …excited for tonight’s reunion. can’t wait to see what happens!

  13. for Sam ..I hope they do not rekindle. Who can ever forget being dumped on TV?…marriage is work!! Neil, in all of his weirdness doesn’t have a clue…(hence he is single) and will most likely remain single. I don’t see Tres and Vanessa making it either, he is the sweetest thing, and REALLY try’s to make it work. Her expectations are WAY to high..she will regret loosing him! Men like Tres who are 100% in it are rare! I personally can’t wait to see the return of the two couples (you guys) from season 1!!!

  14. I really hope Sam & Neil rekindle their relationship & I wish only the best for Daniel & Ashley
    Tres & Vanessa are too adorable I would be heartbroken if they’re not together after the 6 months. Hey, when will there be new web series of “Married Life”??

    1. I hope so too! ..We are working on Married Life now! AND married at first sight the first year is back on 3/15 for our 2 year anniversary! 🙂

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