Married At First Sight Lost Trust & Bear Hugs


MAFS season 3 couples

There are only a few episodes of Married At First Sight and Unfiltered left before we find out which couples decide to stay married. It’s been an emotional roller coaster with these guys. At first Sam Role and Ashley Doherty don’t find their grooms Neil Bowlus and David Norton attractive, but now each seem to care enough to be upset over the lack of connection with their husbands. Vanessa Nelson didn’t have that problem with her husband, Tres Russell. Their eyes met and sparks flew instantly. But it hasn’t been all rainbows and butterflies for this couple either.

Trust Is Gone

Of all the individuals on Married At First Sight Season 3, Ashley has had the most trouble opening up.  She has been very clear about the fact that she’s had a tough time finding her husband, David, attractive. But something began to change for these two during their fourth of July party. Ashley actually wanted her stranger hubby by her side. We found out later on Unfiltered that David didn’t really catch onto Ashley’s changing feelings until he watched the show back. This is a big bummer! It makes me wonder… If he had known about her developing feelings for him maybe it would have prevented his next action that caused Ashley to say, “At this point I feel like trust is gone.”

david and ashley mafs

Messaging Another Woman

David messages another woman inviting her out to go get some drinks – alone. He says he wanted to get to know Ashley better. If I’m the ‘pot calling the kettle black,’ then so be it because I have to say that messaging another of the opposite sex when you’re struggling in your relationship is a BAD idea no matter how “icy” or “cold” or seemingly “uninvested” your partner is. But David and I already chatted about this. We both agree, hindsight is 20/20.

David, learn from the mistakes I made with my ex. When you’re struggling in your marriage Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 100 dollars – GO STRAIGHT TO EXPERTS FOR PROFESSIONAL HELP – with your spouse.

David’s Bro in Buffalo

The only thing cooler than a bro who tells you straight up “Man, you messed up!” is a bro at the receiving end admitting his mistakes – and this was exactly the way the conversation went down while David met his brother in Buffalo. It’s easy to make a mistake and try to cover it up, but it takes a strong person to admit their mistakes, sincerely apologize, and then make changes to make the whole situation better. Again, that is exactly what happens with David. And to Ashley’s credit she is being open to trust again: “If David wants to regain my trust, I am willing to give him that opportunity in the next week and a half.” She says, “It’s gonna be extremely hard, and right now, it’s honestly tough because in many ways, I feel like he doesn’t deserve that right now. But I’m willing to give him a chance.”

sam and neil mafs

Growing Affection

Sam Role and Neil Bowlus are like a whole new couple! Neil notices it too, “The changes that Sam has made have been phenomenal.” He says, “and to be where we are now from where we came, I think is a fascinating story.”

Sam is beginning to have a crush on her stranger hubby. She says “Neil is growing on me. I think he’s hilarious in his own way. And those are the quirks I admire about him… the ones that I was not fond of at the beginning, because they were different from anybody that I know, are the ones that I admire now.” AWW! *Gushing*

Good Sign For The Spooners of Season 3

The biggest take away I got from this couple is this: their relationship is a lot stronger than we think it is. Sam and Neil may only have a little over a week left in their Married At First Sight experiment, but that isn’t stopping them from finding a new home together! Anyone who has ever moved in with another person knows it’s a lot of work. To be willing to move in together with such a short amount of time left in the experiment is very telling. As I said on twitter, I think this is a subliminal sign that they are definitely ALL IN in this marriage! Things just keep on looking up for these two. Let’s hope it stays that way!

tres and vanessa mafs

Vanessa Wins BEST WIFEY Award

Ok, she definitely didn’t win it when she left Tres (who has been abandoned by his mom) to spend the night alone while she got over the fight they had. However, momma knows how to make up for mistakes made. Vanessa made a DIY gift for Tres that was all sorts of adorbs. In a basket were 10 different items that showed what she loves most about her hubby, Tres. The basket included yummy chocolate kisses, hot tamales, and a Men’s Health magazine with a label saying, ‘You inspire me.’ Tres loved it and appeared to quickly forgive his wifey. He called her the “complete package.” These two are TOO MUCH! 🙂

Marriage Books For Dummies

Tres laughs as he says “I’m going to write a book called Marriage Advice for Dummies.” He says this book will include rules on being attentive, putting in effort, and picking up flowers or something else sweet for your spouse. He jokes “I can’t tell you everything right now, but you’re gonna have to buy the book. Once you buy the book you will be happy.”

Well, Tres, when they said ‘great minds think alike’ they weren’t kidding! I’ve already written a similar book that is due out this year! And when they say ‘more the merrier’ they aren’t kidding either. There could never be too many “marriage for dummies” books because there are a whole lot of dummies out there getting married. (I’ll be the first to admit I’m the biggest dummy of all! But I don’t have to since you all witnessed it on Married At First Season Season 1. Ha!) I can’t wait to read your book. I’ll be taking notes! 🙂



P.S My Married At First Sight hubs and I are kissing our way all the way through Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA!! That being said, we won’t be tweeting or periscoping or using any social media live tonight! We are spending time on *US* as we check off his Pre-Baby Bucketlist items! 🙂 Thank you guys for understanding! I will be writing lots of blogs on this trip and making lots of amazing videos because I truly think this is the best trip we’ve taken … maybe ever. It’s just so romantic here! Just the two of us. Ahh, I’m loving it. 🙂

Doug and I sitting on top of the world. (Table Mountain, South Africa)
Doug and I sitting on top of the world. (Table Mountain, South Africa)

P.S.S Don’t forget to watch UNFILTERED tonight after Married At First Sight on FYI. I cannot believe some of the things these couples share with me about what is going on behind the scenes in their relationships! …You’re definitely not going to want to miss it! (Click here for previous episodes of UNFILTERED.)

Let me know: Do you think Ashley and David will be able to reconcile before Decision Day? Who do you think will choose to stay married on Decision Day? Sound off in comments below!

  1. I hope Trey and Vanessa give themselves more time, cause they are just beautiful together. They might need some “Bob Goff” coaching. David and Ashley have been excruciating to watch. Is it a video editing problem that she acts like a robot and he acts like Pollyanna? Lastly, Neil and Sam… Love that they are so quirky. I enjoy watching these two even when she was blunt. The matchmakers need some coaching before next season. Hope they get some folks with a sense of humor.

  2. I think they (Meaning Ashley) will agree to remain friends, although I don’t think that will happen either. She appears to be a REAL tough nut to crack. I think their personalities are just too far on one side (social, sensitive) to the other (held back, private). Ashley reminds me of my Scot/Irish ancestors, very tough and non demonstrative. They came across as uncaring, when in reality, they were loving people. I especially noticed this when she stated not to ‘dwell’ on the bad things. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard THAT!! LOL
    I wish them both well.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip. Sounds awesome!! Making memories XOXOXO

  3. I’m rooting for all 3 couples, but truly hoping Ashley will get her stuff together and realize that David is a good guy. Tres and Vanessa, I hope stay on their pathway together….Sam and Neil are my favorites and I hope they stay together too, I think they are good together….glad that you (Jamie) figured out that Doug is a great guy before it was too late……please stay away from your ex….no guy wants to have to deal with an ex lover….there isn’t enough room in your relationship for you, Doug and the ex….I;m older (61) and have lots of experience. I think you are both a great couple.

  4. No one stays together. I give you my observation from my take of the ladies. 1. Ashley is realistic. This is a television show and she has her nursing profession as the focus. She will remain committed to the process but her emotions will remain guarded. Once the show is over she’ll celebrate her success as a graduated nurse (Yeah!) and enjoy her temporary star attention (twitter-sweeter and instagram-dram) till she settles back into real-life normalcy.

    2. Vanessa is like popcorn. Every time heat is applied to her relationship she pops a kernel. A divorce is best suited for her mental state as she considers spending a year or two in therapy working on her “trust” issues.

    3. Samantha is a panther. Her relationship seems the most normal of all of the three couples, yet her claws are out much too often as she scratches out the sweetness of her quiet husband (love that guy, his character is so attractive). Everyone has flaws but Samantha’s match is quite the catch. After she’s viewed the re-runs she’ll realize that much of her “bad” behavior contributed to Neil being confused. If she could have tried to be a bit kinder or perhaps at least share a “few” kisses things would have probably blossomed. A man can admire a cute kitty but he is not going to invest his heart just to get it clawed.

  5. No one stays together. I give you my observation from my take of the ladies. 1. Ashley is realistic. This is a television show and she has her nursing profession as the focus. She will remain committed to the process but her emotions will remain guarded. Once the show is over she’ll celebrate her success as a graduated nurse (Yeah!) and enjoy her temporary star attention (twitter-sweeter and instagram-dram) till she settles back into real-life normalcy.

    2. Vanessa is like popcorn. Every time heat is applied to her relationship she pops a kernel. A divorce is best suited for her mental state as she considers spending a year or two in therapy working on her “trust” issues.

    3. Samantha is a panther. Her relationship seems the most normal of all of the three couples, yet her claws are out much too often as she scratches out the sweetness of her quiet husband (love that guy his character is so attractive). Everyone has flaws but Samantha’s match is quite the catch. After she’s viewed the re-runs she’ll realize that much of her “bad” behavior contributed to David being confused. If she could have tried to be a bit kinder or perhaps at least share a “few” kisses things would have probably blossomed. A man can admire a cute kitty but he is not going to invest his heart just to get it clawed.

  6. Ashley and David-NO! Idk what Ashley thought she was signing up for! David seems so nice. Ashley, not so much! She comes off rather cool and aloof.
    Sam and Neil-YES! I Love these two together! My fav couple. Both are really trying hard.
    Tres and Vanessa-NO! They seemed like a sure thing but they just aren’t good together!

  7. I’m hoping for Tres and Vanessa they having been doing great. I hope Sam and Neil make it. But as for Ashley and David, to me, she just won’t open up. Every week I keep wondering why she signed up for this.

  8. First let me say that I love reading your blogs Jamie! I can’t wait until you and Doug start your family! I think that Tres and Vanessa will definitely choose to stay married and I also think that Sam and Neil will be staying married as well! I never would have thought at first there was even a chance of those 2 staying together. I have to say now though that since Sam has changed, I really like her now! As for David and Ashley, I just don’t see them staying together. I know David wants that, but she just doesn’t seem to be wanting it at all. I guess we will see! I think I did see something that looked like they might have kissed? Wow! If that is true that will shock everyone! LOL Have a great time on your trip!

  9. There is no way Ashley and David will stay together…she will use the him texting another woman as her crutch. She hasn’t been in it from day one, but I’m not wholly convinced he is doing much more than acting for the camera. I feel bad for Ashley however since she’s receiving such extreme bitterness and hostility from the internet. The other two couples…they’ll stick together I’m predicting.

  10. Seriously??? The family’s of the cast have blabbed their drama so much it is easy to see who doesn’t make it and who does. No for Ashley & David Yes for Sam & Neil and a big ??? for Vanessa & Tres. Waiting on the 6 month update show. That tells the true story doesn’t it! These experts need experts themselves.

  11. I think Ashley and David will split. Neil and Sam will stay together and tres and Vanessa will stay together. I feel really sorry for David because he never had a chance. Ashley never should have been part of this experiment as she is too introverted to get to know someone this quickly

  12. David and Ashley. I don’t know about these two. With David it just seems like he’s hiding something – kinda like a kid who’s hand got caught in the cookie jar – I don’t really trust him. Ashley deserves better. It seems like he’s more likely to go behind her back again since he did it once already. How can you regain trust in a week and half anyways? Red flags just keep popping up with David. I hope I’m wrong but after all, this is TV and with all the editing and such it’s hard to take it at face value.

    Unfiltered is fun to watch. You seem very comfortable with being a host and you’re doing a great job.

    Keep having fun in SA. If you don’t get to swim with real sharks get Doug an inflatable shark and put a check mark on that list! HA!

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