Married At First Sight BREAKING NEWS
No, it’s not that Vanessa Nelson and Tres Russell are preggers. (Although there is much speculation about this topic right now.) The big news is that I was in Hotlanta (which is apparently a very annoying way to refer to Atlanta – sorry natives! lol) last week chatting it up with every single person from season 3 of Married At First Sight. FYI is going to air our chats immediately after each episode so yall have the chance to hear from the participants themselves. They share exactly how they felt and what they were thinking while they filmed each episode. And let me just tell you now, I found out things that are so surprising and shocking my mouth hit the floor. Other things I heard filled my heart with joy and happiness – but of course it wasn’t hunkey dorey for all of them – there was some sadness revealed while filming these episodes, too. No doubt I was on the edge of my seat hearing from these couples. You guys have got to watch this! Set your DVR’s to record “Married At First Sight: Unfiltered” every Tuesday night!
The Struggle Is Real
Back to the recaps. Neil Bowlus and Sam Role are still having a tough time getting on the same page. They don’t have their own home yet. (HUGE red flag if you ask me.) And when trying to work on their intimacy homework Sam literally cannot sit still and look her hubs in the eyes for longer than a few seconds before she wrinkles her nose and goes cross eyed. It’s not just intimacy that’s an issue. She complains about Neil being passive-aggressive, too.
Neil is beginning to break. He shares “It hurts my feelings that … Sam is making faces and making light of the situation. I need someone who is going to take me seriously.” Ahh, my heart hurts watching these two struggle as newlyweds.
Thank God for having more than one homework assignment to lean on during the experiment. While this couple sucked at quietly connecting while touching knees and hands they find better luck with their next assignment. Greg encouraged them to cook a traditional jewish meal (Sam’s roots).
Believe it or not, these two actually NAILED IT! It’s not just that they didn’t burn the food – they were chatting and laughing and having a grand time TOGETHER. And that matzah ball soup and those potato latkes looked delish – just sayin’! (Random Fact: the first time my hubs, Doug, was sick while married to me was a few weeks after our experiment ended. I had been kinda dating a jewish man prior to marrying Doug so I had matzah ball soup mix in my cupboard. I made it for Doug and he fell in love with the jewish soup (and I began falling in love with him) … neither of us are jewish. Ha.

Growing Closer
While Neil and Sam were enjoying the meal they just cooked together Sam begins to open up to Neil. She confesses she never thought she’d run out of time with her grandmother. When her dad encouraged her to come home to visit her grandma she kind of just poo-poo’d it thinking he was just overreacting. She shares her heartbreaking story about never having the chance to tell her grandma what she needed to tell her before she died in her arms.”She started to deteriorate, and then the day that I went and saw her, there are things that I never got to say to her that I always wish I could have said, but it was too late. It was too late,” Sam cried. “I am telling you that as much as you think you don’t need to say certain things or you don’t need to express certain things because you’re going to be able to have that time, it’s not true.” Neil looked at Sam with empathy. But you could also see a bit of ‘OMG, my wife was just serious and emotionally intimate with me!’ They had a GIGANTIC breakthrough. Who knew matzah balls and potato latkes could break through so many walls? Who knew? Greg knew! 😉
Will Sam Begin To Fall For Neil?
I hate that I kinda know the ending now because I can’t share my predictions anymore. I don’t want to spoil it for yall so let me just quote Sam on this one “I feel myself growing closer, I feel we actually are a unit now.” 🙂
MAFS Cooking
Is it just me or is the third season of Married At First Sight killin’ it in the kitchen compared to the first two seasons? (Yes, I can admit I am just now learning how to cook!) *Hangs head in shame* Lol. No, but really! These guys have some serious cooking skills. Even Tres, the self professed bachelor, has some yummy recipes up his sleeve! He made a taco salad that looked amazeballs to me! Vanessa wasn’t digging it, though. Maybe it was the Doritos. Or maybe it’s because she actually knows how to cook. Lol
Doggy Love and Painting Fun
These two continue to make me swoon. I mean, c’mon, Tres is willing to go to one of those BYOB painting classes with Vanessa. So adorbs! And, when it’s obvious little Nola needs some dog training (she’s pooing and peeing everywhere) they bring the pup to the trainer together. They seem to be a match made in heaven to me! Vanessa agrees, “I feel like we are finally a real married couple.” WOAH, it’s only been one month! It took Doug and I took nearly a year to feel that way. Apparently it’s not too fast for this couple. Even Tres says he “prays to God to bless our marriage everyday.”
Stop it, you two. Just kidding. I love it – keep it coming! You give me hope in love at first sight. I wasn’t a believer, but if you two make it I will become one.

Unattraction and Awkwardness
More Breaking News: Ashley Doherty isn’t attracted to David Norton. Ok, so it isn’t exactly big news for me or you or anyone else for that matter, but apparently it was for David. (C’mon buddy, you couldn’t tell before?! The ‘I can barely look you in the eye let alone let you kiss me’ vibes she was flaring didn’t reveal any subliminal messages?!) 😉 He hated the way he found out: Dr. Joseph telling him. He said he would’ve preferred his wife telling him. Well, this is awkward. How do you tell your new hubs that you just aren’t physically attracted to him? If you were me you’d just blurt it out in an awkward conversation off camera. Ashley has way more grace (and genuine concern for her stranger hubby’s feelings) than I did when it comes to this. Too bad it bit her right in the behind.
“I’m more hurt that I find out from someone else,” he argued with Ashley, who said that was the exact thing she was trying to avoid and why she hadn’t brought it up. But that didn’t cut it for David who snapped “So you had someone else do it?!” He continued, “I didn’t sign up for Best Friends at First Sight. That’s not what I wanted. I wanted a wife.”
This sounds like a lose-lose situation. The bottom line is that it hurts and sucks when there isn’t immediate physical attraction. How do you get past it? (I’m writing a book that touches on this topic.) When a couple is doomed with the lack of attraction from the beginning it’s either just never going to work out OR they will come out of the experiment with a bond that is built on friendship, respect, and loyalty – and love can grow from there. (At least that is what happened for Doug and me.) We shall see with these two.

Will Ashley grow attracted to David?
Again, it really stinks that I know the answer to this. (At least I think I know. Things can always change for the better or for the worse.) I’ll let Ashley answer this question: “I can’t answer that right now, but I can say that I feel like things are stacked up against us.”
If you were in Ashley’s shoes how would you have handled the “I’m not attracted to my husband” scenario? What would you think if you were in David’s shoes? Sound off in the comments below!
I just do not understand Ashley! She has not for one moment acted like she wanted David to be anywhere near her, almost appears as if he repulses her, and now she complains that he was not by her side at this 4th of July picnic? How the heck is he supposed to know what she wants from him? And she doesn’t tell him until afterwards! I also don’t feel the experts are doing much to help these couples develop communication skills. I can’t wait to see if any of these couples stay together. I think Neil and Sam do,
I am a new nurse,so, in my opinion Ashley should have not been a part of this experiment. It wasn’t fair to David or her. For those who hvnt trudged through (and survived) not only going to nursing classes, clinicals, but passing boards…it will CONSUME your life frm start to end if you intend on earning your degree! It’s kinda sad because they may hv had a better chance, regardless, of the initial “unattractive” feelings…..I think you can attest to that, Jamie, …btw….L❤VE the jewelry and u did an awesome job hosting!
YES, nursing is tough. Sounds strange, but I don’t think she realized how much work MAFS would be. Maybe her judgment was clouded from too many nights pulling all-nighters for a big test the next day. lol ….Thanks SO much!! 🙂 xoxo
I just love the show. Vanessa and Tres are really great. I hope this experience works out. These two looking for the same thing. They may not know right now that they have found it in each other. Great match experts! I see things happening with Neil and Sam. More hugs and some light kisses would do wonders for these two. David and his bride is a problem. He is a nice looking guy with a heart of gold. How long can someone mistreat someone before they give up. Ashley made up her mind at first sight that she did not like David and through these past 4 weeks she has proven it. How can anyone hope to make a go of things when you cannot stand the touch of someone (hubby) really. Don’t think this union will end well. I think she may regret her decision if she decides to end the marriage.
My clearly unpopular opinion is that David is not trying to get to know Ashley. He does not ask her questions about herself, her childhood, or try to get to know who she is. He makes everything about him. The day his mom came over and they spent the entire day making her look at his childhood photo albums and watch home movies made me absolutely cringe.
He is so pushy re: the physical relationship, especially in contrast to Neil’s patience with Sam. Ashley’s non-verbal communication SCREAMS that she is not interested in touching or kissing him, but he doesn’t seem care about her feelings or what she wants. He is happy to pressure and guilt her into physical contact while still playing the “nice guy” act. The “going in for the kiss” on the ferris wheel was so uncomfortable – again, it was what he wanted with no attempt to be perceptive of her feelings.
Ashley is obviously the “villain” of this season, but this is someone who was a social worker and is now training to become a nurse – she’s literally spent her entire life in the helping professions. It does not compute that she is just a cold, uncaring bitch. There is a side to David a lot of people aren’t seeing.
I don’t know why I’m so invested in this show!
I hear ya girl! When I watch the show I see that David seems pushy, too. I feel like I understand Ashley because I needed so much time to kinda digest it. David, bless his soul, just wants to be HAPPILY married immediately. lol
I love that you and Doug worked out but im very skeptical about is why are you still using your maiden name? Jewelry? Websites? Everything is with your maiden name why not do things with your married name?
First let me say…everyone needs Jamie Otis Jewelry! I love mine! Second…thanks Jamie for giving us this intimate peek, behind the cameras. I can’t imagine how difficult this process would be. I just hope that all 3 couples, truly give it the time it deserves. Love doesn’t always grow overnight. It can take time & nurturing, like a fine garden, to grow strong & to reap the full benefits of its rewards. Maybe after the cameras are gone & the world isn’t watching anymore, it will be easier for them all, to finally open up & be more relaxed & “real” perhaps? I would know, that if I were on camera, I would be different. Knowing the world was judging me…I’d be more apt to being someone better than I truly am. Just saying. So my hope is that these couples truly give love time to grow. Even friendship takes time, after all. Thanks Jamie for the inside look!
Oh my goodness! My heart is so happy! I am so glad you like it so much!!! …if you want to leave a review in my store I wouldn’t mind at all… 😀 lol THanks so much for ordering from me. I am so HONORED and HAPPY that you like my designs and jewelry! xx
Everyone is all David is so great, Ashley is being so mean, but I find the opposite. He is pushing her to act and feel something for him just because she signed on for an experiment. If he was a little more like Doug was with you, and allowed her to open up on her time without expecting/pushing it, perhaps it could happen. I agree that she seems the most level headed and practical and seems to want to think things through. I just think it is a bad match and she is trying in the best way she can without being rude, but to me he comes off as a desperate man.
There were rumors that Vanessa was pregnant? I didn’t even know this
Jamie, please excuse my manners, Thank you for all you do to keep us posted on our couples. I wish we could see more of you and Dough (my personal favorite couple), and Jason and Courtney too. I do hope the producers at MAFS give David another shot at wedded bliss if he wants it. I just don’t think Ashley was ready for anybody!
haha, thank you Annette! 🙂
I was not attracted to my husband at first either. Engaged to someone else, but blooming friendship with Mr. Right, I broke the engagement 1 week before the wedding and Mr. Right proposed when he heard the news. I accepted and we were married the day after the original wedding was to be. That marriage lasted 30 years until that wonderful precious man died in my arms. He was the best friend I ever had…and I miss him desperatly. Friendship is what gets you through the speed bumps in a marriage…love comes and goes many times!!! That is the honest truth. David be patient and Ashley, let that friendship grow!
I agree David Be PATIENT! Ashley is feeling overwhelmed!!
Ashley is disgusting! I enjoy the other couples but when its time for her I actually cringe. She whines, is straight up mean to David(who is very nice & cute as hell)…If she’d take her eyes off her own reflection she might see the great person David really is. All she can say is ‘he’s so unlike what I usually go for in a man…’ How did those work out for you, Ashley? Hmmm. Ever consider IF you had been picking the right kinds of guys you wouldn’t have ended up on MAFS??? just a thought…
Love the recap u tell us the little things we don’t see thanks
🙂 xoxo
David is a good man. Not to many left. Ashley hold on to what you got because before you can count 123 some woman will have him.
Everything is a process I hope all 3 stay together.
I agree with the Nursing School theory to an extent being a nurse myself, however, I feel Ashley just gave up right away. She didn’t feel sparks and attraction and that sealed the deal for her. She dismissed herself the day of the wedding and I would have concern that such a quick and abrupt decision is not a good quality in a marriage mate. I don’t think they will make it. I also feel bad for David who deserved to at least have a chance and I don’t think that ever happened for them.
Yay so excited can’t wait to see and blog about this on my blog love Maya
yesss!!! 🙂
Like many of the people on Season 2, Ashley also lied to the experts and/or is lying to herself about what she wants. I absolutely cannot figure out why she joined the experiment when nursing school is her priority!?!? She totally wasted everyone’s time and efforts. She’s really childish and cruel She must be so frustrating for the experts,
Why don’t y’all use your married last names still?
It’s 2016, there are plenty of reasons that women choose not to give up their last name and identity once married. Personally, I am very attached to my last name, which is rather unique and I would have a hard time giving it up for my boyfriend’s super common “Johnson”. Doesn’t have to mean anything more than that. Why aren’t you asking Doug to take Jamie’s last name?
Vanessa and Tre are absolutely adorable and I hope are married for 80 years. I love seeing how respectful, open and sweet they are.
I hope Sam gets to a point where she can get beyond acting silly. They are both quirky so could be a perfect couple.
Ashley is so cold and unfeeling to others feelings that I was shocked to hear she would be a nurse.
Maybe 1 out of the 3 marriages will work.
Ashley, there is nothing normal in the world until you get past nursing school and passing boards! Nursing school clouds your judgment in just about everything.
agreed. lol
I think even though she wasnt attracted to him she still should have tried the experiments and stop acting like a little child in preschool eww he’s got cooties he ugly to me. he is a very nice looking man with a great personality to boot. if she really would have tried the experiments like touching knees and holding hands really give it a chance she might have started getting feelings for him. again I feel sorry for her patients if she becomes a nurse its really hands on caring about people to become a good nurse she doesnt have that for people in general she still acts young she has a lot of growing up to do I hope they do work out for David he deserves a great lady I think he will make a good husband.
Oh such a bummer now that you know the result so you can’t keep us updated with your predictions. I hope they all try to make it work! Thanks for writing these.
Ashley seems to be a lot like Jamie where the attraction comes in. David is gorgeous she needs to give him a chance. David seems to be a lot like Doug in this situation. I hope they work out. I love all three couples.
I really wish David and Ashley could find their way! That pic of David though looks like he shaved his beard! I like it!
I feel so bad for David. He shows his patience,his willingness to carry on with this relationship. He has so much to offer the right woman, I just don’t think Ashley was honest to the experts with what she wanted. David is attractive, sweet, willing to be the provider, patient as a saint open and somewhat blind to what Ashley seems to want(not him). I feel he is a great catch and would be an awesome husband to a woman who appreciates him and what he brings to a relationship. I truly hope the experts can find another match for David after this season is over and allow him to try again. Another great quality he has is that he is originally from Buffalo( I was born and raised there) so I know he can’t be half bad…lol